The Migrant Workers Of Uchiha's House

Chapter 33: Point Seven: How Can I Get The Most Benefit Out Of It? (1015)

Go down in one bite.

Namikaze Minato and the two were directly conquered.

To put it bluntly, this is the most delicious dish they have ever eaten in their life, bar none.

five minutes later.

The food in the bowls and plates on the table was eaten clean.

As for the meals made by Uzumaki Kushina, they are still there.

Uchiha Qi looked at the dishes on this table with a dark face.


Simply not human.

I don't know how to leave some for my chef.


Uchiha Qi turned his head and left.

"Qi, you haven't eaten yet."

Namikaze Minato looked at Uchiha Qi who left suddenly, and shouted quickly.

"Fuck, I want to cook again, but do you have any food in the refrigerator?"

Uchiha Qi gave a supercilious look.

When he was cooking just now, he used up all the vegetables in the refrigerator. How could he estimate that there are so many dishes, more than enough for three people, but what he didn't expect was that these two guys didn't plan to give him a bite.

Almost all the meals for four people went into their stomachs.

Good guy, I'm not afraid of dying.

hear this.


Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina couldn't help blushing.

Invite others to come to your home as guests, and it’s fine if the food they cook is not as good as the other party’s. The food cooked by the other party is still eaten by them. The guest did not eat a bite after showing his good cooking skills.

Now they are really embarrassed.

Especially Uzumaki Kushina, who is too embarrassed to let the other party eat his own food.


She is not worthy!

In front of this kind of kitchen god, how could she have the courage to let the other party eat the dregs she made.

No face, no face.

The two wanted to get up and send Uchiha Qi away.

But after moving his body, he realized that the two of them had eaten too much just now, and it was really difficult to get up.

In the end, he could only watch Uchiha Qi leave like this.


Left Namikaze Minato's house.

Uchiha Qi went home contented.

this time.

He has gained a lot.

Rasengan has been copied by him with Sharingan, and then he only needs to practice Rasengan during this period of time, and when he is proficient enough, Rasengan will appear in his skill column.

Until then, skill upgrading is not a simple matter.

Of course, as long as he has enough working points.

one home.

He saw his old man waiting for him.

"I heard that you and Tsunade have been getting close recently?"

Uchiha Yuuma looked at him and asked.

"She is currently my leading teacher."

Uchiha Qi said lightly.

"Remember to keep a little distance from her."

Uchiha Yuuma Road.


Uchiha Qi said lightly.

"Also, the daughter-in-law of Fugaku's family is pregnant. You can bring some gifts to visit tomorrow. Although we are at odds with each other, we are both from the Uchiha clan. We should have all the congratulations we deserve."

Uchiha Yuuma said slowly.


Uchiha Qi nodded seriously, he understood.


Uchiha Yuuma is gone again.

It was like this every time, and Uchiha Qi didn't know what to say.

But really, there's nothing to say

Because he knows very well that this is the character of his old man.

From childhood to adulthood, the communication between the two has been almost like this.


This time, his old man reminded him.

Uchiha Itachi, was about to be born.

But also right.

Konoha is now 42 years old.

Uchiha Itachi was born in the 43rd year of Konoha.

This year Uchiha Mikoto is pregnant with Uchiha Itachi and there is nothing wrong with it.

"That little bastard is about to be born, I hope that kid won't be so busy, otherwise I will be hung up and beaten by him sooner or later." Uchiha Qi was thinking about what gift he would bring when he visited Uchiha Fugaku tomorrow, and at the same time After thinking about Uchiha Itachi's unborn brat, if he really has the idea of ​​leaning towards Konoha's senior management, he will definitely hang up and beat the other party immediately.

He would never allow that to happen.

He was incapable before.

But now it is different.

The system turns on.

In less than a month, he reached the level of Chūnin directly from Genin, and given him a few more years of growth, Kage-level would be nothing more than an easy one.

"The 'part-time jobs' that are part-time workers come quickly."

Uchiha Qi mouth Chūnin couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The income of part-time jobs is really impressive.

He will soon reach the level of Jōnin's Chakra volume.

And Namikaze Minato will also help him.

Rasengan has been developed successfully, and the fee given by the other party is definitely more than six figures, and it allows him to upgrade a lv2 skill to lv3 level. It is really comfortable to think about it.

He went to his room.

Picked up the pen and paper.

The tip of the pen moved back and forth on the white paper, making a rustling sound, and each word slowly appeared on the white paper.


The cause of the Third Ninja War, the disappearance of Third Kazekage kicked off, Sunagakure was leaderless, and the Kingdom of Thunder, which advocates military expansion, took the lead in attacking the Kingdom of Wind, and declared war on the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Earth, Iwagakure and There was also a war in Konoha Village.

The important thing is.

First: In the war between Iwagakure and Cloud Shinobi Village, Third Raikage resisted 10,000 Iwagakure ninjas and died in battle.

Second: In the Battle of Kannabi Bridge, Hatake Kakashi survived with a Sharingan given by Uchiha Obito. Uchiha Obito was picked up by Uchiha Madara and prepared to be trained as a pawn in his Project Tsuki no Me.

Third: When Konoha Village was fighting with Kirigakure, Might Guy's team was targeted by Kirigakure's Seven Ninja Swordsmen. Might Dai rushed to open the Eight Inner Gates, killed four Seven Ninja Swordsmen on the spot, and ran away three people , namely: Loquat Shizang, Xiguashan Puffer Ghost, and Black Hoe Leiya. Might Dai died on the spot after opening the Eight Gate.

Fourth: Namikaze Minato ascended to the position of Hokage around Konoha 47 and became Konoha's Fourth Hokage.

Fifth: In Uchiha Madara's plan, a time when Namikaze Minato performed other tasks was selected, and the Mist Shinobi ninja was manipulated to capture Nohara Lin and seal Three Tails Jifu in Nohara Lin's body, and in Nohara Lin's body A spell was placed in the heart so that it could not harm itself, so a big drama started, allowing Uchiha Obito to witness Nohara Rin's death in the hands of Hatake Kakashi, so that the other party fell into darkness completely and became a part of Project Tsuki no Me pieces.

Sixth: The dawn organization founded by Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan encountered the joint interception and killing of Hanzo and Danzo. As a result, Yahiko died in battle at the age of fifteen. The specific time is unknown for the time being.

Seventh: How can I get the most benefit out of it?


Uchiha Qi dropped the final touch.

Then he put down the pen in his hand and looked at the big events that happened in the third Ninja World War that he had neatly prepared. He also thought about the seventh point. It is not just that he listed these things Just to make it look neat.

Mainly, he wanted to calculate how he could obtain the maximum profit in this third ninja world war.

[ps: Thousands of rivers and mountains are always love, can you cast a flower! 】

[ps: Explosive changes will start today, the rules for adding changes will be cleared, and the calculation will start after it is put on the shelves! 】

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