"And this one, XF-3. How much does this cost? Give me a thousand of them too."

The XF-2 and XF-3 drones mentioned by Modarahan are two models that are larger than the XF-1.

XF is the abbreviation of firefighting. Like XF-1, these drones are firefighting drones that Su Heng customized for the fire department.

It is used to meet the fire protection needs of super high-rise buildings.

The XF-1 can carry six special fire-fighting rockets with a ceiling limit of 500 meters and can be used below 500 meters.

The XF-2 is larger and more advanced. It can carry twelve special fire-fighting rockets at a time, with a ceiling limit of 800 meters. The drone can also be equipped with an emergency bay, and can carry no more than 50 rockets according to actual needs. kilograms of items or people.

Other data of the XF-3 are similar to the XF-2, except that the load capacity is larger. If the emergency pod is installed, it can carry no more than 100 kilograms of items or personnel for emergency use.

In addition, all three firefighting drones can be used as emergency power supplies. After installing supporting search equipment in an emergency, they can provide lighting for a radius of 100 meters. The XF-1 has a battery life of up to six hours!

If connected to a power source, the battery life can reach two hundred hours!

XF-2 and XF-3 are stronger. When not connected to the power supply, the continuous lighting time can reach ten hours and twenty hours. The lighting range is also larger, which can reach 150 meters and 200 meters. .

However, stronger performance brings more expensive prices.

"The price of the XF-2 fire-fighting drone is 300,000 yuan, and the price of the XF-3 fire-fighting drone is 600,000 yuan. Is Your Highness the Prince confirmed to buy it?"

Facing Mo Darahan'er's inquiry, Su Heng also reported the prices of both drones.

"Three hundred and six hundred thousand? Oh dear Sue, this is so cheap!"

As soon as Su Heng finished speaking, Mo Darahan'er's voice sounded directly.

Without waiting for Su Heng to respond, Modalahan continued: "Dear Su, please arrange it for me. Three thousand XF-1 drones, and one thousand XF-2 and XF-3 drones." "Also, Su, can I make a small request?"

"Request?" Su Heng was startled, and then said: "What request? His Highness the Prince may ask for it, but as long as Su can satisfy it, he will definitely do his best to satisfy His Highness."

"Haha, dear Su, it's not a big request. I just want to ask Su to help you upgrade the XF-3 drone to see if you can increase the ceiling to 900 meters. Su, you know Yes, my friend’s tallest tower is more than 800 meters high.”

Facing Su Heng's inquiry, Modalahaner smiled.


Hearing this term, Su Heng raised his eyebrows slightly.

Almost instantly, he thought of the friend's name in Modalahan'er's mouth.

Then, Su Heng nodded slightly and said: "Yes, but if the ceiling is raised to 900 meters, some load-carrying performance will have to be sacrificed. I don't know if His Highness the Prince can accept it."

Hearing this, Modalahan frowned slightly and said, "How much load will be sacrificed?"

Su Heng pondered for a moment, and then said: "About ten percent."

"Ten percent?" Modalahan's frown instantly relaxed, and he said directly: "It doesn't matter, just sacrifice, ninety kilograms is enough."

Before Su Heng could respond, Modalahan continued: "Dear Su, please give me a hundred of these improved drones."

Mo Darahan'er has a lot of money, and he always talks about a hundred items, as if he buys everything in round numbers.

Hearing this, Su Heng also nodded, and then said: "Okay, I will instruct His Highness to modify the equipment later. There will be no modification fee, just the price of the XF-3 drone..."

As soon as Su Heng finished speaking, Mo Darahan'er's face suddenly darkened.

Before Su Heng could think about it, Mo Darahan'er's voice rang out directly: "Dear Su, do you look down on me, Mr. Sha? The modification costs are as much as they should be, as well as those agricultural equipment from before. The cost of modifying the drone is also the same, it’s whatever it is, and Mr. Sha is not short of it!”

"If word gets out and my friends know that I bought a few drones and was reluctant to pay for modifications, they might think that I, Sha, have no money, and I, Sha, can't afford to lose this person."


The inhumane voice made Chen Yue next to him couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Not only Chen Yue, but also Su Heng was silent at this moment.

Good guy, you really don’t regard money as money!

But then I thought about it, Modalahan was able to buy thousands of drones that cost hundreds of millions of dollars without blinking an eyelid.

This mere modification fee is really not worthy of being noticed by the other party.

Especially for these fire-fighting drones, even if Su Heng makes money with his conscience in mind, how much can he earn by modifying a hundred of them? Is it comparable to an X1E Falcon drone?

"You are indeed a big dog owner..."

Thinking of this, Su Heng couldn't help but sigh.

It’s so trenchant! It’s too trenchant!

There was no other way. Faced with Modalahan's inhumane request, Su Heng could only agree. His biggest shortcoming was that he could not refuse other people's requests, especially such inhumane requests...

After receiving Su Heng's affirmative reply, Modalahan's face showed a smile again, but then he seemed to have thought of something, and Modalahan suddenly said: "By the way, dear Su, you guys have built cars." ?"

