The Migrant Workers Of Uchiha's House

Chapter 123: I Am The Most Wholesale Business! Finally Got Something Good! 【Seek Full Order】

Chapter 123: I am the most wholesale business! I finally got a good deal! 【Full Order】

"I don't need so many scrolls. I just need to buy one more scroll. You can sell the rest to others."

No matter how stupid Baki was at this time, he realized that he had been cheated by Uchiha Qi again, so he rejected Uchiha Qi without hesitation.

However, Uchiha Qi's scroll Baki is still very greedy. After all, he only has one scroll in his hand now. If he wants to advance, he needs another scroll.

"That won't work."

Hearing this, the expression on Uchiha Qi's face changed immediately, replaced by an expression of not getting close to strangers:

"The scrolls here all have a saying, not only selling them, but selling them alone can hardly make any money, even the cost is not enough.

So if you want to buy scrolls, you have to buy three "973" scrolls at once. If you buy three at once, there is a discount, buy three get one free, isn't it a good deal?

"No, I only need one scroll."

Baki said resolutely, he doesn't believe a word of Uchiha Qi's mouth now, and he, Baki, is not a fool.

Only after you have obtained two scrolls, you will be eligible for promotion. With the qualifications for promotion, the scrolls are useless. The cost of such a scroll is even less than one hundred

But let him buy it at 10,000 times the price. As long as Baki is not a fool, he will definitely not buy more.

"you sure?"

Uchiha Qi looked at Baki's resolute expression in front of him, shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and said slowly:

"Then I can't help it. I can't sell it. I'm in the wholesale business. How long do I have to sell one by one?"

"??? That's not what you said when you sold me the first one."

At this time, a row of question marks appeared on Baki's head, and it was obvious that Baki also understood what Uchiha Qi meant, that he took him for a fool.

"I don't believe it. As long as I keep my mouth shut, you can buy and sell by force."

Baki felt that he couldn't swallow this breath, and thought fiercely in his heart.

However, Baki also knows that if it goes on like this, he will have to buy it sooner or later. Now what he has to compare with Uchiha Qi is patience.

"Just sell me one, it's easy for you and I'm easy too, at worst I'll go to a team to grab a scroll, then I won't have to pay a penny.

Baki looked at Uchiha Qi in front of him and said deliberately, in fact, if he could grab the scroll, he wouldn't be here until now.

"Then you go, I didn't stop you."

Uchiha Qi chuckled disdainfully, then continued to speak:

"You don't look at your current strength, there is less than an hour before the first round of the Chūnin exam is over.

Most of the people who have scrolls have already passed the exam, and the rest either have no tokens and are unwilling to find it here by luck, or they are close to elimination.

Of course, you can also try your luck, maybe there is a scroll under the ground you are standing on now. "

"It's just my bad luck, my fart."

Hearing Uchiha Qi's words, Baki felt angry in his heart. Of course, this anger was not aimed at Uchiha Qi, but at his own luck.

You know, with Baki's strength, as long as the luck is not too bad, passing the first exam is just a very easy thing.

But until now, Baki has only found one scroll, which is enough to show how bad Baki's luck is.

"what the hell do you want?"

In the end, Baki couldn't bear it anymore, looking at Uchiha Qi in front of him with a look of despair, and asked as if he was about to collapse.

"What I mean is obvious, 11 million, 4 million for four scrolls, you can just buy them all."

Uchiha Qi glanced at Baki suspiciously, and said:

"If you don't buy it, I'm leaving, the time is coming soon, if you Sand Shinobi Village are not afraid of embarrassment, you don't have to buy it.

"I'll buy!"

Hearing Uchiha Qi's last words, these words completely hit Baki's weakness. You must know that Baki has always been extremely loyal to Sand Shinobi Village, not to any one of them, but to the entire Sand Shinobi Village.

As soon as he heard that the whole Sand Shinobi Village would be ashamed, Baki naturally didn't care so much, and quickly agreed.

"It's just that I don't have that much money now. I owe you. I only have one million for my whole body. The remaining two million will be given to you after I go out..."

Gritting his teeth, Baki finally agreed, but he didn't expect that the ten Chūnin exams would directly wipe out all his savings over the years.

"Who said it was three million, you give me one million now, and there is still three million short, a total of four million."

Uchiha Qi glanced at Baki, and then settled the bill with Baki again.

"Wait, isn't this scroll buy three get one free?"

Hearing Uchiha Qi's words, Baki was obviously stunned for a moment, looked at Uchiha Qi in front of him with a puzzled face, and asked.

"Oh, that was before, who made you hesitate for so long, the discount has already passed, first give me one million, I will give you the scroll, and then you will give me an IOU and I will ask you for it after you go out .

Uchiha Qi waved his hand nonchalantly, and then said to Baki in front of him.

"The discount has passed? Has it been ten minutes since you asked?"

Hearing this, Baki immediately felt even more uncomfortable, but he was also afraid that Uchiha Qi would continue to increase the price temporarily, so he quickly said:

"I hired Uchiha Qi to help me find four promotion scrolls, and I will give you a reward of one million taels for each scroll. you."

After finishing speaking, Baki handed the pieced together one million taels to Uchiha Qi's hands, and then he breathed a sigh of relief after taking four scrolls from Uchiha Qi's hands.

"Ding 0.2! The part-time job is completed. It is determined that this part-time job is a 'part-time job', and you will get: 100.0000 part-time jobs!"

"Ding! 10% random part-time job prizes are being drawn..."

"Ding! The drawing is successful, congratulations to Host for getting the Iv3 Body Flicker Technique!"

This time, Uchiha Qi finally got the reward. Although it was not particularly good, Uchiha Qi was also very satisfied, and his attitude towards Baki was much better.

Now Uchiha Qi is very satisfied with Baki, he is on the road very well, and Zhibo Gang has begun to consider whether to start a long-term cooperation with Baki.

Baki didn't realize at the moment that he was being targeted by Uchiha Qi. After getting the scroll, Baki didn't hesitate, and quickly led his two teammates towards the earthen house at the center. .

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