The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 253 The Robbery on the Train (4)

The people of Yannan City are notoriously bullying, everyone is shrewd, but everyone is timid, Ye Jian gave such a cold look, and the couple were so scared that they didn't dare to make any small moves.

The middle-aged woman was so startled that her breath became short of breath, she sat next to her husband, and muttered in a voice that could not be any smaller, but Ye Jian could hear it: "Don't call the police, maybe there are too many snatchers in the front, and there will be more snatches in the back." Will grab it."

"Say a few words to me and keep the money!" The middle-aged man didn't even think about whether his wife was right, but reminded him not to say too much and tightened the money.

In an instant, Ye Jian no longer had the slightest affection for the two couples.

Ye Ying, who was at the front of the bunk, was already sitting obediently beside Ye Zhifan, her hands were tightly grasping the corner of her father's clothes, there was not much fear on her face, but her eyes were full of panic.

"Dad, let's not resist, the money has been given." Holding such a thick steel pipe, she didn't want to lose her own life just for the money.

Ye Zhifan patted the back of his daughter's hand lightly. He must take out some of the money, but all of it... No way, "Don't talk, you're a student, they won't do anything. Dad will give you the money."

Not only Ye Zhifan thought so, but all the passengers in the carriage thought so. The money must be given, but who wants to give it all? nobody!

Some people wanted to hide some money, but when they were knocked on the bed by the steel pipe, they were so frightened that they screamed, how could they calm down and think about hiding money.

When it was time for Ye Jian and the others to knock on the bed, the middle-aged couple was so frightened that they were almost paralyzed after waiting for the robbers to pass by.

However, Ye Jian still heard the middle-aged woman say in surprise, "It's okay, it's okay."

okay what? Fortunately, they didn't take away their money and the big brother this time, right?

"The uncle in the lower berth doesn't need your brother to call the police. After five minutes, your things will definitely not be left. After the car slows down in front, these people will escape from the window. If you want to call the police, it will be too late " After the robber who knocked on the bed left, Ye Jian reminded again in a low voice.

Even if she broke up the dangerous relationship to the couple,... what she got was their indifference.

There is already a cold look in the clear black eyes. There is nothing wrong with self-preservation, but under the condition that you can secretly resist, you still choose to protect yourself. This is the indifference of human nature!

Principal Chen sighed softly, and waved his hand at Ye Jian, "It's useless to talk too much, everyone is just trying to protect themselves." His tone was full of disappointment and helplessness, and he asked Ye Jian after a short pause, "Look Come out who is the leader?"

"Just checked, and there is one person who didn't stand up." Ye Jian stopped looking at the couple in the lower berth, and said softly, "The man who bumped into me didn't stand up."

In front, someone didn't cooperate again, and what they received was punching and kicking. Only the screams of the beaten were heard, but no one stood up.

"Damn it, I can't stand it anymore!" The person sleeping on Ye Jian's upper bunk suddenly said in a low voice. This was a young man who went out to work. He got up from the upper bunk and walked down.

Principal Chen, however, knew that with his own strength, he would undoubtedly hit a stone with an egg, and stopped him with a voice, "Young man, wait a little longer, let's find a way together." As long as someone can't stand it and stand up for justice, it will be easy to handle.

Need to keep 6,000 updates until it goes on the shelves... So, the pressure is so high!

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