The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 918: The mood is ups and downs!

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When the long dark night finally passed, when the first sunshine came in from the door of the main hall, a group of gods came out of the body.

All the monks in the hall were relieved. If you are engulfing the **** of Yanshan soul, then you will never leave your own god. The one who will go out of the Yuanshen must be the soul of Yanshan. Sure enough, the Yuanshen slammed into the body of Yanshan Soul.

The body of the lost god, the bang of the body, changed and became a huge one-legged one-legged one-legged giant. It even put a big hole in the roof of the hall, and the entire hall of the council did not have the headless one. The one-legged giant has a half-legged leg. The whole body was swaying and towering into the sky.

Yanshan soul opened his eyes. Standing up from the chair, hands unfolded, a group of black gas was released from the hands of Yanshan Soul, and soon the one-headed one-legged one-legged man was shrouded inside. The huge, one-headed, one-armed, one-legged man gradually narrowed down in the black air. Finally, the person was reduced to the size of a person's front arm, and was taken into the body by Yanshan soul. Then I saw the violent volatility of the Yanshan soul, and the heaven and earth aura madly rushed toward the body of Yanshan.

Yanshan soul immediately sat on the ground with his knees, and the aura of the day quickly formed a huge vortex with the soul of Yanshan as the center. Yanshan soul actually broke through after the engulfing the **** of the gods!

There are half of the eyes of everyone, and half of them are worried. What is embarrassing is that the age of Yanshan is about to reach the age of distraction at the age of less than 30 years old. It is only one step away from the ranks of the Mahayana period. The worry is that this Yanshan soul is not the soul of Yanshan, but it is awkward. Although Yanshan Soul is now making a breakthrough, who knows if it will be a trick, and it will expire?

After another day, the breakthrough of Yanshan Spirit is finally over. A repair has already reached the late stage of distraction. Yanshan soul stood up from the ground and looked at Xu Ziyan. Before I even waited for Xu Ziyan to speak, I turned my head and looked at the Yecheng, the main sect of the Central Plains, and said coldly:

"Yecheng, you do good deeds!"

Ye Cheng’s sweat ran down. How did he not know that Yanshan’s soul had swallowed up the sacred god, and he already knew what he had turned into a Yanshan soul to deceive and attempt to kill Xu Ziyan. I didn’t know what to say for a while, and my face became awkward. but. He also didn't have much fear. After all, Xu Ziyan did not die, and he couldn’t make more compensation for himself. He then paid for Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan, but this person was lost.

However, he did not think of the deep feelings of Yanshan soul for Xu Ziyan, where the tolerance of Xu Ziyan was a little bit wronged! What's more, Ye Cheng not only hurt Xu Ziyan's life, but also gave Xu Ziyan a lot of pain. Yanshan soul is a master who does not suffer from childhood. He does not want to provoke others, it is already a miracle. Now that I have grown up, my temper has calmed down a lot. But the hot and brutal cruelty in the bones has not changed in the slightest.

I saw Ye Cheng sitting there. Yanshan soul turned over and took out the black head. Growing up in an instant, the rumbling rumbled toward Yecheng.

That Yecheng originally had a loss, but it was not easy to fight back, and his body shape flashed. It flashed out. Only a bang was heard in the ear, and a chair was smashed.

Han Dan’s face is so gloomy that he can drip out the water. This century-old Dandao contest is also too embarrassing. Not only was Wang Liyun ordered nearly 5,000 disciples to seal the four sides of the alchemy city, but now the Yanshan soul is also in the alchemy city, and in the altar of the alchemy city, in front of the city of his alchemy city. What makes him majestic? It is the four great dare not dare to do it in the alchemy city, but also give him a face of Han Dan. If it weren't for the particularity of Yanshan's soul, he had already slapped the past.

Therefore, Han Dan’s body shape flashed, and he stopped the Yanshan soul. He asked coldly:

"Yan Daoyou, what are you doing?"

"You ask him!" Yanshan soul anger is waiting for Yecheng.

At this time, all the monks in the hall of the House looked at Yecheng strangely, and did not know how he had offended the soul of Yanshan. And the offense is so embarrassing, so that Yanshan soul does not care about the spot on the spot.

Ye Cheng also knows that this thing can't be passed away. With the particularity and strength of Yanshan Soul, today this person is lost. So, he casually grasped how he was caught by the shackles, was banned, how to force himself to become the appearance of Yanshan soul, to say the things of Xu Ziyan.

After listening to this narrative, Xu Zi slammed up from the chair, and when he was swaying, he stood side by side with Yanshan Soul. The water in his right hand had already produced a long sword. Eyes angered at the city of Yecheng. The other monks also looked at Yecheng with disdain. They did not think of the sovereignty of the three masters of the Central Plains. A monk who was at the peak of the distraction would do such a despicable thing. However, they thought of it, and there was another horror in their eyes. I don’t know what it would be if I had a slap in the face!

