The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 932: Grab a disciple

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One hundred and twenty-eight losers were cleared, and the remaining 3,456 people were awarded the title of two alchemy masters. When the elders on the high platform announced the news, the contestants who stayed on the field were full of emotions, and even a few old people burst into tears. Their efforts in this life finally paid off today. However, there are also a dozen monks who look indifferent. At first glance, they know that their goal is definitely not the second product alchemy teacher.

Next, the elders on the high platform announced the number of 3,421 people. These people are all refining products. Although they got the title of two alchemists, they lost. Eligibility for this year's San Pin Dan Competition.

At this time, everyone's eyes were concentrated on the remaining forty-four monks. Among the forty-four people, the dozens of monks who were indifferent to the past were all listed, and there was Mei Aoxue.

Among the forty-four people, the serial number of twenty-nine monks was announced. The twenty-nine monks refine the Chinese spirits. Sure enough, the remaining fifteen monks were just people who looked indifferently.

I saw the elder on the high platform picking up a jade bottle from the table and raising it high. The macro said:

" Among the remaining fifteen people, 14 of them were refining the top grades, and only one monk refining the best!"

Speaking of it. There was a tidal wave on the elder's face, and he shouted excitedly: "The best way to refine the spirit is the Zhongyuan Xu family, Xu Ziyan!"

On the field, in the stands. All the monks' eyes are concentrated on Xu Ziyan's body. Everyone's eyes are different. Envy and hate are flashing in the eyes of different people. But in comparison, there are still many envious people. There are fewer people, and there is less hate. Of course, in these hateful eyes, Wang Liyun’s eyes are especially hateful.

"Ha ha ha..." Suddenly there was a loud laugh from the stands. Everyone looked for the sound, but it was the Yan Xingyun who was laughing wildly, and the one corresponding to Yan Xingyun was Wang Liuyun's dead face.

Mei Aoxue's face changed on the court and he bowed his head. However, it is only an instant. She raised her head again, and her eyes were reluctant and unyielding. To the voice of Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Ziyan, you don't want to be proud, we will see you again at the San Pin Dan contest."

Xu Ziyan’s mouth was slightly picked and he never responded. She inexplicably remembered Lin Feiyue. When she left Taixuan, she also asked Lin Fei to go to the Dandao Competition. Originally, Xu Ziyan believed that Lin Feiyue, who was crazy about alchemy, would be impatient to go to Alchemy. Participate in the Dandao Competition.

However, I did not expect Lin Fei to refuse without hesitation. His reason is very simple. Xu Ziyan left him with his alchemy. He only realized a part. There is no need to waste his time to go to the alchemy city. At that time, it is better to stay in Taixuan to study the things that Xu Ziyan left for him.

Xu Ziyan couldn't help thinking about it at this time. If he is not trying to prove that he has the ability to open the town, will he come to participate in this Dandao competition? Shaking his head slightly, denying himself in his heart, she will not come.

However, she subconsciously shook her head. Look in the eyes of everyone. It is thought that this is the contempt of Xu Ziyan to other alchemists. This makes the monks feel the humiliation in their hearts, especially the Mei Ao Xue, which has become hostile in the eyes of the original.

The elders on the high platform did not invite Xu Ziyan and the dozens of people to the high platform. Instead, they said to them condescendingly:

"The prize given to you in the Erjindan contest is the qualification to join the Alchemy Hall. From now on, you are a member of the alchemy hall in the city of Alchemy. There is a huge amount of alchemy knowledge waiting for you to study, with high grades. The alchemy teacher teaches you there, and if you have a leader, there is a chance to become a disciple of the Cold City Master!"

The fourteen monks' faces were clearly flushed, and each one was agitated with some body shaking. Have the opportunity to become a disciple of Han Dan! This is a temptation to be irresistible to the monks who are obsessed with alchemy. But one person looked indifferent, and he frowned slightly.

She is Xu Ziyan!

There is no problem in joining the Alchemy Hall, but I heard the elders just said that once they joined the Alchemy Hall, they became the men of Han Dan. After the results were outstanding, they could become the disciples of Han Dan! This is not what Xu Ziyan wants, nor is it necessary.

I am also a patriarch of the ancient Xu family, but here is the hand of Han Dan, even if it is a disciple of Han Dan. It’s not a joke to be a man of Han Dan with his own realm of alchemy. Xu Ziyan just wanted to refusal, but he heard a clear voice from the jury. This voice is not someone else. It is the drug Wang Gugu's main drug Dan Yun.

