The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 908: King to king

"Sister! Such a person is also worthy of your suicide?" The words fell, and a hand grabbed Xu Ziyan's arm and said: "Sister, you tell me who he is, I am going to kill him with you!"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "You and I went to kill him? Are you not abandoning others?"

The face of the young man suddenly changed, and his look became extremely sad. He slowly released the hand holding Xu Ziyan’s arm, and his eyes were confused. Seeing his appearance, Xu Ziyan’s heart was soft and softly said:

"If you regret this, why did you abandon her?"

"Because my strength is not enough, I can't protect them. They respect me as the king, but I escaped at the crucial time! Although I was caught by my ancestors, but if I have enough strength, who would dare to kill me? People?"

"Wang... who?"

Xu Ziyan looked at the opposite youth with a stunned look. After a while, he reacted. Is this young man opposite the Xu family of the Central Plains? They were not extinct, and after all, some people escaped.

"You are... the king of the ancient Xu family?" Xu Ziyan asked.

“Not bad!” The young man took a deep breath: “Does the sister know that the flames are flowing?”

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded. The look on her face was a bit weird. She didn't think she would be against Wang in the Central Plains.

"We have more than 20,000 people in the family who have been ravaged by flames. There are only over 800 people who have escaped. We escaped from the secret road and disguised ourselves as a disguise."

"where is this place?"

“This is the secret of our Xu family, in the forest of the Rose in the west of Alchemy.”

"The king!"

A figure suddenly fell from the top. Gazing at the body of Xu Ziyan, and then shouted to the young man:

“How can you tell your stranger and your location here strangely? Don’t you know that this will bring disaster to the family?”

The young king was reddened by the old man when he was on the scene, and Ai Ai did not know what to say. Xu Ziyan’s gaze was swept away on the old man’s body, and he saw that the other party was an early repairer. I also know that the old man in front of me is the ancestor of the Xu family in the Central Plains. And at this time. The ancestors of the gods looked at Xu Ziyan with caution, and snorted:

"Who are you? Why are you here? What have you done to our king?"

The look of Xu Ziyan was cold, and he was actually reprimanding two Xu family kings? Although he does not know that he is the king of the Lotus Peak, but this young man in front of him is the king of their Central Plains Xu family? How can a family of Xu family reprimand their king? It seems that the king of the Xu family in the Central Plains did not establish his own prestige. I am afraid that his words in the Central Plains Xu family does not have much weight?

"Who are you?" Xu Ziyan said coldly.

"I mean... the elders of the Xu family. Who are you? Forget it, it doesn't matter who you are. Since you already know the secrets of our family, you are only dead here!"

Xu Ziyan was mad at him at once, and the tone of a monk in the early days of a **** was not small. Xu Ziyan was too lazy to pay attention to him, but turned to look at the young man, condensed and said:

"What is your name?"

"Word... Xu Xingfan!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a sorrow, a king of the descendants of the ancient Xu family. Already used to a fake surname, not Xu surname. Xu Ziyan’s face is awesome:

"Xing Fan, you are the king of Xu family, who dares to reprimand you! Even if he is the elder of the Xu family! The king must have the majesty of the king."

Xu Xingfan’s look is a glimpse, and some slyly said: “Sister...”

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I am not your sister, I am your aunt!"



More than 600 monks flew in the sea at Jinyun, and the sky was twilight. It is the morning glow. Every monk's face is windy and frosty. At first glance, it is a long time to live in the wild.

The thick clouds flowed under the feet, and there were clouds drifting from time to time. Although the faces of more than 600 people revealed a trace of exhaustion, they were more excited.

Xu Shu flew by Xu Haoce, looking at the front from time to time, turning his head and whispering to Xu Haoce:

"Uncle Uncle, let's go to the alchemy city, the king will not blame us?"

"Oh..." Xu Haoce’s eyes are full of longing: "Our king is showing excitement in the alchemy city. This is an exciting thing. How can we miss it. I have already passed the hope of the predecessors. I hope that the seniors will also go there. Alchemy City. Waiting for us to watch the Dandao Contest, then continue to hunt those big Luotian dog things!"

"Uncle!" Xu Xingjiao said softly: "We have killed more than a thousand Da Luotian disciples these days, which has caused the attention of Da Luotian. Da Luotian has begun to investigate this matter. We flew to the alchemy city. Will it be blocked by the Da Luotian monks? Are we still flying in the sky of the city?"

