The Migrant Workers Of Uchiha's House

Chapter 135: Danzo Unexpectedly Provoked Uchiha Qi! 【4】

Chapter 135: Danzo unexpectedly provoked Uchiha Qi! 【4】

A huge deep pit suddenly appeared on the ground, and there was even a trace of green smoke emitting from the pit.

If this kind of attack really hits a person, unless it is Kage-level, otherwise it will be dead or maimed.

"Solved? Next, it's Orochimaru's turn."

Seeing Uchiha Qi's figure disappear in place, Luo Sha felt a little relieved, and then shifted her gaze to Orochimaru.

But for some reason, a bad premonition suddenly rose in Luo Sha's heart. Luo Sha subconsciously turned his head to look at the position where Uchiha Qi was just now, and the bad premonition in his heart became more and more intense.

"No blood!"

Suddenly, Luo Sha's eyes became very serious. Looking at the location where Uchiha Qi was and the surroundings in the pothole, he immediately discovered the problem.

"Missed? Impossible, I clearly saw the magnetic gold spear piercing through Uchiha Qi!"

Luo Sha's face was gloomy and uncertain, and then he quickly turned his head and began to observe his surroundings, and then, a strong gust of wind blew towards Luo Sha's back.

Where is the strong wind coming from?

Naturally formed by Uchiha Qi's attack!

Luo Sha reacted in an instant, then turned around quickly, and immediately saw that Uchiha Qi had come behind him at some point, holding a blue Chakra ball in his hand.


Eyes locked on Uchiha Qi's hand, looking at Rasengan, the alarm bell in Luo Sha's heart rang loudly, the distance was too close, Luo Sha couldn't care less about thinking so much, and quickly circulated Chakra in his body.

"Magnet Style - Magnetic Gold Shield!"

This time, Luo Sha didn't pursue quality at all, because Uchiha Qi's attack was so fast that Luo Sha had to bite his tongue forcibly and focus his attention before reacting in front of him.

There was already a trace of blood at the corner of Luo Sha's mouth. It was Luo Sha who bit his tongue too hard in order to improve his concentration and reaction speed.

All this, Luo Sha felt extremely worthwhile in his heart, because Luo Sha could feel the powerful explosive power contained in the Chakra ball in Uchiha Qi's hand, once he was hit, even he would be seriously injured.

Simply, because Luo Sha's reaction was very fast, and the seal speed was also very fast, so Luo Sha still reacted in the end, and countless sandstones immediately formed a hard shield on Luo Sha's chest.


The high-speed rotating Rasengan hit the shield on Luo Sha's chest directly, and the flames splattered all over the place. Luo Sha's figure kept retreating, and the shield was consumed bit by bit. When the shield was about one centimeter thick, Uchiha Qi's Rasengan also ran out of strength.

Seeing this, Luo Sha backed away quickly, and after retreating to a safe distance, his face instantly turned livid.

Although Uchiha Qi's Rasengan didn't hit Luosha, it was basically equivalent to hitting against Luosha. Needless to say, Rasengan's explosive power, even Luosha felt that his body was falling apart, and his internal organs were all affected. harm.

"I underestimated you. I didn't expect you to have such a trick, but I only blamed you for exposing it too early. Next, let's see what tricks you have."

Luo Sha looked at Uchiha Qi in front of him, and said in a cold voice, his face became even more gloomy, almost like water dripping from his gloomy face:

"Don't blame me for not telling you in advance, Kage-level and non-Kage-level ninjas are two completely different concepts. I will take good care of your eyes for you."

Speaking of this, the greed on Luo Sha's face is clearly visible. You know, just staring at Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan almost made him fall into hallucinations. The power of Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan is naturally needless to say.


Looking at Luo Sha in front of him, Uchiha Qi smiled, took out the magic knife Qianren in his hand, and stroked it with a thoughtful look:

"The last person who talked to me like that was Hanzō of the Salamander, um... His grave is about the same height as yours right now?"

While talking, Uchiha Qi stretched out his hand to draw.

"Is everyone's mouth so big now?"

Hearing Uchiha Qi's words, Luo Sha almost laughed angrily, and just wanted to teach Uchiha Qi a lesson, but for some reason, Luo Sha always had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Yu Zuo is just a kid, how can what he said be true? That's the demigod Hanzō of the Salamander."

Luo Sha comforted herself in her heart, and then set her eyes on Uchiha Qi in front of her, but Luo Sha didn't look at Uchiha Qi's eyes just now. The deterrent effect of Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan is still very great.


Uchiha Qi's figure suddenly turned into a flash of lightning, and before the words fell, the person had already appeared in front of Luo Sha.

Even, Luo Sha had just heard the first word, Uchiha Qi was already close in front of him, Luo Sha didn't care about thinking so much, so he could only quickly hide to the right.

The subconscious reaction of a ninja is very quick, especially for a ninja like Luo Sha who has participated in the ninja war, the moment he felt the fatal danger, Luo Sha's body had already tilted to the right.

But this obviously had no effect. In an instant, Uchiha Qi's knife had fallen, and an arm was raised high. Chuansha looked at this arm in a daze.

"Is this my arm?"

Luo Sha thought in his heart with some uncertainty, and after a few seconds, the severe pain came, which made Luo Sand Shinobi clutch his shoulder.

At some point, Luo Sha's arm had already disappeared, and the unbearable pain caused cold sweat to continuously appear on Luo Sha's forehead.

"This speed?"

Not only Luo Sha, but Orochimaru, who had been watching the battle from a distance and looking for opportunities to intervene, couldn't help frowning when he saw this scene, and felt very relieved in his heart.

Orochimaru was almost certain that if he faced Uchiha Qi's speed, he would not be able to react at all, and his fate would not be much better than that of Luo Sha.

Even Luo Sha's high concentration couldn't avoid this trick, let alone other people.

"If an attack is launched by surprise, who will be able to react?"

Orochimaru couldn't help shaking his head, feeling even more apprehensive.

When fighting at this speed, unless you keep a distance from Uchiha Qi, there is no time to react at all.

"Danzo's in a deadly mess right now."

Orochimaru suddenly gloated and thought that with Uchiha Qi's current strength, there is absolutely no problem in killing Danzo, but Danzo unexpectedly provoked Uchiha Qi.

Now that Uchiha Qi hasn't done anything yet, he is probably afraid of Konoha's other ninjas, but what you need to know is, how old is Uchiha Qi now?

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