The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 930: The entanglement of Wang Woyun

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In the five directions, there was a team of Da Luotian's monks patrolling, and twenty small ancient vines with the war hall disciples fluttered toward the five big Luotian patrol squads as windy. And hope that Xiaobai stood in the same place, quietly waiting for the news of the five-way warrior disciple.

Five Xu family squads, each of which had two distracted middle-aged and two ancient vines in the late stage of the gods, suddenly attacked the Da Luotian disciple who was patrolling along the street. Just a round, it will wipe out the five-way Da Luotian disciple. Then he flew up and smashed to the headquarters of Da Luotian, and hoped to smile with Xiaobai, and the volley flew.

After half an hour, Xiaobai waited for someone to leave the city and fly to the Lotus Peak. At this time, the hope is standing on the back of Xiaobai, and I want to return through the communication of jade.

In the city of Alchemy, Xu Ziyan put down the jade, and there was a trace of joy on his face. After listening to the report of hope, she has already told her hope that as long as she encounters the power of Da Luotian and the flames, she will all be uprooted.

I thought about where the demon king and the witch **** would be at this time. If they couldn’t understand it, they put down their minds and sat down on the chair. They passed the refining method of Xiandan again in the knowledge of God. Beginning to deduct the Wupin Lingbao in the inheritance.

So on the third day of the dawn. Xu Ziyan washed a bit and went to Dandao Competition with Yanshan Soul.

After entering the Dandao contest, the scene surprised Xu Ziyan. Originally thought that only 681 people participated in the second Pindan Road competition yesterday, did not expect to open the door to see. There are many monks in the arena, and there are more than 3,000 monks. Xu Ziyan was not clear, so he said to the monks who were around him:

"This friend!"

The monk originally adjusted his state with his eyes closed and listened to Xu Ziyan. Then he frowned slightly, and there was a slight disappointment on his face. When I opened my eyes, I saw that Xu Ziyan, who was refining the best of the spirits yesterday, immediately put on a smile and asked:

"Oh, it turned out to be Xu Daoyou. I don't know if you have anything to do with it?"

Xu Ziyan once again vowed: "Daoyou, I want to ask is that only 681 people were allowed to participate in today's Erjindan contest the day before yesterday? How can there be so many people?"

The monk smiled and said: "Xu Daoyou did not know. The 681 monks yesterday were only selected from the Yipin Dandao Competition to participate in the Erjin Dandao Competition. But in the previous sessions, they have accumulated. There are a lot of alchemy masters who have not broken through to Erjindan in these hundreds of years. Some alchemists here have participated in several Dandao competitions."

"Oh ~~, thank you Daoyou!"

After Xu Ziyan confessed his eyes, his eyes looked around and looked over. As I saw a lot of age, there were even a dozen old daggers. Xu Ziyan can not help but sigh. I thought that when they got the name of a product, they would have never thought of getting stuck in the door of the second product alchemy. One card is for hundreds of years!

Looking away, I saw Mei Ao Xue, who was not far away, staring at herself. Xu Ziyan shook his head slightly, and he couldn’t help but feel a sense of emotion. In which industry there is a fight!

It was a feeling that the elders of the alchemy city began to announce the rules of the second Pindan Road competition. The time given by the Erjindan Road Competition is three hours. It is also a lower-grade instrumental alchemy furnace, five fire spirits and eight herbs. But this time it is necessary to refine the second product.

In fact, I saw eight kinds of herbs on the front desk. Xu Ziyan already knows that this refining is the explosion of Dan. This is not difficult for Xu Ziyan. At the beginning, she had refining a large number of explosive spirits, and she was already familiar with the process of refining the explosion of Dan.

So when the elder announced the start of the contest, Xu Ziyan quickly slammed his fingers and released the fire charm at the bottom of the alchemy furnace.

At the same time, Mei Ao Xue, who is not far away, is also a finger-and-hook. The fire charm was released at the bottom of the alchemy furnace.

But at this time, all the monks in the stands focused on Xu Ziyan's body. After all, Xu Ziyan gave them a huge shock yesterday. Yesterday, most of the audience did not see Xu Ziyan alchemy, and when they noticed Xu Ziyan, it was the alchemy cover in front of Xu Ziyan that fell and made the sound of "When".

At this moment, all the audience began to pay attention to Xu Ziyan from the first moment, for fear of missing a moment. They all want to see how the Xu Ziyan, which is the best of the spirits, is different from others in alchemy.

Looking at it, it makes their hearts more shocking. That is because Xu Ziyan’s every move is full of rhythm, it is not like alchemy, like a dancing fairy, but also like the heartstrings of everyone, and those high-ranking monks have a hint of faintness in their hearts. As if all the movements of Xu Ziyan are interpreting the understanding of heaven.


