The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 491 It's purely a test of IQ

When the person in charge of the security of the Presidential Palace sent by the Pakistani side came with Pabel's personal information, Xia Jinyuan and the four of them had already analyzed the situation at the scene one by one, and the matching rate was as high as 9% when they didn't see it. Fifteen or more.

This is the tacit understanding between Ye Jian and Xia Jinyuan, and also the tacit understanding with the entire Xueyu brigade.

The person in charge of security took out Pabel's information, and he said worriedly with his brows furrowed, "Pabel was the English teacher of the former president's wife during the old government, and her evaluation was very high. And we will re-approve her personal After investigation and confirmed that there is no problem with her identity, she continued to be hired. None of us, including the president's wife, thought that she would be a terrifying person."

"A scary person can't see it from her surface. You can only know whether she is scary if you really understand the investigation from the inside." Xia Jinyuan pulled out Pabel's personal information, and when his eyes fell on the first file of her husband's personal information, The dark and cold black eyes froze instantly.

He said to J5: "Pabel filled in the time when her husband died in the war..." Xia Jinyuan said in a cold voice with the corners of his mouth completely pressed together: "This date happens to be the conflict between the government forces and Al Qaeda, take a look. A picture of his husband and a picture of his brother...they are twins."

"The elder brother is Pabel's husband, a government soldier, and his husband's younger brother is a taxi driver." The faces in the two photos seem to be the same person. There is almost no difference in facial features and expressions, only two There are two differences, one with a beard and one without.

The bearded one is Pabel's husband in a Pakistani military uniform, and her husband's brother in a white robe.

K7's eyes as cold as frost and snow were lightly condensed, "Government soldiers are not allowed to grow beards." He asked the person in charge of the security of the presidential palace in English, "Why do you grow a beard as a government soldier? Didn't you investigate this clearly?"

What if Pabel's husband is a taxi driver and his younger brother is actually a government soldier.

After K7 finished asking, the head of security had bean-sized sweat dripping down his forehead. He looked at the security staff from China, then slowly looked down at the two photos, his lips gently shuddered, "Pabel's husband's brother is a... Al Qaeda."

"No, it's Pabel's husband who is an al-Qaeda member, and his younger brother is a real government soldier." Xia Jinyuan looked at the other party with heavy eyes, and his lingering gaze shot into the other party and him like a cold arrow. In the eyes of each other, "the date of her husband's death is the same day as the date of Pakistan's largest government army and al-Qaeda elements!"

They didn't even notice such a major problem! Miss Petty and the wife of an al-Qaeda member were also asked to learn English. How did they do their security work?

How to pass the review and approval process!

Soon, the video cameras around the small room were called up, and Pabel drove... out of the vehicle exit at the back of the Presidential Palace openly, and then, a garbage truck behind her also drove out slowly.

There is no need to analyze any further, Ye Jian and Petty must be in these two cars!

What makes Xia Jinyuan and the others even more helpless is that there are so few sky eyes in the capital of Pakistan, some have not been rebuilt because of the damage caused by the war, and some have cameras but no connection!

This brings very big trouble to tracing vehicle whereabouts.

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