Xu Haoze nodded: "The star horn is quite good. From now on, our actions to kill Dalutian disciples are beginning to be dangerous. It is no longer as easy as it was at the beginning, and we can’t be in Da Luotian in the future. Spend in the chase! Waiting for the square in front of us, we will take the flying boat of Tianzhicheng there, and take a rest."

The clouds in front suddenly broke open, and several shadows appeared in the clouds, and only one voice screamed;

"The opposite monk immediately stopped and slowly came over for inspection!"

Xu Haoce's figure is a meal. Six hundred disciples behind him are neatly standing in the air. The nerves are already tight and ready to fight. The hurricane in the air blew through, and let the hearts of the people suffocate.

"We are the monks who went to the Alchemy City to participate in the Dandao Competition. Who are you? When you intercepted the monks who participated in the Dandao Competition, are you not afraid of the alchemy city?" Xu Haoce shouted.

The opposite monk was silent and continued to say: "We are only routinely checking. As long as you have no problem, we naturally will not stop you from participating in the Dandao competition."

"Who are you? Why do you check us?" Xu Haoce shouted as he snarled and looked around.

"We are the monks of Da Luotian. Recently, there is an inexplicable force killing our Da Luotian disciples. Therefore, we have sent several teams to investigate and ask the friends to forgive me."

At this time, the eyes of Xu Xingyu standing behind Xu Hao’s body suddenly changed into a pair of eagle eyes, sweeping around. The color on the face is a change, whispering to Xu Haoce:

"Uncle, the monks around Da Luotian are encircling us through the cover of the clouds!"

Xu Haoce’s face was changed, and he did not hesitate to convey to all the disciples: “The twelve elephants are in a big array, deformed, and flee to the clouds.”

The voice just fell, the surrounding clouds were broken, and countless Da Luotian monks rushed toward them.

The **** disciples of the six hundred monks immediately flew up and down in the air, but in an instant they laid out twelve elephants, and turned into five golden Dapeng, and the two wings shook in the direction of the sea of ​​clouds. Escape. And those who are not the blood of the disciples are standing on the golden Dapeng.


There was an angry drink around, and countless Da Luotian monks were surrounded by three sides, as if they were looking at an open pocket, they would tighten their pockets.

Suddenly the five golden Dapeng disappeared in the vision of the Da Luotian monk, and when it appeared, it had already flown hundreds of meters. It is Xu Xingchen and other blood disciples who will jump in the space to make a space magical power. The five golden Dapeng suddenly disappeared, and suddenly appeared, just two or three times, then flew out of the pocket and flew away.

A big Luotian monk looked at the five Dapeng who were far away, and his face was iron and green: "Brother, can we chase after it?"

The brother-in-law gave him a look: "The strongest monk here is just the beginning of distraction. You also saw that the five Dapeng will jump in space and not give them a bag. What do you want to chase now? The door reported that Zongmen sent a monk in the middle of distraction."

The younger brother said a little embarrassedly: "With the cultivation of those people, if you are wrapped in a pocket, you can kill them all by myself. However, what kind of supernatural power they are, they can instantly combine, The magical golden Dapeng escaped."

"I don't know!" The brother frowned and shook his head, but sneered in an instant and said: "However, like this apparent supernatural power, we must have recorded the big Luotian. Returning the situation back to Da Luotian, we will be able to I found out who is playing against us."

Five golden Dapeng flew a thousand miles, and the Xu family disciples on the back looked toward the rear. When they saw that there was no Da Luotian monk to catch up, they shouted to Xu Haoce:

"Uncle Uncle, the monk of Da Luotian did not catch up!"

"Fly to the left, let's go to Xiafangfang City! Take a separate boat to the Alchemy City."

"Uncle Uncle, we are still going to Alchemy City at this time, will it be recognized by the people of Da Luotian?"

"It’s been a long way apart. I can’t see each other’s faces. When we get a little more tolerant, there should be no problem.”

"Uncle, how can Da Luotian doubt us, block us here? Or are we unintentionally found us?"

Xu Hao’s strategy slightly contemplates: “Despite these days, although we killed more than a thousand disciples of Da Luotian, there are also fish that slip through the net. Although they can’t recognize us, the size of 600 people still caused Their suspicions. It seems that after watching our Dandao contest, we should be divided into several groups of actions. Otherwise, 600 people will get together and the goal is too big!"

At this moment, there was a voice inside the golden Dapeng: "Uncle, there is a monk in the front of Da Luotian, but the number is small, there are dozens of people."

Xu Haoze made a decision in an instant: "All killed, one does not stay!"


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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