The Migrant Workers Of Uchiha's House

Chapter 103: He Is The Number One Genius In The School! Eight Inner Gates! 【Seek Full Order】

Chapter 103: He is the No. 1 genius in the school! Eight Inner Gates! 【Full Order】

This is why Kakashi, who has already become a Chūnin, will also take the Chūnin exam.

"If there is a chance, I will naturally help them."

Without any hesitation, Uchiha Qi has already agreed.

Leaving aside the relationship between Rin Nohara and Uchiha Qi is very good, even Uchiha Obito has now become Uchiha Qi's younger brother, and Namikaze Minato also pleaded in person, so Uchiha Qi naturally has no reason not to help.

"In this way, I feel relieved. This time Jōnin seems to be Orochimaru, and I am not particularly clear about the specific situation. If I get specific information before leaving Konoha, I will tell you in time.

After seeing Uchiha Qi agreeing to come down and "six nine zero", Namikaze Minato also heaved a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face.

Uchiha Qi's strength is very strong. Although Namikaze Minato has not witnessed Uchiha Qi's full-strength shot, Namikaze Minato can feel that Uchiha Qi's strength is definitely not inferior to any Jōnin.

Even stronger than most of the Jōnin, as for how strong Uchiha Qi is, Namikaze Minato is also a little uncertain.

"By the way, you are Might Guy, right?"

After chatting with Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Qi turned his attention to Might Guy and said to Might

"Your father should be Might Dai, right? I want to learn gymnastics from him, what do you think?"

Uchiha Qi asked softly, he didn't underestimate Might Guy just because he was weak, or because he was a Taijutsu ninja.

It is precisely because of Uchiha Qi's attitude that Might Guy is very moved:

"No problem, no problem, if my father knows that someone is willing to learn gymnastics from him, he will be happy before it's too late. y

Might Guy said in a very excited tone. After speaking, Might Guy took Uchiha Qi to find Might Dai.

It just so happened that Uchiha Qi was also idle recently, so he happened to go with Might Guy. After saying hello to Nohara Lin, Uchiha Obito and Namikaze Minato, Might Guy and Uchiha Qi walked towards Might Dai's place together.

"Going away so soon? It's hard to see each other."

Seeing that Uchiha Qi had left her field of vision, Nohara Rin kicked the ground unhappily, with a very frustrated expression on her face.

"By the way, Uchiha Qi, a genius like you doesn't need to practice martial arts at all, right? I feel like even my father is no match for you."

On the way, Might Guy hesitated for a long time, and finally asked Uchiha Qi.

Might Guy still knows the importance. He knows that with Uchiha Qi's talent, he will definitely become a Kage-level powerhouse in the future. If he practices Taijutsu, it may affect Uchiha Qi's ninjutsu training.

Might Guy naturally hopes that Uchiha Qi will practice together with Might Dai, so that if someone laughs at them, Might Guy can fight back forcefully, but Might Guy knows better that they should not delay Uchiha Qi's future.

Might Guy knows that saying this may be a bit embarrassing, and Might Guy also knows that this is the truth.

No matter how strong physical training is, it is indeed not as good as ninjutsu, whether it is in terms of destructive power or other aspects, and when it comes to Uchiha Qi, Might Guy feels that his father should not be Uchiha Qi's opponent.

"You think your father is not my opponent?"

Hearing this, Uchiha Qi set his sights on Might Guy.


Might Guy hesitated for a moment, recalled in his heart the strength that Uchiha Qi showed just now, and finally nodded.

"Then what if I tell you that your father is far stronger than what he's showing now?"

Uchiha Qi didn't look at Might Guy again, but just asked gently, with a very emotional tone.

Although the strength of Uchiha Qi has reached Kage-level now, it is hard to say who will win in the end against Might Dai.

If Might Dai can't open the Eight Gate dead door, Uchiha Qi can defeat Might Dai 100%, but once the Eight Gate dead door is opened, Uchiha Qi may not be able to defeat Might Dai.

This is also the reason why Uchiha Qi wants to follow Might Dai to learn Eight Inner Gates.

Even if there are powerful side effects after opening the Eight Inner Gates, even if the first Eight Gate is opened, Uchiha Qi still has to learn the Eight Inner Gates, after all, the strength increase of the Eight Inner Gates is too terrifying...

In the future, even if Uchiha Qi is not as strong as one person, he can forcefully improve his own strength by relying on the Eight Inner Gates. This can be used as a trump card.

The Forbidden Technique of Eight Inner Gates is too buggy, Uchiha Qi can not be used, but must be learned.

Hearing this, Might Guy didn't know how to respond, although the current Might Guy has been learning gymnastics from his father.

But because Might Guy's physical fitness is still not strong enough, Might Dai has not taught Might Guy the Eight Inner Gates until now, which has led Might Guy to think that his father is just a Genin with outstanding physical skills.

"The front is my home, and my dad has been practicing around Konoha in normal times, and he will go home for dinner at this point every day.

Soon, Might Guy brought Uchiha Qi to his home, staring at a dilapidated house in front of him and said.

Even though the house looked like a slum, Might Guy didn't have any thoughts of inferiority, and even talked to Uchiha Qi very happily.

After all, Might Dai is just a Genin, and can only accept D-level and C-level tasks, and there is a limitation for C-level tasks, that is, three Genin teams are required to receive them.

Might Dai's identity is a Ten Thousand Years Genin or a Taijutsu ninja, so most Genins look down on Might Dai, and naturally they will not choose to team up with Might Dai.

Therefore, Might 5.0 Dai can only accept D-level tasks. D-level tasks are generally the kind of tasks that are not dangerous, extremely time-consuming, and low-paying tasks. Might Dai has been relying on D-level tasks for so many years. With him and Might Guy, it can be said that it is not easy.

"Guy, came back so early today? Is this your classmate?"

At this moment, a hearty voice came from behind the two of them, and a man with thick eyebrows, a pot head, and a green tights all over appeared, just like Might Guy. This man was Might Guy's father Might wear it.

"Dad, this is Uchiha Qi from the Uchiha clan, who has always been the number one genius in school.

After seeing Might Dai back, Might Guy briefly introduced Uchiha Qi to Might Dai. .

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