The Migrant Workers Of Uchiha's House

Chapter 168: Feeling About To Get Rich! 【1】【Seeking Automatic Subscription】

"Is this the Guren village?"

Looking at the Guren Village in front of him, which is about the same size as the town, Uchiha Qi thought in his heart with some surprise.

Originally, Uchiha Qi felt that the remote place where Guren Village is located should be barren, but now it seems that Guren Village is not worse than some of the more prosperous towns in the Fire Country.

However, although the building and scale are very good, in fact, there are very few ninjas and civilians in Gu Ren Village.

Most of the civilians have already hid, and even most of them have already left the Kingdom of Wind, so it is reasonable that there are fewer people in Gu Ren Village.

"The harvest this time should be very expensive."

Uchiha Qi looked at Gu Ninja Village in front of him, and began to think about countermeasures in his heart.

Along the way, Uchiha Qi also played "160" and listened to a lot of things about Guren Village. First of all, there was a recent heated discussion about the conflict between Guren Village and Yangyan Village.

The conflict between the two ninja villages is said to have started since the establishment of the village. Over the years, the two ninja villages have continued to war, but because of the similar strength, there has been no winner.

But some time ago, there were two Chūnins in Guren Village who directly broke through Jōnin in strength. You must know that in Guren Village and Yangyan Village, one Jōnin is enough to become a shadow in the village.

In the past, there was only one Jōnin as the most powerful existence in Gu Ninja Village, and the Yangyan Village is definitely no exception, except that the shadow of the Yangyan Village is a Jōnin. Two Jōnin.

Although there is only one Jōnin in each Ninja Village, this does not mean that Gu Ninja Village and Yangyan Village are weak. At least in the Kingdom of Wind, except for Sand Shinobi Village, the strength of the two Ninja Villages Get into the top few.

Originally, Yangyan Village and Gu Ninja Village had been fighting in small ways, but after two Jōnin-level ninjas suddenly appeared in Gu Ninja Village, the situation became completely different.

The strength of Gu Ren Village can be said to have crushed Yang Yan Village in all aspects. Yang Yan Village had no choice but to send people to Gu Ren Village to seek peace.

Gu Ren Village, on the surface, agreed to the Yangyan Village's peace proposal, and said that they will form an alliance in the future and will not invade each other.

But at night, Guren Village directly sent a large number of people to carry out a sneak attack on Yangyan Village. Because Guren Village had agreed to form an alliance with them during the day, Yangyan Zhitang had no defense.

In this way, Yangyan Village was slaughtered by Gu Renen Village overnight, and all the resources and sites of Yangyan Village fell into the hands of Gu Renen Village.

"From this point of view, Gu Ren Village should have a lot of money..."

Uchiha Qi said silently in his heart, and a glimmer of expectation rose in his heart.

However, Uchiha Qi did not directly attack Gu Ren Village. How can Uchiha Qi only take Gu Ren Village’s money once he makes a move?

He wants to make a move, but he needs to get two sums of money. After Guren Village annexed Yangyan Village, and Sand Shinobi Village faced the attack of Leiren Village, they had no time to take care of them, so the past became more and more unscrupulous.

It also offended a lot of people, including some nobles from the Kingdom of Wind. Sand Shinobi Village was supposed to help the nobles of the Kingdom of Wind to deal with these matters, but Sand Shinobi Village couldn't spare any manpower.

In addition, Gu Ninja Village was only stealing money and so on, and did not kill the nobles of the Kingdom of Wind, so Sand Shinobi Village didn't bother to take care of these things.

This made the nobles of the Kingdom of the Wind very aggrieved. Usually they would receive extremely high treatment even in Sand Shinobi Village, but now they are threatened by a small ninja village to steal money. The nobles of the Kingdom of the Wind Naturally I can't swallow this breath

Uchiha Qi can go to find the nobles of the Kingdom of Wind, and then get a reward from the nobles of the Kingdom of Wind, and then go to Guren Village and get the silver ticket in the village of Guren Village, so that Uchiha Qi Qi's benefits are undoubtedly maximized.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi no longer hesitated, and after recording all the information such as the location of Gu Ninja Village in his mind, he quickly headed towards the famous city of the Land of Winds.

Daming Castle is basically equivalent to the capital of the Land of Winds, and most of the nobles of the Land of Winds are here, and it is not too far from Tani Ninja Village. Uchiha Qi went all out and spent less than half a day Time came to Daming City.


At this time, in a mansion of a wealthy family in Daming City, a middle-aged bald man who looked somewhat round looked angrily at the guard in front of him, and asked angrily:

"What are you guys doing? This time the goods were robbed by those guys from Gu Ninja Village. How can I explain to Master Sato?"

"Extremely sorry, Master Kusama, this time we were punished for our lack of protection..."

Seeing Kusama Hanyu soaring up in front of him, the guard immediately knelt on the ground and blamed himself.

"Forget it, you are not the opponents of those damned guys in Gu Ren Village, let's forget it this time."

Kusama Hanyu looked at the guard who was kneeling on the ground in front of him, a hint of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, but he quickly hid his emotions, then sighed helplessly, and continued:

"If it's because of the current war, which round will this little ninja village run wild in the land of wind!!!"

Kusama Hanyu really wanted to punish this guard severely, comparing the total amount of goods lost this time, it would be at least 10 million taels of silver notes, "This is not a small amount for them.

And the money is not his alone, he is just a person recommended by the nobles and royal family of the Wind Country to be in charge of this business, Kusama Hanyu can almost imagine what kind of reprimand he will face next.

But even so, Kusama Hanyu could not attack the 5.9 guards in front of him, the reason is very simple, because this guard has been with him for more than ten years

He has been loyal for more than ten years. Recently, because of the incident of Gu Ren Village, the hearts of the guards under him have been turbulent. Compared with Gu Ren Village, he has died these days. Hundreds of guards.

If Kusama Hanyu punishes this guard at this time, what will the other guards think?

So no matter how angry Kusama Hanyu was in his heart, he had to pretend to be indifferent and take this matter lightly.

"Thank you, Master Caojian, for not killing me. Next time I will protect the caravan, I will do my best to protect the safety of the caravan and its goods, even if it means sacrificing my own life, I will definitely do it!!!".

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