"Car?" Su Heng was startled.

"Yeah, it's that kind of sports car, a supercar like Lambo. I heard that some public company in your country, Longguo, has the best carbon fiber in the world. I don't know if you have any supercars here. I think Own a state-of-the-art carbon fiber supercar”

After a pause, Modalahan continued: "Su, you don't know, last month my friend from Aluato actually drove a carbon fiber Lambo made of the most advanced military aviation grade T30 carbon fiber. Showing off in front of me, it is said that the Black and White Eagle Raptor fighter is made of this level of carbon fiber, which really pisses me off!”

Hearing this, Su Heng's eyes also became a little strange.

carbon fiber? What public?

Isn't that his Taigong Fishing Tackle Company?

Not only Su Heng, but Chen Yue and others next to him also looked strange.

After a moment of silence, Chen Yue finally couldn't help but said:

"Mr. Modalahaner, that Taigong Fishing Tackle Co., Ltd. is a company under President Su's command."

"Huh?" Hearing Chen Yue's voice, Mo Darahan was startled, and then he reacted suddenly, "Dear Su, that carbon fiber company also belongs to you?"

Hearing this, Su Heng nodded slightly and said: "Indeed, if the company your Highness the Prince is talking about is Taigong Fishing Tackle Company"

This is not a secret. Anyone who checks the equity structure of Taigong Fishing Tackle Company will know who is behind it.

Modalahan doesn't know, and he probably doesn't know much about it in detail, otherwise he should be able to know this easily.

"Dear Su, what else can you not do? Water purification systems, drones, and this carbon fiber. These are all your products. It's incredible."

Hearing Su Heng's response, Mo Darahan'er also had a look of surprise on his face.

Hearing this, Chen Yue next to him couldn't help but mutter in his heart, 'There are still many things you don't know. He can also build fighter jets, rockets, and satellites...'

Qian Zhizhong and Tang Jianjun next to Chen Yue looked at each other and saw a hint of amusement in each other's eyes.

What can't Su Heng do?

To be honest, they don't know either.

There are so many secrets about Su Heng. They thought they knew enough about Su Heng before.

Who knew that Su Heng quietly went to Shaluotuo to build a seawater desalination plant? The desalination plant was able to meet one-fifth of Shaluotuo's annual fresh water needs!

This scale can only be described as terrifying!

I'm afraid you won't be able to find another desalination plant like this in the world!

There is also the submarine that Qin Shan mentioned before. If Qin Shan hadn't revealed it, they still wouldn't know about it now.

Judging from Qinshan's appearance, the performance of the submarine is probably far superior to the submarines currently in service in the National Defense Force, otherwise Qinshan would not be so excited.

The closer they got to Su Heng, the more they felt that Su Heng was unfathomable.

If reason hadn't told them otherwise, sometimes they would have even wanted to cut open Su Heng's brain to see what was inside Su Heng's brain...

On the other side, facing Mo Darahan'er's exclamation, Su Heng didn't think there was anything remarkable about it.

Shaking his head, Su Heng said directly: "His Royal Highness, you are ridiculous. These are just some gadgets. They are just for making a living. They are not as good as your business, Your Highness."

Hearing this, Mo Darahan shook his head slightly and said: "No, no, no, dear Su, although we, Sha Luotuo, are rich, it is all money earned by lying down. It is not earned by our own efforts at all. Compared with Now I admire you even more for people like you who use your wisdom to earn wealth. Sooner or later, our oil will be exhausted, but your wisdom will never run out!"

At the end of the sentence, Modala Haner sighed slightly and said: "Su, you know, I am really worried. If one day we run out of oil digging, what will we, Shaluotuo, do?"

"..." Su Heng was silent.

Just when Su Heng was about to say something, Modalahan's voice sounded again: "The oil we have detected so far is only enough for us to dig for more than sixty years..."


Su Heng was stunned by the sudden sound.

"I'm super! You're so naughty!!"

An inexplicable voice appeared directly in Su Heng's mind.

Chen Yue next to him couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth slightly.

If reason hadn't told him that this was the prince of Sha Luotuo, and if he beat him, it would have serious consequences, and even affect the friendly diplomatic relations between the two countries, Chen Yue would have really wanted to hit him at this moment!

Mud, "only enough to dig for more than sixty years"? Listen, is this horse speaking human language?

What does it mean to only dig for more than sixty years?

Co-authoring for more than sixty years is not enough, right?

You have been digging for how many years, and you can still dig for another sixty years. Are you still not satisfied with this?

This scene is like a billionaire sitting on a mountain of gold and suddenly saying to you: "In another sixty years, my gold mountain will be dug out, and I will have no money by then."

Who can withstand this horse?

Even Su Heng was almost dodged by Mo Darahaner at this moment.

He didn't expect that Modalahan would suddenly come here.

And looking at Modalahan's melancholy and serious look, it seems that he is really worried!

Damn, what are you worried about?

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