Han Dan listened, but also a bitter smile, turned his head and looked at Yecheng with disdain. This is said softly:

"Yan Daoyou, the grievance between you and Yecheng, we will not manage the alchemy city, and I don't think anyone in the room will take care of it!"

Of course, the people present here will not be in charge. On the one hand, they despise the behavior of Yecheng, on the other hand, this matter involves the soul of Yanshan. Today's Yanshan soul is extremely high in their hearts. The ancient ruins are waiting for him to open. In this case, how can they be willing to offend Yanshan soul?

"But, Yan Daoyou, Alchemy City is not allowed to do it. This is the rule that has been passed down since ancient times. This rule can not be broken! Please also ask Yandaoyou to wait for Yecheng to leave the alchemy city, you are liquidating with him. Your grudges."

Yanshan soul also knows the rules of the three major cities, but he is still very reluctant. The tiger said coldly:

"So if he ran from the alchemy city, is Alchemy responsible? Or he lived in Alchemy for a lifetime. I will wait for him forever?"

Listening to the soul of Yanshan is not polite, Han Dan is also annoyed. Mind, even if you are the person who opened the ancient ruins, isn’t it so arrogant? It is not easy to say whether there are any medicinal herbs in the ancient ruins that can help the monks to ascend. It is that there are people who have a Mahayana period, and I may not be able to get them. Thinking of this, I also sink a face:

"The rules are like this. I have no way."

Yanshan soul heard the words, looked at the look of Han Dan, a little thought, then I understood the mind of Han Dan, cold and smiled:

"Cold Lord, I just got a message from the **** of the gods, do you want to hear?"

Han Dan is a glimpse. He didn't understand why Yanshan's soul turned so fast. When he didn't know how to answer it, he heard Yanshan soul say:

"According to the message from the gods of the Yuan Dynasty, the ancient ruins of the three major cities are a three-story seal!"

The words of Yanshan soul are exported. The monks in the hall of the House of Representatives are all shocked by the spirit, and they look at the soul of Yanshan. That Han Dan asked:

"What is that big seal?"

The eyes of Yanshan soul swept through the crowd in turn, staying in Yecheng for a while, and the face of Yecheng was changed. Yanshan soul, this will finally stay in the face of Han Dan, said faintly:

"The seal in the ancient ruins is the aura! It is the aura of the vast continent!"

This thing was originally speculated by Yanshan Soul, but it is now said in this way. Increase credibility.

The body of everyone is a shock. Then there is some sluggishness. The solitary smoke of Ximen first responded, and stood up from the chair with a bang, stepping forward two steps, staring at the soul of Yanshan:

"What do you mean? The reason why the aura on the mainland is so thin is not natural. It is man-made. Is someone sealing the aura on the mainland with a large array? If we can open the big array, the aura of the entire continent. Will it be restored?"

When I heard the question of the solitary smoke in Ximen, all the monks in the hall were not calm. Originally thought that there were only some treasures in the ancient ruins, I still don't know how many, can I get it. Nowadays, I listen to Yanshan’s soul and seal the aura of the mainland. As long as the big battle is opened, the aura of the ancient times will be restored on the mainland.

This means that everyone in the room, everyone on the entire continent will benefit enormously. As long as the Cangwu mainland restored the aura concentration in the ancient times, these elites within the hall naturally can break through the peak of the late Mahayana period and fly to the fairy world.

So everyone is excited. The masters of these vast continents are always the masters of the sky, and they are completely calm at this time. At this point, the importance of the Yanshan soul need not be said, it is more important than before. The people inside the hall looked at each other and looked at Han Dan. That is very obvious, that is, the cold city master you look at it. If you have offended the soul of Yanshan because of this incident, people will not do it, and you are a sinner on the mainland.

At this time, Ye Cheng’s heart was lifted up. He has already seen the attitude of everyone, and this is to push the wall down! If he does not save himself, I am afraid that his life will be accounted for here. So, hurriedly said:

"Yanshan soul, even if things are as you said, I don't believe you don't want to fly! As long as you want to fly, it is not the same to open the ancient ruins!"

When the monks heard it, they felt that it was such a thing for a while, and the look on their face relaxed. Yanshan looked at Yecheng with disdain and said faintly:

"Of course I have to fly, of course, to open the ancient ruins. But, don't forget, my age is still small, I can wait. It will not be too late to start again for thousands of years, anyway, I can afford it!"

The monk's look inside the hall was tense again.

correct! The soul of Yanshan is less than 30 years old. He can wait for thousands of years to go to the temple. At that time, these people in the hall may have returned to the dust. Yanshan soul can wait, they can't wait! These people’s eyes were fiercely directed at Yecheng.

It’s just that between the short breaths, the mood of the great monks who are calling for the rain on the vast mainland is called an ups and downs...


The first is more, today is three! Call for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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