The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 922: Hope is a vine!

I am very grateful to Lan Yan confidant (999), Xuantian Ziwei Xingjun (100), 8 bun classmates (100) to reward!


"There is no business in the sky, the temple will not pick up, purple smoke, you say, what business is it?" Simon smoked the smoke.

"Da Luotian wants to kill us all of us. Just now all the seniors have already heard it. Since they are so arrogant, they can't blame us for being unjust. The predecessors of Ximen, the younger generation wants to come out in the temple of heaven. Publish the mission, hire the world's monks to kill Da Luotian's disciples. Is this no problem?"

The heart of the solitary smoke in Ximen had already thought of what Xu Ziyan thought, and naturally he immediately promised. Wang Woyun did not complain about the decisive promise of the solitary smoke of Ximen, because he knew that Tianzhicheng was originally doing this kind of business. However, the face still showed disdain, cold-sounding:

"A reward for killing my Da Luotian disciple? Hey, relying on the home of your Xu family? Is it to sell your entire Xu family, and can hire a few people to kill me a few big Luotian disciples?"

Xu Ziyan smiled lightly and threw a dozen storage rings to the solitary smoke in Ximen. He smiled and said:

"If you are tired of Ximen's predecessors, you should first post a task of 50 billion best spirits in Tiantian Temple!"

The surrounding monks were all looking at each other. The solitary smoke from the west gate took over the storage ring thrown by Xu Ziyan. The spirit was swept away. It turned out to be the 50 billion best stone. I looked at Xu Ziyan incredulously and then laughed loudly:

"Ha ha ha ..., purple smoke, did not think that you are so big! Even took out the 50 billion best spirit stone! Good! This task we want the temple to be next!"

The surrounding monks were affirmed by the solitary smoke of Ximen. I know that Xu Ziyan really took out the 50 billion best spirit stone. To know that when Xu Ziyan first went to Tiantian Temple to buy murderous people, Tiantian Temple gave Xu Ziyan a quote. The price of a monk monk was 500 million elite spirits, and the 50 billion elite stone was enough to kill one hundred. The monk of the gods. Or fifty distracted monks, if it is a Yuan Ying period monk, then more. If it is a knot period, or a base period monk, it is a disaster for Da Luotian.

Even killing is a distracted monk. That is enough to shake the foundation of Da Luotian. Fifty distracted monks, there are more than two hundred monks in the whole Da Luotian. Wang Liyun’s face changed, and he sneaked coldly and threw it to the dozens of storage rings of the solitary smoke in the air.

"We have a 60 billion best spirit stone to kill Xu disciples!"

Sixty billion of the best Lingshi, enough to kill Xu disciples a few back and forth, but the look of Xu Ziyan did not appear as a trace of panic as Wang Yuanyun thought, but a look of indifference, shrugged . Spread hands with one hand:

"It doesn't matter!"

Everyone saw it as a glimpse, but suddenly it was awkward. There weren’t many people in Xu’s family, and Xu Ziyan had already sent the disciples to the Lotus Peak. This meant that Xu Ziyan had already made plans, that is, people’s The contraction is not coming out. Just watching **** the Da Luotian disciple. You Da Luotian as a super sect, can you close the mountain like Xu?

Not coming out? How to guarantee the interests of Da Luotian? Maybe there will be monks assembled. One by one, they attacked the city of Da Luotian, and even grabbed the killing, not only robbed the resources of Da Luotian, but also killed the monk of Da Luotian, went to the Tianshen Temple to receive the reward, and caused the loss of Da Luotian. Anyway, all of this is secret, and it is secret to go to the reward. I am not afraid of Da Luotian.

come out? Then wait for being assassinated! I am afraid that from today on, Da Luotian’s disciples will be careful all the way as long as they are out of the sect. Conscience. Be extra vigilant. This kind of day is not a human being, let alone a high-spirited Da Luotian disciple who is very arrogant in the vast mainland. Will they adapt to their different new life?

Wang Liyun also wanted to understand the thoughts of Xu Ziyan. A face becomes even more ugly. Hate the robes and sleeves:

"Xu Ziyan, you will enjoy this period of time? After the Dandao contest, it is your day of death. Even if you are rewarded in the Tiantian Hall, you can't see the result of the reward. However, I can tell The result is that Da Luotian will not disappear, but your Xu family will surely perish."

Xu Ziyan shrugged again and spread his hands without words. But the meaning is very clear, that is clearly said, waiting for you!

Wang Liyun’s robes and sleeves left, and the surrounding monks nodded with Xu Ziyan and Yanshan, and then left. That is, the solitary smoke of Ximen did not come down. After just nodding at Xu Ziyan, he happily took dozens of storage rings and flew away.

