The Millennium Semiconductor Survival Guide

Chapter 28 Yahoo! Or Microsoft

"Zhou, you are as young as I was when I started my business." Jerry Yang, also known as Jerry Yang.

A figure who cannot be avoided in the early Internet development, the founder of Yahoo.

There are many investors who have found Zhou Xin, and the Internet fund investors on Wall Street are like hyenas who smell the smell.

These people were basically rejected by Zhou Xin.

Mainly still do not understand.

At the very beginning of starting a business, investment is of course welcome. The most important thing at this stage is to develop the company.

But at the current volume of Riot Games, money is no longer the most important thing.

This time is equivalent to the D or E round financing stage of an ordinary Internet start-up company.

It has hematopoietic ability by itself.

The company Zhou Xin co-owned with Ashley and Stephen changed its name to Flamingo Games.

And the electronics community continues to own the Riot Games name.

The vast majority of the current Internet companies rely on bragging and painting, and they have no blood-making ability.

Even so, these companies can go public on Nasdaq.

For an Internet company like Riot Games that has already found its own profit model, in the eyes of investors, it can start operating and go public immediately after a single investment.

Could there be a more perfect unicorn than this?

As for Yang Zhiyuan, Yang Zhiyuan contacted Zhou Xin through Hu Zhengming, and Zhou Xin was also very curious about Yang Zhiyuan.

Although Yahoo gradually declined during the development of the Internet in the end, it is now very popular.

"Haha Mr. Gates said similar things when I had dinner with him before.

It seems that most Internet people were young when they started their businesses.

After all, the Internet is a brand new thing. "

"Yes, the Internet will change the world, I never doubted that.

Yahoo has changed the way people receive information. Before, people would get information through newspapers and magazines.

And now people start to get information through Yahoo.

Likewise, you are changing an industry.

Although the video game industry has a long history, they used to have a lot of offline links.

From the production of game cassettes to the release of the game to the final game in the hands of players.

This large series of links needs to be realized offline, and you have broken the entire chain.

The right to evaluate a game is in the hands of the paper media.

Players' opinions on the game are scattered in various large and small forums.

There is no one thing to gather these opinions and give a suggestion to players who have not bought this game.

With the Riot Electronics Community, all this has changed.

Players express their views on the game through the electronic community, and game publishers can collect players' opinions through the electronic community.

Electronic communities themselves can publish games.

All this forms a complete closed loop.

This is the best Internet product I have seen this year.

If Chenming hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that you were his student. "

Hu Zhengming and Yang Zhiyuan are also from Wanwan, and then they both work in the Los Angeles area. The two of them know each other perfectly.

"I was studying at Yanda University, and Professor Hu discovered my talent and brought me to Los Angeles.

If he hadn't brought me to Los Angeles, I wouldn't have discovered my talent in Internet products. "This statement is more false than true.

There is no fake part in the eyes of outsiders.

The Internet people in Silicon Valley don't think that Huaguo has any Internet industry, and they copy the products here from Silicon Valley in Huaguo.

They have not been defeated by the Internet people in Huaguo on the frontal battlefield. They will not realize that Huaguo also has a local Internet industry until they are defeated more times in the future.

"Chenming is the most powerful professor at Berkeley in the field of integrated circuits over the years.

He thinks you are very talented, and it seems that you also have a strong talent in the field of integrated circuits. "

After a lot of pleasantries between the two sides, Yang Zhiyuan's main purpose was revealed.

"I want to acquire Riot Games, and I can give it a valuation of around US$300 million.

It's the biggest M\u0026A in all of Silicon Valley this year, if you will. "

Needless to say, Zhou Xin could probably guess Yang Zhiyuan's purpose.

After coming to 1998, Zhou Xin still maintained his high efficiency in information collection. He had only a rough impression of Silicon Valley in this era, and now he knows the current situation of Silicon Valley well.

Yahoo has maintained a high degree of aggressiveness in the capital market after its market value exceeded US$4 billion. It recently acquired Yoyodyne Entertainment, an Internet direct selling company.

Last year they acquired Four11,

With Yahoo's size, it is true that it can afford so much money.

Jerry Yang is right. So far, the largest acquisition in Silicon Valley comes from ICQ, which is the earliest instant messaging software that QQ "learned from".

AOL bought ICQ for $287 million.

But the price Yang Zhiyuan was willing to offer was beyond Zhou Xin's imagination.

Riot Games has a turnover of less than 10 million now, and the other party is willing to offer 300 million US dollars.

Zhou Xin asked: "The price exceeded my expectations.

Although I won't sell it, I still want to ask why you are willing to charge such a high price? "

"Because Riot Games is worth it.

He has more than 200,000 paying users, and these paying users are still increasing.

This price is not open randomly.

Before coming to chat with you, we have already found a business evaluation company to do relevant research.

The user stickiness and willingness to pay in the Riot Electronics community are currently the best among all online forums.

Video games have been a high-growth industry since their invention.

Last year, video game sales totaled $4 billion.

In the future, even if only one-third of video games are released through Riot Games, the market value of Riot Games will be comparable to that of Yahoo.

Therefore, an angel investment of US$300 million is not expensive in my opinion.

Of course, you have not yet achieved that step. It will take time for you to build that form, and you will face many competitors.

Even if you don't accept Yahoo's acquisition, Yahoo will set up its own game forum.

If you are willing to sell to Yahoo, then Yahoo's brand plus the existing stock advantages of the fist electronics community, we are invincible in this field.

Three hundred million US dollars, 95% of the shares, and 5% of the shares are reserved for you.

You can consider this 5% stake as Riot Games, or convert it into Yahoo shares at a valuation of US$300 million.

You think about it.

No one can offer a higher price than Yahoo! "

Yang Zhiyuan filled Zhou Xin with sincerity.

"500 million dollars, Microsoft's price is definitely the most sincere!"

The next day, Zhou Xin went to Seattle to meet with Bill Gates. After hearing the price offered by Jerry Yang, Bill Gates raised the price by 60% without thinking.

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