The Migrant Workers Of Uchiha's House

Chapter 171: I Mean, Ten Million! 【1】【Seeking Automatic Subscription】

Chapter 171: I mean, ten million! 【1】【Seeking automatic subscription】

"I mean, ten million."

Seeing Kusama Hanyu's cheerful look, Uchiha Qi shook his head, and then said in a flat tone.

"How many?"

Hearing this number, Kusama Hanyu couldn't help digging out his ears, then stared at Uchiha Qi in front of him in disbelief, and raised his voice a few decibels:

"Ten million? Why don't you grab it? Impossible, ten million is too much, I can't take it out."

Kusama Hanyu refused without hesitation. He did have 10 million, but this 10 million was already his entire net worth.

"Ten million is indeed a bit too much, how about this, if you can solve Gu Ren Village for me, I will give you five million as a reward.

Kusama Hanyu said to Uchiha Qi in front of him.

In his opinion, five million taels is a lot. After all, if you are an ordinary person, as long as you don’t spend too much, five million taels is enough for a family of three and a half for a lifetime.

Even if it is a ninja, if you do a top-level task, the S-level reward of two million may only be 1.2 million taels in the end, so five million taels is ten electricity.


"Not enough. 683"

Hearing Kusama Hanyu's words, Uchiha Qi didn't show any emotion, just shook his head plainly and said.

"Young people are too ambitious. Five million is the highest number I can give. If you disagree, you can leave. I will do the same with other people. 11

Hearing Uchiha Qi's words, Kusama Hanyu's eyes clearly showed a trace of astonishment, as if he didn't expect Uchiha Qi's appetite to be so big, five million can't satisfy Uchiha Qi.

At the same time, Kusama Hanyu was also a little angry, and then Kusama Hanyu said directly, it is obvious that Kusama Kusama wants to use the method of retreating to advance.

"I advise you to think about it carefully. At this time, there are not many people who are willing to accept this business. Even if someone accepts, is there enough time?"

Hearing Kusama Hanyu's words, Uchiha Qi was not surprised, and kindly reminded Kusama Hanyu that he was ready to leave here.

Although Uchiha Qi seemed to be a kind reminder, but it fell into Hanyu Kusama's ears, and it seemed like a threat. Hanyu Kusama gritted his teeth, not knowing how to make a decision. (cbdd)

But Uchiha Qi seemed to have really given up, got up and walked outside without any hesitation.

"Three days, if it is not resolved within three days, someone else will take this position."

Kazumi Sato’s words floated in Kusama Hanyu’s ears. Finally, seeing the figure of Uchiha Qi coming behind him, Kusama Hanyu still gritted his teeth and said:

"Ten million taels, right? I promised, as long as you can solve the matter in Gu Ren Village, I will give you ten million taels."

"I can give you ten million taels, but I don't care if you have life flowers or not."

Looking at Uchiha Qi who turned around, Kusama Hanyu said coldly in his heart.

Originally, Kusama Hanyu didn't intend to do anything to Uchiha Qi, but Uchiha Qi was really greedy, which made Kusama Hanyu a little bit unbearable.

Kusama Hanyu has already made a decision, as long as Uchiha Qi solves the matter in Tani Ninja Village, he will arrange a group of people here, and then carry out a surprise attack on Uchiha Qi.

At that time, not only will the matter of Gu Ninja Village be resolved, but it will not cost anything. Thinking of this, the expression on Kusama Hanyu's face instantly becomes a lot more sincere.

"I want a five million deposit, and as soon as the five million deposit is in place, I will start immediately.

Uchiha Qi continued to shake his head, looked at Hanyu Kusama in front of him and said.

"Five million, right? No problem."

Hearing Uchiha Qi's words, Kusama Hanyu gritted his teeth and directly agreed, anyway, he has no other choice now.

As for Kusama Hanyu, why doesn't he doubt whether Uchiha Qi has such strength?

Although Kusama Hanyu's status in the Land of Winds is not among the highest group of people, but because of the obvious reason for being in charge of the caravan, there are still many guards.

If the strength is not enough, it is naturally impossible to enter his mansion and it has not been discovered for so long.

Kusama Hanyu is also an activist. After agreeing, he directly handed over five million taels to Uchiha Qi without any heartache.

After all, relatively speaking, getting rid of Gu Ren Village is the most critical issue. As long as Gu Ren Village is solved, the five million taels can be earned back in a short time.

"If that's the case, then you can wait here for my good news."

After collecting the five million taels, Uchiha Qi showed a smile on his face, looked at Hanyu Kusama in front of him, and said.

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Qi's figure disappeared directly in place, and then quickly rushed towards Gu Ren village.

"It seems that this person's strength should be able to solve the ninjas in Guren Village."

Seeing that Uchiha Qi disappeared in the blink of an eye, Hanyu Kusama breathed a sigh of relief. After calming down for a while, Hanyu Kusama immediately said to his subordinates:

"Mobilize all the guards to the yard, find a place for Fang Yin to hide, and create a few traps for my room and the yard.

All with the best detonators!"

After Kusama Hanyu gave the order, there was a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes: You like money, don’t you? This time I will let you come and go!

He hadn't been threatened like this for a long time, this time Uchiha Qi's actions made him feel very embarrassed, and if he could kill Uchiha Qi, the five million taels could be recovered.

In comparison, these detonating symbols seemed a little insignificant.

Uchiha Qi doesn't know anything about Kusama Hanyu's tricks, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

There is nothing in the entire Kingdom of the Wind that can threaten the enemy.

In a blink of an eye, Uchiha Qi has come to Gu Ren Village, but Uchiha Qi didn't do it right away, but pretended to be a ninja from Gu Ren Village.

What Uchiha Qi has to do now is to find out where the banknotes are hidden in Gu Ren Village, and it won't be too late to start after finding those places.

"San Gu Chuan, are you sure you gave that person three million taels of silver notes?"

Just after Uchiha Qi dressed himself up and mixed into Gu Ninja Village, a voice suddenly entered Uchiha Qi's ears.

Uchiha Qi turned his head and saw three very familiar figures in front of him, one of them was Mitani Chuan who had been blackmailed by Uchiha Qi for one million taels before.

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