The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 1245 Not an Ordinary Female Soldier

"Hello, I'm Ye Jian." Ye Jian smiled and stretched out her hand, introduced a few words, fastened her backpack again and swam towards the shore.

However, after ten minutes of fighting, the physical strength was exhausted to the point of running with a heavy load for several hours, and even his breathing was a little unstable. On the other hand, the frogman code-named "Big Whale" was breathing smoothly. Although he succeeded twice, he really wanted to fight himself for a long time. There is no doubt that you will lose.

Ye Jian's eyes narrowed slightly, and interest was already in his eyes. Team Xia was right, he could indeed learn a lot from following Demon King Li, even in less than two months, he had benefited a lot!

When the salty sea breeze blew on the shore, Ye Jian, who was wet all over, didn't feel cold, but rather comfortable.

It feels so good to have your feet on the ground and no longer be surrounded by all-pervasive water!

The big whale, which habitually went ashore after breaking off, pointed to the front of the dark reef and said with a smile: "The camp is in front, the conditions are not very good, please forgive me when we meet."

She's quite polite, is it because she's a female soldier?

"Would you say the same thing when you meet other recruits?" Ye Jian asked with a smile, the soft texture of the military boots stepped on the sand, as if walking on clouds, "Or, it's because I'm a female soldier."

She has a murderous look on her body, her movements are powerful, she can react quickly in the water, and she can "surprise her, attack her unprepared". Such a female soldier, even a female soldier, is also a character!

Big Whale bent down to pick up the training uniform he took off before entering the water, and said with a smile: "No, no. There is nothing wrong with you being a female soldier, but you are definitely not an ordinary female soldier. I have seen it just now."

"Aren't you an ordinary female soldier?" Li Jinnian stared at the big whale that came back to return to him, his cold voice had a dark color, "Aside from the quick response, what else is unusual?"

The male soldiers did not live in tents, even Li Jinnian. They lived in simple sheds built with plants growing on reef islands. Turn on the solar lights, and the inside was as bright as day.

The shirtless big whale sat on the stone, and replied with a serious expression on his dark face, "She has the same killing power as us. I'm sure she must have carried out a secret mission."

"Not only did she respond quickly, but when I sent her to the tent, I asked her why she thought of hugging me from behind. Guess how she would answer?" I wanted to make a fool of myself, but unexpectedly, Li Jin looked up with a cold expression in his youthful face. Eyes, the big whale rubbed its nose embarrassingly, and quickly replied: "She said that because I "locked" her legs tightly, and thought of the problem of underwater force, she thought that the biggest difference between fighting in water and fighting on land is that simplicity is the main thing. It can be hugged, and then grasped after hugging, which is probably the basic essentials of underwater fighting."

I just locked her legs, but she had a lot of associations at once, and she also thought of ideas, are so smart!

The expressionless Li Jinnian twitched his brows slightly, and after a while he said calmly, "No wonder the army must send her here."

"I think this female soldier is interesting. Didn't she mean that she is less than nineteen years old? Why does it look like she has several years of experience in the army?" Da Jing finally asked the biggest question after fighting Ye Jian, "Is it still true?" It is possible to carry out life and death missions, it sounds a bit..."

The last word Big Whale mulled over for a while before saying it softly, "It's outrageous."

Although Li Jinnian, who had read Ye Jian's profile, didn't know what life-and-death missions she had performed, but considering her four years of special forces training, it was not outrageous at all.

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