At this time, the drug Dan Yun was anxious, because he knew that once Xu Ziyan agreed to join the alchemy hall, it means that Xu Ziyan became a part of the alchemy city, became the Han Dan's men, and then wanted to accept the purple smoke as a disciple, then it became impossible. And Xu Ziyan has completely touched his heart, and refining the best medicinal herbs twice in succession, which proves that Xu Ziyan is definitely not a coincidence. Such a piece of jade is likely to be the one who overwhelmed the alchemy city and carried the drug king valley in the future. Therefore, at this time, he no longer held it, but stood up directly from the chair and said proudly to Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Ziyan, the old man is the main drug Dan Wang of Yaowang Valley!"

When the words fell, they looked proudly at Xu Ziyan, waiting for Xu Ziyan to meet with him excitedly. But he was disappointed. Xu Ziyan just looked at him with some confusion and did not see the slightest excitement. In fact, the reason is very simple. One is that the age of Xu Ziyan is really small. The most important reason is that Xu Ziyan is not really an alchemy teacher, so she did not know the drug Wang Gu, nor heard of the drug Dan Yun.

However, Xu Ziyan did not respond, and did not mean that others did not respond. This is not! The response of Han Dan is very intense.

When the drug Dan Yun opened, Han Dan’s heart screamed badly. He naturally knows what medicine Dan Yun wants to do. He wants to rob his apprentice with himself. How does this make it? Therefore, Han Dan suddenly fires! Tengdi slammed up from the chair and shouted toward Yao Danyun:

"Drug Danyun, what are you doing?"

Medicine Dan Yun snorted and snorted: "What's wrong? Xu Ziyan has not agreed to join your alchemy hall now? So I can give her a chance to choose?"

Han Dan’s nose was discouraged, and he slammed his sleeves in his arms. He glanced at the drug Dan Yun with anger and then turned to look at the Xu Ziyan under the stage. He did not put on a proud look, because he saw the strength of Xu Ziyan outside the city of Alchemy a few days ago, unlike the drug Dan Yun did not know about Xu Ziyan. Put a gentle smile on Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, you don't have to join the Alchemy Hall. As long as you like, I can accept you as a disciple and pass on my clothes to you."

Business of this is changed. The look of Shirayin has become a sigh. Han Dan promised to pass the clothes to Xu Ziyan in the presence of hundreds of thousands of monks, but it was not revealed to him faintly. This can not help but let him in the heart of the gray, but also in his heart is full of resentment against Xu Ziyan.

"Hey! Is your Handan apprentice very glorious?" The medicine Dan Yun said coldly, and then proudly said to Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Ziyan is right! In the past three hundred years, our drug Wang Gu has been firmly suppressing the alchemy city, that is, the old man's alchemy realm is also higher than his Han Dan. Adding medicine Wang Gu is your most sensible choice, as long as You agree to join the drug Wang Gu, the old man will immediately accept you as a close disciple, and will not receive any apprentices in the future, and will pass on all your clothes to you!"

When this was said, another person in the stands changed color, and that was Wu Tuo. The mind of Wutuo is actually the same as the Wanliyun of Alchemy City. It is the goal of the future of Wangwang Valley, which he has been fighting for. And in his heart, he has already taken this future medicine king Valley into his pocket. Now halfway through the scene, a purple smoke has been killed, and Wu Tuo’s eyes are flashing in the middle.

Wang Liyun in the stands is the most depressed at this time. As long as Xu Ziyan can become a three-in-one alchemy teacher tomorrow, he will have to export to the 100 billion best spirit stone, and according to the previous promise, as long as Xu Ziyan becomes a three-product alchemy teacher, become The apprentice of Han Dan, he had to cancel the contract with Xu Ziyan after the Dan Dao contest, and put the matter three years later. Is there anything more irritating than this?

At this time, the monks on the field looked at Xu Ziyan’s eyes naked. The original Zi Zi’s disciple became the disciple of the alchemy hall. They are already envied by them. Now there are two alchemy masters who are rushing to accept her as a disciple. That is not envy, but extreme embarrassment, and even resentment. Resentment Xu Ziyan came to participate in this Dandao competition, if there is no purple smoke, maybe it is himself who is robbed and accepted as a disciple!

Above the high platform, Han Dan and Yao Danyun stared at Xu Ziyan with gaze, waiting for Xu Ziyan's reply. Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and her heart was very tangled. She did not think that she came to participate in the Dan Dao contest, but it caused such a thing. Naturally, she will not become a disciple of anyone, but in the face of so many people directly rejecting Han Dan and Yao Dan, it is indeed too sweeping.

Han Dan waited patiently there, because he knew that it was indeed a bit difficult to become a disciple of Xu Ziyan. It depends on whether Xu Ziyan is crazy about alchemy. He knows that he can't attract Xu Ziyan by his own identity as a city owner.

But the medicine Dan Yun on the side doesn't know! When he saw Xu Ziyan hesitating there, his heart was raised with a hint of anger. Heart, what is my identity? I am the owner of Yaowang Valley. It is the first in the alchemy world. It is even stronger than Handan. I am now open to accept you as a disciple, you have to think for so long!


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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