The Migrant Workers Of Uchiha's House

Chapter 3: Ichiraku Ramen, Get A Job! (35)

Uchiha Qi turned his head and looked out.

Total darkness!


Why is it dark?

Uchiha Qi said that when people are focused, time passes too fast, which caught him off guard.

"The saying that time is money is indeed true."

He secretly sighed in his heart.

one day.

In this way, he lost a day's wages.


Ichiraku brought out the prepared noodles.


Ichiraku is still very confident in his craft.

Uchiha Qi also picked up the chopsticks and started to eat. The noodles are silky and smooth, and the soup is even more delicious. Six ways to send out.

Babbling a few times.

It didn't take long for a bowl of Ichiraku ramen to lose half a bowl.

"Uncle Ichiraku, do you recruit part-time workers here?"

Uchiha Qi asked aloud.


Ichiraku only wondered if Uchiha Qi's eyes were blind, and really wanted to take a spoonful of noodle soup to wash his eyes. He is only twenty-six years old this year, how could he become an uncle in your mouth.

"You don't want to work with me, do you?"

Ichiraku asked tentatively.

"Uncle Ichiraku, you are so smart."

Uchiha Qi gave each other a thumbs up and grinned.

Ichiraku: "..."

Are you sure you're not kidding me?

You are the grandson of the chief elder of the Uchiha tribe, and you still want to work?

"Don't tease me, kid. If you are short of money, you will never be short of money. You still have to work part-time. Isn't that teasing me?" Ichiraku said with a look of disbelief.

"I'm not joking."

Uchiha Qi is also helpless.

Due to the reason of the system, if he wants to become stronger, he has to go to work. If he can, he doesn't want to work.

Because of the system, he had no choice but to embark on this road of working as a worker.

"Shouldn't you quarrel with your grandpa and run away from home?"

Ichiraku began to imagine the plot in his mind.

The grandson and the grandfather had different ideas, and there was a big quarrel. The grandson ran out and wanted to run away from home, but found that he didn't have much money, so he had to start looking for a job to earn money to support himself.

"I have a good relationship with grandpa, don't worry about it, Ichiraku-san."

Uchiha Qi looked at Ichiraku's gradually weird eyes, and he basically guessed the other person's thoughts, and probably made up the plot of a novel with no less than a few million words in his mind.

"Then you are full enough to hold on."

Ichiraku's expression immediately dropped.


Is this the rich man?

Sure enough, there is a feeling of being idle.

He obviously has no shortage of money and has a strong background, but he still wants to work in his small noodle shop.


Uchiha Qi was also very speechless.

He doesn't want to either.

However, the system forced him to do this.

"Uncle Ichiraku, I have graduated from ninja school anyway, I am always asking for money from my family, I am really embarrassed, so I want to find a job, at least, some income can allow me to buy some ninja tools .”

Uchiha Qi casually made up a reason.

In a word.

Zhangkou is coming.

"Are you only nine years old?"

The corner of Ichiraku's mouth twitched, he was speechless.

At this age, even if you are in a normal family, you usually play outside, or, at most, do a little work for the family, but you are doing well here. You just graduated and became a ninja, and you still want to find yourself a job. Work and earn a little extra money.

Take it!

"Uncle Ichiraku, have you ever heard of such a saying? Earn money early." Uchiha Qi said slowly.


Ichiraku looked confused.

Whoever taught you this sentence on a horse, I will beat him to death with a rolling pin.

Even if you want to make money, you have to travel early.

There is no need to be so early like you.

You are only nine years old, nine years old!

"But you have become a ninja. After becoming a ninja, don't you have a lot of tasks? If you want money, you can do more tasks." Ichiraku also knows something about ninjas.

If it weren't for him to inherit the family's craftsmanship.

Otherwise he would go straight to being a ninja.

"Uncle Ichiraku, you are wrong, I am leaving a way out for myself." Uchiha Qi sighed: "Don't you know such a sentence? Writing novels... Bah, being a ninja is a dead end. "

Ichiraku: "..."

Where did you hear so many words? Why I have been in Konoha for so many years, this is the first time I heard it.

"If you want to come, I don't mind, but my salary here is not that high."

Ichiraku didn't continue to refuse either.

He also saw Uchiha Qi's attitude, it seemed that he really wanted to find a job.

He actually slightly agrees with what the other party said just now.

To be a ninja is to die.

Although the ninja looks very cool.

But he, Ichiraku, is not a fool. Ninja is a very dangerous profession. Over the years, some customers who used to come to his place to eat noodles suddenly stopped coming after a certain day. After a while, he heard the other party news of his death.

It can be seen from this.

The death rate of ninjas is still very high.

"Then, Uncle Ichiraku, how much salary are you willing to give me a month?"

Uchiha Qi asked.

"A monthly salary of 20,000 taels, not including room and board."

Ichiraku glanced at Uchiha Qi, thought for a moment, and said.

"I took the job."

Uchiha Qi's eyes lit up, and he immediately took over the job.

A monthly salary of more than 10,000 taels and less than 100,000 taels has a 5% chance of getting a part-time job reward.

As for money?

As he has not found a job yet, he is very satisfied with the salary offered by Ichiraku for this job.

For a normal part-time job, for a job with a monthly income of more than 15,000 taels, the food is almost enough to feed a family of three. In Konoha, the average salary level is about 17,000 taels. He can earn 20,000 taels a month, which is not bad.

"Then I'll come to work tomorrow."

Uchiha Qi also ate the noodles in big mouthfuls. He has a good appetite now that he got a job, and he can eat three bowls of noodles.

[ps: Thousands of rivers and mountains are always love, can you cast a flower! 】

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