You can endure not to hold hands, but you can't bear not to speak. Then, Xia Jinyuan, who is delicious, said solemnly: "I said the same thing, don't carry anything alone, just leave it to our men to handle it."

After that, he raised his eyebrows slightly, with a shallow smile in his eyes, and said, "Little fox, there will be me and my brother in the future, you can't hide from us and face difficulties alone."

"He's right, your business is mine, and I don't allow you to hide anything from me." Li Jinnian agreed, looking seriously at Ye Jian, who was sitting on the middle sofa and being watched by them from left to right. Seriously and solemnly: "I will be a very competent brother. I will protect you in the future, and I will not let you suffer any grievances! I will not let you be bullied."

Looking away from Ye Jian's face, he swept directly to Xia Jinyuan, who was sitting opposite him, and looked straight at him with cold eyes, "Including him."

"I can't bear to let my lover be wronged. If one day, when the elder brother's sister is wronged, the devil, I'm afraid that I will be offended." Xia Jinyuan replied immediately, and stabbed back quite rudely.

"You have a great chance of offending me." Li Jinnian also replied unceremoniously, his tone was a little colder than before, "My sister chose you, I have no objection, but you dare to blame her, Xia Jinyuan, you never think about it. good day."

In the past, he thought that Xia Jinyuan was a good soldier, but that was based on his comrade-in-arms status and the eyes of his comrades-in-arms. Now, from the perspective of his brother, he is much more critical!

I used to think that he was worthy of Ye Jian, but now, I have to investigate and investigate!

Thinking of handing over his only sister to him in the future, Li Jinnian's eyes became colder, but he couldn't easily let him marry his sister, at least he had to observe more.

But in the end it depends on what his sister means, and he respects all her wishes.

"Don't worry, I'll depend on my little fox for the rest of my life, and she's the only one who doesn't want my share." He identified the little fox and hoped that the two would get married early and give birth to a few radishes, oh, a few radishes No, it's super born... I can only give birth to a small radish, I have thought of giving birth to a small radish, how could I bear the little fox.

Absolutely impossible!

Regarding this matter, Xia Jinyuan has always had confidence in himself.

The lover who has been chasing for several years, just wants to hide it at home, no one is allowed to see it, let her be? Something that could never happen in a lifetime!

Ye Jian can tell why the two men are filled with the smell of gunpowder at this moment. It is undeniable that this feeling of being vying for favor is really good.

There is a brother who dotes on her, a grandfather who loves her, a lover who loves her, ... and a father who still doesn't know he exists. The hardships of the past life have been replaced by the reunion in this life. It's worth it, it's worth it, it's worth it!

He pursed his lips and said with a smile: "If any of you two bully me, I will tell Grandpa to go. Ask him to come out and clean up the two of you."

Gu Pan's eyes had a bright and flying look, and her beautiful face was the most beautiful, "If Team Xia bullies me, I can tell the commander-in-chief, the commander-in-chief told me personally, if you dare to bully me, he will Hit you with a whip."

"How dare I bully you, old man Xia treats you as his own daughter and hurts me as an adopted son." Xia Jinyuan saw her smiling brightly, her eyes were brighter than stars without a trace of haze, and the smile in her handsome face was softer. softer.

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