Because... Xia Jinyuan, who was sleeping on the bed, had a cold light in his eyes, because there were some things that he and the little fox could not interfere with!

Alas, what is his little fox doing now? Chat with the old gentleman with the Demon King?

I really didn't expect that the Demon King, who had been warned by him to "come one step late", would become the little fox's brother, and he would become the pawn of the two brothers and sisters. I have to say that this is the fate between him and the little fox!

Ye Jian stayed with the old gentleman all day. He didn't go anywhere except at home. The old gentleman who recognized his granddaughter was so energetic that he even spoke vigorously. In the evening, he used half a bowl of rice more than usual for dinner.

Going to bed at night is also a full two hours earlier than usual. Usually, I don't go to bed until after twelve o'clock. Tonight, I feel sleepy around ten o'clock. to make".

When Ye Jian and Li Jinnian heard a straight laugh, Li Jinnian even said: "You are only 88 years old now, and you should live to be 120 years old." The old gentleman happened to be born in the first year of the Republic of China.

"I don't look forward to being 120 years old. I will try my best to live to 110 years old. I will be happy to see you two start a family, get married and have children. I can hold a great-grandson."

Talking about his descendants, the old gentleman who used to be a little sleepy has regained his energy and said with great interest: "I became a grandfather at the age of 61. This year, I am eighty-eight. Let's see if I can be a great-grandfather again in my nineties. Little, I remember that female soldiers seem to have to be 24 years old to get married and have children, and the marriage age for grass-roots officers has to be pushed back, and Jane is 26 years old to see if I can hold a grandson."

"Then I have to wait for six years, I have to live well, and strive to live to be 110 years old and live to be full of children and grandchildren."

What the old man looks forward to most now is that the house is full of children and grandchildren. Before going to bed, he did not forget to tell his grandson Li Jinnian to write the letter as soon as possible and send it to Ye Jian's father, making him happy.

Li Jinnian felt that his uncle was not happy, he should be so excited that he danced and burst into tears.

He closed the door gently and said to Ye Jian, who had a soft smile on his face, "Since I was 24 years old, the old gentleman started to mention that he wanted to hug his great-grandson. Now that there are more of you, we just share the responsibilities together, and the pressure is reduced by half."

He was serious about joking.

Ye Jian held back her laughter until her shoulders twitched, "Then you have to continue to bear the burden. You are seven years older than me. It's time to get married and have children." Li Jinnian is 27 years old this year, and it's time to get married and have children. .

"If I had a suitable girl, I would definitely marry him and go home." Li Jinnian laughed and walked away from the small study where he stayed during the day, "Come in and sit down and tell you about the history of the Fu family. Then I know why my grandfather expects us to get married and have children." Li Jinnian knew that she was daring, in the past, she didn't dare to tease herself because of his identity, but now that she has become a brother, she is bold enough to tease him directly.

He very much hoped that the relationship between the two would be closer.

The old photo album was opened again, Li Jinnian pointed to the group photo in front of the Fu family's old house, his cold voice rendered the darkness of the night, and he said in a low voice, "The Fu family is a wealthy family of merchants, who made their fortune in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties until the old man. Fall at the age of twenty-eight."

From the prosperity to the defeat, from the wealthy people in the south of the Yangtze River to the last, there is no place to live. Looking through the photo album and listening to Li Jinnian talk about the history of the Fu family, Ye Jian's heart was heavy again to the point where he couldn't breathe.

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