The Migrant Workers Of Uchiha's House

Chapter 68: Heartbroken, Konan! 【1】

"I have no interest in the position of the leader of the Akatsuki organization.

Uchiha Qi said lightly.

These words also let Yahiko breathe a sigh of relief.

But Uchiha Qi's next words made him ~ heartbroken again.

"Of course, if you hire me to work as a leader in the form of employment, and you pay me a monthly salary of 10 million taels, then I can barely be a leader.

The voice fell.

The entire Akatsuki organization fell silent.

Ten million taels of salary?!

I'm afraid you don't think our Xiao organization is a fat sheep.

I'm not afraid to tell you that each member of our Xiao organization is very hard-pressed, and the monthly income is also very average, 10 million taels. I'm afraid it's not because they have sold all the members of the Xiao organization. I can't make it out.

"Damn it, I only have a deposit of 700,000 taels, and I'm still short of 9.3 million taels. It seems that I have to work harder to earn money."

Konan lowered his head and began to think seriously, muttering something in his mouth.


Both Yahiko and Nagato heard Konan's words.

The two of them fell silent.

Unexpectedly, Konan actually had a deposit of 700,000 yuan.

This made them both very embarrassed.


The two of them really have no money on hand, and only tens of thousands of dollars is all their money.

They were all used in the Akatsuki organization.

Even so.

But what Konan said broke their hearts.

As for?

Isn’t it just a man, the hero saved the beauty, and you still want to hire a part-time worker to replace him as the leader, Yahiko just feels cold in his heart

"But I will stay here for a few days, and I will cover all the meals."

Uchiha Qi laughed.

"Little brother atmosphere!"

All members of the Akatsuki organization applauded.

Uchiha Qi doesn't care. You think you made money this time, but he also made money this time. It can be said that both sides get what they need.

the other side.

"Master Danzo, it's not good, something happened."

A member of the root organization half-kneeled in front of Danzo. Although he couldn't see his face clearly with a mask on, the voice from under the mask was slightly flustered.

"Calm down, as a member of the root organization, keep calm no matter what happens, tell me, what's the matter?"

Danzo said in a flat tone.

"The group of people we sent to help Hanzo all died."


When Danzo heard it, he felt his blood pressure soaring, and he, who was emphasizing calmness earlier, immediately became angry.

"Who, who did it? Is it that bastard Hanzo? Labor and management sent people to help him, and now they are tearing up the contract, are you ready to renege!!!" Danzo said with an angry face, he now has the heart to kill.

That group of people is a master.

Of the dozen or so subordinates, one of them was Jōnin, and the rest were all Chūnin. His heart ached for such a sacrifice.

"Master Danzo, Hanzo probably didn't do it. I found not only the corpses of our people, but also the corpses of ninjas from Rain Shinobi Village, and I also saw a charred black headless corpse, most likely that of Hanzō of the Salamander."

The member of the root organization said quickly.

"Hanzō of the Salamander is dead? Are you sure?"

Danzo calmed down all of a sudden, looked at this subordinate coldly, and said.

"The subordinates are not sure, but the subordinates brought back his body. Hanzō of the Salamander had the poison sac of the salamander implanted in his body. We only need to check [we can know whether the corpse is his or not. "

said the root group member.

"Then go quickly."

Danzo suppressed the anger in his heart and said.

Losing so many manpower all at once gave him a headache, and thinking about Sarutobi Hiruzen also asked him to kill that grandson of Uchiha Yuuma when he was in Rain Shinobi Village, his head hurts even more.

Trouble really just piles on top of each other.

"Come on, let me find out where the members of the Tsunade team are located. Look for the border between the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Water. If they arrive, they will definitely pass there.

Danzo said.

...seeking flowers 0

One of his subordinates was also ordered to prepare for all this.

"Hanzo, oh Hanzo, you won't die sooner or later, so why die at this time, the plan just fell through.

Danzo said angrily.

It was hard to get in touch with the other party, but now it's good, the other party directly gged, and took away a Jōnin and a group of Chūnin from himself, this wave of cooperation, he only felt that he had suffered a great loss

He Danzo is the first time to achieve such blood loss cooperation.

In the past, it wasn't that he tricked others into not wanting him that time.

By this time, it was directly reversed.

Xiao organization base.

With the help of the members of the Akatsuki organization, Uchiha Qi directly used Earth Style to create a cave in the cave. It has to be said that money can make ghosts turn millstones.

Putting it here, it should be that there are delicacies that can make all members of the Xiao organization help dig holes.

It didn't take long.

A brand new cave was thus created.

Four bedrooms and one living room!

Although it is very simple, but he only lived for two or three days, and he didn't want to pick it up.

"What about the promised wine?"

asked Tsunade.

"Take it, take it, drink it all day long, and sooner or later you will die."

Uchiha Qi gave Tsunade a blank stare, and then took out a few bottles of wine stored in the system space.

"It's impossible to drink to death. It's better to drink. When you get drunk, you forget everything."

Tsunade laughed while drinking.

"Then are you going to spend your whole life with alcohol? You should wake up early. It is impossible to escape all the time. Sooner or later, people have to face reality." Uchiha Qi looked at Tsunade and said slowly.

"Then I'll avoid it first, and I'll talk about the rest later."

Tsunade said nonchalantly.


Uchiha Qi didn't continue to say anything.

When the other party can come out, that is the other party's business. He interfered too much, and it seemed to have a weird feeling. Forget it, he only likes to work part-time.

Long live the workers!

[ps: First update! Two].

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