The Migrant Workers Of Uchiha's House

Chapter 184: Selling Arms! War Is Coming! 【3】【Seek Full Order】

Chapter 184: Selling arms! War is coming! 【3】【Full order】

"I have a batch of supplies here, all of which are food and military supplies. I wonder if you are interested?"

Uchiha Qi looked at Third Raikage in front of him and said.

Uchiha Qi could tell that Third Raikage was in urgent need of supplies, and Uchiha Qi couldn't help showing a smile.

The more urgent the better, the more urgent Third Raikage is, the higher the price of the supplies in Uchiha Qi's hands, and the happier Uchiha Qi will be.

"Oh? What's there?"

Hearing this, Third Raikage was naturally more interested. As Hokage, he was naturally the clearest about the current situation of Cloud Shinobi Village.

Knowing how short of supplies the ninjas in Cloud Shinobi Village are now, if Uchiha Qi can really provide a sufficient amount of supplies, it will definitely solve Cloud Shinobi's urgent needs.

"It's nothing more than some kunai shurikens and food. Although they are very common, they are sufficient." 21 Uchiha Qi said confidently, the detonator Uchiha Qi does not intend to sell.

Because although the price of the detonating talisman is expensive, Uchiha Qi does not have many detonating talismans in his hand, and he used some of them before. Even if this detonating talisman is sold, it will not sell much, so it is better to keep it in his own hands, saying Not sure when it will be available.

Although the remaining materials are not as precious as detonating talismans, they can be regarded as very sought-after materials during the war.

As he spoke, Uchiha Qi took out a small storage scroll from his pocket and placed it on the table in front of Third Raikage.

I don't know whether to say that Third Raikage is self-confident or arrogant, but at this distance, if Uchiha Qi wants to, he can kill him instantly.

But this time Uchiha Qi's main purpose of coming here was to ask for money, so he didn't do anything to Third Raikage.

"Storage scroll?"

Third Raikage naturally recognized at a glance that the scroll Uchiha Qi took out was a storage scroll, and then glanced at Uchiha Qi in surprise.

It is not easy for a merchant to take out a storage scroll at this time. After all, it is difficult for even the Jōnin in the five great ninja villages to have their own storage scroll.

But Third Raikage didn't have any wrong thoughts in his heart. After all, to him, it was just a small storage scroll, and Third Raikage couldn't afford to lose his identity for a storage scroll.


Uchiha Qi pushed the scroll on the table in front of Third Raikage.

Third Raikage couldn't wait a long time ago, after watching these actions of Uchiha Qi, without any hesitation, he directly picked up the scroll and placed it in front of himself.

Spread it out, seal it, and open the scroll of the seal. A series of actions are done in one go, which looks pleasing to the eye.


After finishing the seal, there was a sound of air explosion on the storage scroll, but the sound was not particularly loud.

A puff of smoke appeared right above the storage scroll. After the smoke passed, a large amount of food, shurikens, and kunai were placed on the table.

The storage scroll that Uchiha Qi took out this time is just a small storage scroll, and there are not too many materials stored in it.

The reason why Uchiha Qi took out such a small storage scroll is that the materials contained in it are not actually used to trade with Third Raikage Ai, but to let Third Raikage check the quality of the materials, and the price is based on the quality of the materials in the storage scroll. .

Third Raikage is naturally aware of this, so he opened it directly on the table, and the materials were piled up, occupying the entire table.

But Third Raikage didn't feel any dissatisfaction, on the contrary, he was very happy, took out a shuriken and threw it casually.

The shuriken made of fine steel broke free from Third Raikage's hand, hit the wall beside it instantly, and then cut it in like cutting tofu╋.

Third Raikage came to the shuriken, stretched out his hand and pulled out the shuriken. It didn't look damaged on the surface.

Seeing this, Third Raikage nodded in satisfaction. With his strength, using nearly 30% of the power of the shuriken without any damage is enough to show that the quality of these shurikens is very high.

Immediately after that was the kunai at the side. Third Raikage picked up a handful of kunai and held it tightly, and quickly swiped towards the wall. Immediately, a deep gash appeared on the wall.

And Kunai also didn't have any damage, and the sharp edge of the knife exuded bursts of cold light, which was enough to represent that the quality of Kunai was the same as that of the shuriken, and even surpassed it.

"Yes, very good, where did this batch of combat troops come from?"

Third Raikage nodded in satisfaction, shifted his sharp eyes to Uchiha Qi, looked Uchiha Qi up and down a few times, and questioned Uchiha Qi with a sense of oppression in his tone.

"Is it related to this transaction?"

Hearing Third Raikage's words, Uchiha Qi asked calmly, and seeing Third Raikage standing silently at the same place, Uchiha Qi slowly explained:

"You just need to know that these supplies have nothing to do with the Land of Thunder. I'm not afraid to tell you that these supplies were smuggled from the Land of Fire."

"I think it's also the materials of the Land of Fire. The materials of shuriken and kunai are so good. Apart from the Land of Fire, is there so much refined iron in other 010 cities?"

Hearing Uchiha Qi's words, Third Raikage showed such an expression, and then looked at Uchiha Qi with more satisfaction.

Third Raikage already knew that the supplies came from the Fire Nation, and he just wanted to test whether Uchiha Qi had lied to him. Now that he has come to the conclusion, Third Raikage is undoubtedly looking forward to the next transaction.

"How much do you have in total for this batch of supplies?"

Third Raikage turned his gaze back to Uchiha Qi, but this time, Third Raikage's attitude undoubtedly became much more serious, and his tone became more serious.

Because the next step is the real negotiation. Even if Cloud Shinobi Village has money, they definitely don't want to be taken advantage of.

"For shuriken, there are 20,000 shurikens besides the ones in front of you. For Kunai, there are 3,000 pieces. The rest is food and some hemostatic bandages..."

Uchiha Qi slowly talked about the amount of supplies, the most important of which are shuriken and kunai, followed by bandages and hemostatic medicine, and finally food.

Although food is the most important thing in war, most ninjas have Bingliang Pills as standard equipment now, and the price of Bingliang Pills is not particularly expensive

Even some Genin can afford it. .

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