The Migrant Workers Of Uchiha's House

Chapter 42: Jiraiya Who Doesn't Talk About Martial Arts! (35)

If you want to talk about the benefits of finding a partner for training, it is the rapid increase in combat experience.

But there are also disadvantages.

For example, Jiraiya, who was tricked by him, when the two started fighting, Jiraiya attacked him in the face with one move after another. The fierce aura made him feel that he was willing to disfigure himself.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

Uchiha Qi formed a seal quickly with his hands, and a physical clone appeared beside him without stopping. After pulling out the magic knife Thousand Blades, he used the breath of the sun and killed Jiraiya. The blade was burning with flames.

The opponent was so ruthless, he couldn't keep his hand in front of Jiraiya anyway.

"It's still the same trick, young man, you are too young."

After several battles, Jiraiya has become familiar with Uchiha Qi's moves. Although he is shocked that Uchiha Qi has such strength at this age, he will never hold back half a point.

Dare to cheat yourself?

If you don't fight, your grandpa won't recognize you. Where can I put my Jiraiya's face?

Using his feet, he jumped up and was four meters off the ground, dodging the attack of Uchiha Qi, the Shadow Clone.

"Wind Style Great Breakthrough!"

In mid-air, Jiraiya formed a mudra with both hands, and cast a C-level Wind Style on Uchiha Qi's Shadow Clone. The powerful Wind Style hit Uchiha Qi's Shadow Clone, and within a second, the Shadow Clone exploded , turned into a puff of smoke.

At this time, the figure of Uchiha Qi appeared behind Jiraiya. When Jiraiya noticed him, he had already completed the seal.

"Fire Style·Fire Extinguishment!"

He breathed flames directly at Jiraiya like a sea wave.

"A pestering little devil."

Jiraiya's complexion changed, his hands quickly formed a mudra, and as soon as he landed, his hands that had completed the mudra immediately slapped the ground.

"Earth Style Earth Flow Wall!"

The earth attribute Chakra directly poured into the ground following his beat, and then the soil in front of Jiraiya rose up mixed with stones, forming a two-meter-high and one-meter-wide earth wall. After blending in, this earth wall is very hard.

The fire wave that Uchiha Qi used to extinguish the fire also followed, and the fire wave slapped on the small earth wall that was two meters high and one meter wide, and could not directly destroy it.

Jiraiya's earth flow wall directly blocked his Fire Style firmly.

It lasted about four seconds.

The fire wave stopped.

The power of his extinguishing fire is still not as fierce as that of Uchiha Madara. It takes twenty ninjas to cast Water Style·Water Barrier at the same time to barely block it.

It's not that he didn't display the power of extinguishing the fire.

Huo Huo Mie Que itself is only a B-rank ninjutsu.

The reason why Uchiha Madara's powerful fire extinguishing is so powerful is because of Uchiha Madara's strength. The power he exerted cannot be as powerful as Uchiha Madara, and it is only because he is only Chūnin's now. level of reason.

If he has a lv7 Chakra, he can even cast a powerful fire extinguisher than Uchiha Madara.

Not to mention this.

At present, after the fire of Uchiha Qi has been extinguished, the ground is scorched black.

After he stopped.

Jiraiya came out from behind the dirt flow wall.

"Wow, you kid is going to beat me to death directly, we are just competing, do you understand the competition?"

Jiraiya yelled at him loudly.

"Breath of the Sun · Three Shapes · Red Mirror of the Sun!"

Uchiha Qi's magic knife was out of its sheath, and it slashed directly at Jiraiya, and the crimson arc cut horizontally and flew out.

"Damn little devil, see if I don't beat your face like a pig's head today."

Jiraiya said harshly.

Similarly, the movements of the hands did not stop at all.

Cast a Body Replacement Technique.

Dodged this wave of attacks from Uchiha Qi.

In the previous few times, he knew the power of the weird knife in Uchiha Qi's hand. When he first saw it, he laughed at the other party who was so poor that he could only use a broken knife. After knowing the ability of this knife, he just wanted to say...

What a rascal!

This is the first time he has seen this kind of weapon in his life.

You can only attack but not defend!


You can only attack but not defend, but the enemy can’t do it. As long as a person encounters the attack of this magic knife in Uchiha Qi’s hand, he will be distracted to defend

That's why he said that this weapon is stupid.

Make people more than just wary of your frontal attacks.

At the same time, we must be alert to where the broken blade of the magic knife that was broken by the attack is.


Every time Uchiha Qi was about to attack with a magic knife, he just avoided it.

This is the best way not to melee with the opponent.

Pull away the distance and consume it with long-range ninjutsu.

This battle is over.

Uchiha Qi consumes the most.

And Jiraiya's consumption is not so much.

"Little devil, I'm waiting for you to come to me tomorrow."

Finally, at sunset, Jiraiya left with a smile on her face.

As for him?

His face was bruised and purple, all of which were caused by Jiraiya.

Jiraiya is so shameless.

Every time he hits, he hits his handsome face accurately, without any martial arts ethics.


Even so.

He still thinks he has earned it.

With Jiraiya as a sparring partner, his lack of combat experience will soon be filled. Thinking of this, his mood is much better. With this handsome face with a bruised nose and a swollen face, he staggers towards the Uchiha clan The direction went back.

[ps: Thousands of rivers and mountains are always love, can you cast a flower! 】

[ps: Explosive changes will start today, the rules for adding changes will be cleared, and the calculation will start after it is put on the shelves! 】

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