Since both Chang Haonan and Yao Mengna were in the best physical condition in their early twenties, and the flight only took about an hour and a half in total, they did not feel tired from the journey.

When they were on the road just now, the two of them had already agreed to get familiar with the work as soon as possible after arriving at the 601 Institute.

Of course, it was Yao Mengna's idea to get familiar with her job.

For Chang Haonan, this kind of job of being a screw for a large project is simply not familiar, so what he wanted to do was to demonstrate the value of their research group as quickly as possible.

"Mr. Yang, you rested almost all the way here on the plane, so our idea is that it is best to start work this afternoon."

Yao Mengna decisively rejected Yang Fenghao's suggestion to let them rest for a day.

"Well... my plan is to let you know the specific project situation through tomorrow's seminar. There is a big difference between doing projects in school and doing projects here. You may not have any idea about the overall design of aircraft before."

After Yang Fenghao finished speaking, he touched his chin and thought for a moment:

"Forget it, since you are so motivated, I will take you to the computer room after lunch to get to know the other members of the digital design team."

The computer room of Institute 601 is in a relatively remote building. There are four big characters "Computing Center" hanging on the outer wall of the building.

This is a title that is not outdated even after more than 20 years.

According to Yang Fenghata's introduction, this was originally prepared specifically for digital design, which shows that the institute still attaches great importance to this, but so far, the progress of the digital design team is not very optimistic.

The two followed Yang Fenghata and walked in.

As the chief designer of the Eighth San Project, Yang Fenghata's appearance naturally caused a commotion. A few minutes later, an engineer of medium height, who looked to be in his 30s and wearing glasses, jogged all the way to the three of them. before.

"Mr. Yang, you... why are you here suddenly?"

"Okay, forest workers, don't be nervous. I'm not here to check your progress this time." Yang Fenghao said, taking a step to the side, stepping aside half of his body and introducing to Chang Haonan and Yao Mengna:

"This is the leader of our digital design team at Institute 601, Engineer Lin Shikuan."

Only then did Lin Shikuan notice that there were two people following Yang Fenghao.

"These two are the experts in digital design and computational fluid dynamics that I invited from Beijing Hang University this time, Dr. Yao Mengna and Dr. Chang Haonan."

Chang Haonan is still an undergraduate at the moment, but it is basically a certainty that he will directly pursue a Ph.D., so it is not a big problem.

"Don't dare to be considered experts. Just call us by our names. China's digitalization of aircraft design is still in its infancy. We are all students, let's communicate and learn from each other."

Yao Mengna said this very well.

Judging from Lin Shikuan's performance when he met Yang Fenghao just now, because the progress has not met expectations for a long time, the morale of the entire digital design team may have some problems, and there may even be some fear of difficulties.

Especially in front of the model chief engineer, he was completely unable to hold his head up.

Yao Mengna's answer took everyone's feelings into consideration and did not further stimulate Lin Shikuan's already sensitive and fragile psychology.

After the three people shook hands, they were considered to know each other.

"Thank you, Mr. Yang, for still thinking about our digital team. I am very honored to have two experts from Beijing Airlines to help."

Lin Shikuan was indeed much more relaxed than when they first met.

"Then, forest workers, please familiarize them with the general situation of the project first. If you have any questions or need, please contact me."

The Eighty-Three Project is currently in the research stage. Yang Fenghao can be said to have many things to do every day. Naturally, he cannot stay here forever, so after arranging the two people, he turned around and left the computing center.

"Dr. Yao, Dr. Chang, please come with me."

In the next more than two hours, Lin Shikuan first took the two of them to visit the computer room equipment, and then began to introduce their work during this period.

In fact, this digital design group was established in early 1995, less than two years ago.

In other words, when their group was established, the 01 verification aircraft of the J-8-3 had already made their first flight.

Therefore, the tasks of Lin Shikuan and his colleagues in the first stage had little to do with design. They mainly focused on converting past paper design drawings into more intuitive geometric modeling, which was a lot of work.

However, this task, which seemed very simple at the beginning, they have not completed for nearly a year and a half, let alone using digital technology to improve the aircraft later.

So Lin Shikuan's meaning was very simple. He hoped that he could at least help them find out which step made the mistake.

Chang Haonan happens to know the answer to this matter, because in the original timeline, after he graduated, he happened to catch up with the stage when the entire Chinese aviation industry was fully transforming from traditional design methods to digital design. These problems Lin Shikuan encountered , he also encountered it.

Simply put, digital design is far more than just replacing a drawing board with a computer, but a complete set of design ideas.

But just when he was organizing his words and preparing to speak, Yao Mengna next to him got there first.

"Actually, this problem... I know how to solve it."

Chang Haonan subconsciously turned his head to look at the other party.

"When I was a PhD student, I tried to digitally design some simple aircraft, and I encountered the same problem as you."


Several engineers, including Lin Shikuan, looked at each other with half surprise and half doubt in their eyes.

After all, the problem that had troubled them for a year and a half and made the digital design team unable to raise their heads in front of the aunt in the 601 canteen, others immediately said they could solve it after hearing it.

It is indeed a bit exaggerated.

In fact, let alone Lin Shikuan and others, even Chang Haonan felt a little surprised.

He didn't expect Yao Mengna to have experience in this area.

"Our country's aircraft appearance design has always followed the Soviet path. After the aerodynamic configuration design, the entire aircraft shape is mathematically modeled, and the theoretical shape is expressed entirely using mathematical formulas, that is, in a non-parametric way."

Yao Mengna walked to the blackboard next to her in three steps and then picked up the chalk and wrote a few formulas on it.

"European and American aircraft appearance design focuses on geometric representation and uses parametric polynomials to express the overall aircraft shape curve,"

She drew another Bezier curve, and then wrote the quadratic formula of the Bezier curve.

"Originally, these two methods actually have their own advantages and disadvantages. If the designer's mathematical skills are good enough, the mathematical formula method will be more accurate in describing the shape of the aircraft."

"But the design software you are using now is CATIA bought from France. If you apply Soviet design habits to European design software, the final result will naturally be very awkward, and more importantly, there is no way to modify it through parameter adjustment. It completely fails to reflect the advantages of digital design.”

"So you have to change your thinking habits and restore the aircraft design through surface curve theory. Only in this way can you get better results, which will be helpful for subsequent design improvements and even assembly and manufacturing processes."

After saying this, Yao Mengna threw the remaining half of chalk into the chalk box very gracefully, and then turned back.

What came into view were several people with almost identical expressions.


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