The Migrant Workers Of Uchiha's House

Chapter 74: Unlimited Sword System! 【1】

"The leader is really..."

The members of the Akatsuki organization behind Yahiko were speechless. Their eyes swept over all the ninjas present. These people undoubtedly looked fierce at them. They wished they could swallow them alive.

Seeing that they all felt their scalps go numb, their leader really offended these people to death.

They have a hunch that if they can't beat so many ninjas.


Yahiko will definitely be chopped into meat sauce.

"Come on! Hack that orange-haired guy!"

Following the roar of one of the ninjas in the crowd, it seemed as if a charge horn sounded in the audience, and a group of Rain Shinobi also roared, and hundreds of people roared together, what a spectacular scene.

"I leave it to you, Qi!"

Yahiko saw so many people killing towards them, his legs were a little weak, but he still pretended to be calm and took a step back, and said to 21 Qi who was wearing a mask.


This is Uchiha Qi's current code name as an advisor to the Akatsuki Organization.

"give it to me."

Uchiha Qi took two steps forward very calmly, passed Yahiko, and walked to the front.

His actions also attracted the attention of many people.

But Rain Shinobi, who had been singled out by Yahiko to be really angry, didn't care so much, charged, directly charged, rushed in front of the orange-haired Akatsuki leader, and then hacked his opponent to death.

edge position.

"What does that person want? He doesn't think he has the strength to pick these hundreds of people."

Seeing Uchiha Qi's obviously incomparable behavior, the group of six from the Senju family and the Uchiha family couldn't help frowning. See the identity of Uchiha Qi.

But Uchiha Qi's actions confuse them.

Hundreds of ninjas!

There are many Jōnin and Chūnin among them, if you stand up, is it possible that you want to overthrow everyone?


Uchiha Qi is such an idea.

not far away.

"What does this man want?"

A group of people with masks on their faces and wearing Anbu's attire, a dozen people were puzzled by Uchiha Qi's deceptive behavior.

"I don't know, but if Hanzo was really killed by someone from their Akatsuki organization, then his actions are definitely not that simple."

Some of them also said.

"Anyway, Master Danzo's order is to capture the members of Akatsuki's organization alive, and secondly, Uchiha Qi from the Tsunade team, as long as he is found, kill him immediately

The person who spoke seemed to be the captain of this operation, his tone was very cold.


The others and the members of the organization also responded coldly.

"Teacher, do you think Qi will be in danger?"

Kurenai Yuhi looked at the Rain Shinobi rushing towards Uchiha Qi and others' Akatsuki organization like a tide, and couldn't help but said worriedly.

"That kid can put himself in danger. Since he dares to do this, it means he has the confidence." Tsunade looked deeply at the masked figure of Uchiha Qi, and said in his mouth.

This reminded him of his brother Nawaki.

If his younger brother had Uchiha Qi's strength back then, maybe he wouldn't have died on the battlefield.

Take a look now.

The Senju family is so lonely that it is not decent [city] The Uchiha family has produced such a young genius who is enough to kill ten old Kage-levels like Hanzō of the Salamander by himself.

With such a genius, the Uchiha family will not be lonely for forty years.

"Teacher, do you want to avoid it first?"

Kurenai Yuhi and Shizune both looked at Tsunade and asked.

It's not that they look down on Tsunade.

Only that time, when Tsunade saw blood, hemophobia broke out.

They just thought Tsunade needed to avoid it for a while.


The next scene is expected to be very bloody.


Tsunade directly backhanded the two disciples with a punch.

Is her Tsunade just like this?!

I can't even think about my goodness!

"I don't need it."

Tsunade glared at Yuhihong and Shizune fiercely, and said viciously.

As she spoke, she picked up the small flagon in her hand again and took a sip, the wine in the small flagon was immediately empty." Then she stared at the center with her eyes wide open.

She doesn't want to hide anymore.

The phobia really affected her too much.

Even the disciples have to think about their fear of blood attack when they accept the task, so what kind of teacher is she like that!

She, Tsunade, also wants to save face.


She decided to face reality.

Overcome 760 Fears!

Overcome the phobia that has plagued her for years!

Uchiha Qi looked at this group of Rain Shinobi rushing, under the mask, his face was full of disdain.

Ants in abundance can kill an elephant.


You little ants are not worthy!

He raised his right hand, and Chakra erupted from his palm. When everyone was puzzled by his action, Uchiha Qi began to chant slowly.

Under the mask, his muffled voice came out.

"This body is made of swords!"

"The tide of blood is like iron, and the heart is like glass!"

"Across countless battlefields without defeat!"

"Never once lost!"

"Not even a single victory!"

"Alone here, cast a sword on the sword hill!"

"Then, this life has no meaning!"

"This body must be made of the 'Infinite Sword'!"

"Unlimited Sword System!!!"

Uchiha Qi's Chakra erupted, and all Rain Shinobi felt that the picture in front of them flickered suddenly, and then, the world in front of them... changed!

【PS: The first update!】.

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