Xu Ziyan looked at the departure of the monks, and smiled at the Yanshan soul. He returned to the door and walked into the room of Xu Ziyan. Just sitting down, Yanshan soul asked with some anxiety:

"Ziyan, can you really refine a product of Xiandan?"

Xu Ziyan nodded and said: "There should be no problem. I have repeatedly learned these times in my mind these days, but I have only refining myself."

Yanshan soul frowned slightly: "Then why don't you refine it a few times, or how can you be sure?"

Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly: "I want to refine the elixir, but I have to have materials? I have several kinds of herbs for refining the elixir, but not enough! Even if it is the simplest elixir, it is still a few a medicinal material."

"The same is true!" Yanshan soul nodded and nodded. "Since the aura on the mainland of the sky has been sealed, many elixir that can refine the elixir has disappeared."

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan’s heart is a movement, and his face is excited and asks: “Mountain Spirit, do you say that the ancient relics are full of aura?”

"Of course! The aura on the mainland of the sky has been sealed for hundreds of millions of years in the ancient ruins of the Three Great Passes, where the aura must be extremely rich."

Speaking of this, Yanshan soul looks a glimpse, and then stunned: "Ziyan, do you mean that there will be a variety of refining medicinal herbs?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded his head, his eyes shining brightly: "Do you say there will be?"

Yanshan soul thought for a while, nodded and said: "I think there should be, and a lot."

"That would be great!" Xu Ziyan hit the palm of his hand and his face was flying.

At this time, Yanshan soul seems to be not so reassured about Xu Ziyan's alchemy. In fact, it is no wonder that Yanshan soul is worried, after all, it is refining Xiandan. Slightly indulged, Yanshan soul stood still, softly said:

"Ziyan, you have a good rest today, tomorrow is the Dandao contest, I am going to sign up for you."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and smiled: "Soul of the mountain, I forgot to sign up for this time." Speaking of it, I stood up from the chair:

"Let's go, let's go together. I am here for the first time in this alchemy city. Let's take a look."

The snow has stopped, and a red sun hangs in the air, and the sun that scatters falls on the snow, reflecting the sparkling light.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul walked side by side on the road of Alchemy City, swaying along the main street all the way to the signing of the Dandao Competition to the Alchemy City.

"Ziyan, you will hope that they will be sent back to the Lotus Peak with Xiaobai. How can your safety be guaranteed?" Yanshan soul asked with some concern.

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Mountain Soul, when I first started out from the Northern Territory, I didn't have a hope for my predecessors. Although there was a little white, she was still weak at that time. I didn't live the same now? Nothing! ”

Seeing Xu Ziyan's light and light appearance, Yanshan soul still said with anxiety: "Ziyan, I know your thoughts, I have already inquired with the teacher, this ancient relic under the alchemy city really needs a product." Come on. If you can refine the elixir, it will become as important as I am. That is, Wang Woyun has to temporarily put down your hatred and give up your fight. Because it involves him Being able to fly, in the face of this problem, all hatred can be put down temporarily. But if you miss it..."

Looking at the look of Yanshan's soul worry, Xu Ziyan was warm in his heart. Reaching out the small hand and holding the big hand of Yanshan soul, whispered:

"Trust me! I won't miss it!"

Seeing the Yanshan soul is still a worried look, Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "Reassured, I hope that Xiaobai will not be able to come back in ten days. It is that I lost my hand and did not succeed in the Dandao contest. I must be with Wang Woyun. In the first battle, there are hopes that the predecessors are there, and I will not suffer."

Yanshan soul looks awkward: "Ziyan, are you not agreeing with Wang Woyun to fight with him alone? If you let hope, is it not a violation?"

“嗤~~” Xu Ziyan smiled lightly: “Hope is a vine? When I said that hope is my magic weapon, let hope become a body. I will hold a vine and Wang Woyun hard, no matter Who can't stop me from using the magic weapon?"

Yanshan looked at Xu Ziyan with a soul, and after a long ring, he laughed loudly.

Yanshan soul also put down the already nervous heart, and Xu Ziyan came to the registration of the Dandao contest with a smile.

Two people are all the way to the Dan Dao competition registration, how big this alchemy city! So when the two of them came to the registration office, the time was close to noon. Two people walked into the door and saw that it was cold and clear. Only one monk in the hall was cleaning up the things on the counter and had already walked out of the counter. When I saw Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul coming in from the door, they said impatiently:

"The registration has expired, go back!"

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul, the Yanshan soul looked at the monk and asked: "The deadline? How to open the door? You are still here?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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