Xu Ziyan’s left hand crossed a trajectory in the air and slammed on the alchemy furnace, which once again hovered and flew into the air. The right hand and five fingers flicked, and eight herbs fell into the alchemy furnace.

"When ~~"

The hovering lid in the air once again fell, and the alchemy furnace was tightly sealed. Everything is a repetition of yesterday's action, not the slightest delay caused by today's Erjin Dan, still as smooth as yesterday.


Another humming sound, but Mei Aoxue also took a shot on the alchemy furnace. Although her speed with herbs is slower than that of Xu Ziyan, this speed also makes the monks in the stands shine. As the audience is the most willing to see this evenly matched competition.

"When ~~"

The alchemy furnace cover fell, and it was also tightly stitched with the alchemy furnace. Mei Ao Xue smugly glanced at Xu Ziyan, but found that Xu Ziyan had closed her eyes slightly, and did not pay attention to her at all, which made her bite her teeth.

The audience also saw Mei Aoxue's actions and looks, and all of them were excited, and their eyes kept gliding back and forth between Xu Ziyan and Mei Aoxue. The atmosphere within the entire stadium has clearly increased a lot.

In the stands, Wang Liyun's face was unusually ugly, and there was a trace of uneasiness in his look. Even if he didn't know alchemy, he saw Xu Ziyan Alchemy yesterday! Today, the movement of Xu Ziyan is almost perfect with yesterday. This means that Xu Ziyan has no problem with the two-product alchemy teacher, so she has the qualification to challenge the three-inner alchemy. Moreover, with the appearance of Xu Ziyan lifting weights, it seems that there will be no problem in becoming a three-product alchemy teacher.

This can't help but let Wang Liyun's heart be very entangled. This is not only if Xu Ziyan is qualified as a triad alchemy teacher, if he becomes a disciple of Han Dan, he will realize his promise, cancel and Xu Ziyan after the Dandao contest. The battle of the battle. This matter is already a small matter for the current Wang Woyun, because Wang Woyun has this self-confidence. After three years, after the town is closed to the ancient ruins, he wants to destroy Xu Ziyan and Xu Jia. The thing that nails on the board.

Only then, if Xu Ziyan hides in the Lotus Peak, he needs ten or twenty distracted monks to sneak into the big array outside the Lotus Peak, and then break the release of Xu Ziyan. The seal seems to be closed. However, these losses are nothing compared to being able to completely erase the ancient Xu family.

Although Xu Ziyan has the help of Ximen Lonely Smoke and Yan Xingyun, but the West Gate Lonely Smoke and Yan Xingyun may not be able to help Xu Ziyan wholeheartedly, but they can pay some benefits even to the clouds. What's more, Xu Ziyan is not only an enemy of her own. Now the hatred between her and the rogue is not the same as the one who hired the flames, but the purple smoke and the flames have already formed a deadly hatred.

The flame rogue was originally a fierce existence on the mainland, and now the investigation shows that they have become believers of the witch god. The day of the Witch God became the power of display, even if Wang Liyun had some fears, and the kid who stole the river, he seemed to grow up very quickly. These are the forces that Wang Woyun can use. . It can be said that although Xu Ziyan showed her strength and strength outside the city of Alchemy, but the old monk like Wang Woyun, there is a strong strength behind the Luo Luotian, there is no small Xu Ziyan and weak Xu Jia In the eyes.

What he is most entangled at this time is the one hundred billion best spirit stone. If Xu Ziyan really became the three-in-one alchemy teacher, he would have to export to the 100 billion best spirit stone, before hiring the flame for three years to hunt the Xu family. It took Da Luotian's four billions of best spirits, and then gave the six hundred billion of the best solitary stones in Ximen, and hired the Tianshi Temple to release the reward of hunting the Xu family. Today, plus the 100 billion elite stone. The gambling, this is the 200 billion best stone.

For Wang Woyun and Da Luotian, this is not a small amount, but some hurts. This is simply to let Wang Liyun's heart drop blood, and to enter the ancient ruins in the future, you need to prepare a lot, which requires Lingshi. If you lose so many Lingshi at once, it will make Da Luotian's preparation work suddenly stretched. This will be weak when exploring the ancient ruins, which will lose the future of Da Luotian.

He is more and more entangled, and the eyes of Xu Ziyan on the court are full of murder. At this time, the Yan Xingyun was beaming, and from time to time a burst of laughter sounded. Continued to the west door of the solitary smoke, the thumb is praised:

"I still have the power of Ximen brother. This time I was divorced with Ximen. Look at this, Xu Ziyan should have no problem in passing the qualification of Sanpin Alchemy tomorrow. I did not expect to come to the alchemy city, not only to appreciate the purple smoke. Such an alchemy master can also accidentally send a small amount of money. The 50 billion best spirit stone, although in my eyes and a piece of the lower spirit stone is no different, that is, a little reward for the disciples of the disciples, but It’s also refreshing to be white! Hahaha...”


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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