The Migrant Workers Of Uchiha's House

Chapter 12: Konoha Is Really Dark! (25)

In the mission hall.

After Uchiha Qi and others followed Tsunade in, and under their watchful eyes, Tsunade accepted a D-level mission, and the reward for the mission was not particularly high, only 30,000 taels.

But enough.

Even if the four of them split up, there would still be several thousand taels.

The remuneration for D-level tasks is generally around 5,000 to 50,000 taels.

The task reward for C-level is around 30,000 to 100,000 taels.

The task reward for level b is around 80,000 to 200,000 taels.

A-level task remuneration reaches about 150,000 to 1 million.

The reward for the s-level mission is even more than 1 million taels, and the difficulty of the mission is also very high.


However, with their current level, they are only qualified to accept D-level missions.

This is also very normal.

By the way, which ninja hasn't done a few D-level tasks.

In fact, he was also very happy to accept the D-level mission.

Because D-level tasks are generally just cleaning up garbage, or helping people find lost cats and dogs, for Genin, there is no danger at all, and if the speed is fast, it can be done in a few hours.

As for the C-level missions, it is unusual, and gradually began to increase the difficulty, mainly serving as personal guards, expelling beasts, or crusade against bandits.

B-level missions even involve ninjas, assassinating ninjas and other tasks.

Not to mention A-level tasks, Jōnin's level is only eligible to participate.

S-level missions even reached the level of battles between countries, basically assassinating important people, or stealing confidential documents.


And their task today is very simple.

Help people dig taro.

It was a taro specially planted by others, and the other party offered them to dig it.

It's like hiring a few coolies.

But this kind of thing is not easy for Uchiha Qi. They are ninjas, and their physical strength is far beyond that of ordinary people, let alone the blessing of Chakra.


When Uchiha Qi and others came to the place the employer said.

They are stupid.

"Just kidding, so many."

Uchiha Qi looked at the acres of fields planted with taro, he just felt very fucked.

"That's all, I'll trouble you to harvest it for us."

The hirer was an old man, he said with a smile.

"Hundred acres."

Uchiha Qi just felt fucked.

I thought it was only a dozen acres of land, but it turned out that there were hundreds of acres of taro waiting for him to harvest.

No wonder the other party directly used 30,000 taels to issue a D-level mission.

This is using money to make yourself easy.

"Money is not so easy to earn. If you are looking for cats, cats and dogs, it will be around 10,000 taels at most. Teacher, I have specially accepted a D-level task with a relatively high salary for you. You should work hard."

Tsunade walked aside with his small wine bottle in hand, leaning against the trunk of a tree, sipping the wine, as if ready to watch their show.

"This is the life of a worker."

"Red, Shizune, let's do it quickly."

Uchiha Qi rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the acre where a lot of taro was planted. At this moment, he realized that money is really not that easy to earn, but in order to see if the ninja mission is really a part-time job, He can only fight.

Hundreds of acres?

Uchiha Qi can do even thousands of acres of taro fields.


Time is like quicksand in the palm of your hand, it will always slip through your fingers.

From morning until six o'clock in the evening.

Uchiha Qi can be described as dry backache.

But fortunately, it's finally over.

"It's really fatal."

After the end, he supported his waist with one hand, and now he felt that this waist didn't seem to be his own, and who knew how tired the workers were.

"It's tiring just like that, then you should go back to farming, being a ninja is not suitable for you."

On the side, Tsunade also chuckled when he heard his words, mockingly.

"Old Aunt, who is in his thirties, shut up quickly."

Uchiha Qi gave the opponent a supercilious look.


Tsunade stomped his feet, and the ground with a radius of half a meter under his feet cracked open.


Uchiha Qi stared straight and swallowed.

"Uh, when I didn't say it, I shut up."

As a worker, he can stretch and bend.

Don't show off the strength of your tongue for a while, but put yourself in it.

As far as Tsunade is still in a drunk state, he feels that he should not bother with the other party. You know, if an alcoholic goes crazy, it doesn't matter what your background is, because they are already drunk.

He is considered to be the grandson of the chief elder of the Uchiha clan.

But in front of the drunk Tsunade, he was still worried that if the other party punched or kicked him, he would have to go to Konoha's Ninja Hospital to lie down for a few months if he couldn't tell. It was not worth it.


Tsunade glanced at him, but didn't say anything further.

"Qi, it's better not to refute Teacher Tsunade's words."

Kurenai Yuhi walked to Uchiha Qi's side and said in a low voice.

She was also frightened just now.

But when I think of Tsunade as their female ninja role model, I am no longer afraid, and I am determined to become a female ninja like Tsunade.

"I'm not stupid."

Uchiha Qi rolled his eyes.

He is very upset with Tsunade, but he is not stupid and continues to hate each other? Forget it, he still wants to live a long life.


Ninja Mission Hall.

Tsunade turned in the d-level mission.

"Master Tsunade, because it is a D-level mission, we will take 50% of the fee, and the remaining 50% will be 15,000 taels. This is your reward for this mission." The mission manager also took out a thick envelope.

inside the envelope.

It was their reward this time.

"The pumping is really hard."

Uchiha Qi looked at the half of the reward, and couldn't help but said.

With such a commission, Konoha will be short of money?

Just for the commission, Konoha earns at least hundreds of millions of taels of money every year just on the job.

"I think the commission is too harsh, yes, I will accept C-level tasks for you, and the commission for C-level tasks is only 40% of the reward. Not too bad, A-level missions only take 20% of the rewards, and S-level tasks are even better, only 10% of the rewards."

Tsunade said with a smile.


This is making fun of him.


That's right, Tsunade must be teasing him.

So angry!

But there is no way.

He can't beat Tsunade.

"For the reward this time, I'll take 3,000 taels, and share the rest among yourselves."

Tsunade took the money out of the envelope, counted out 3,000 taels, put it in his pocket, and then put the remaining 12,000 taels into Uchiha Qi's hands, and let the three of them divide it among themselves.

"Let's divide it equally, 12,000 taels, three people, exactly 4,000 taels for each person."

Uchiha Qi glanced at the envelope containing the money in his hand, thought for a moment, and said this.

"Qi, I can actually share less, after all, you did the most work today."

"Yes, yes, I can also share a little less."

Kurenai Yuhi and Shizune both spoke.

Uchiha Qi did the most of today's work. One person directly managed more than 50 mu of taro fields, and the two of them only managed more than 20 mu of land alone. Excuse me.

After all, they do a little less work.

"No need, we are a small team, equal points are the best, this is your share."

Uchiha Qi divided the money in his hand into three equally and put it in the hands of Yuhihong and Shizune. Today's task is also successfully completed.

And just when he finished distributing the remuneration this time.

A voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Ding! Hit..."

[ps: Thousands of rivers and mountains are always love, can you cast a flower! 】

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