"A girl who had just entered school was looked down upon and alienated by some people in the class because she was petite and looked like a junior high school student. Until a boy treated her like a normal person. After getting along with her, the girl found that she seemed to like her. Got that boy”

"So the girl wrote a love letter and prepared to express her feelings to the boy she liked in the classroom after school in the afternoon. The girl looked at the colorful clouds rising in the sky and waited quietly for the boy."

"When the door was pushed open, the girl who thought it was a boy was filled with joy, but she never thought that it was not a boy who came, but a middle-aged teacher with a big belly in her class."

"The girl was afraid of being discovered by the teacher, so she secretly held the love letter in her hand and hid it. However, she didn't want the teacher to peek at her for a long time and told the girl that he liked girls who were petite and weak, and they were comfortable to play with. Teacher Express your love to her, be willing to support her, and let her become an underground mistress. Let’s not say that the girl has someone she likes. Even if she doesn’t, she will not destroy other people’s families and refuse decisively.”

"But when the teacher saw that there was no one around, and the boy was actually sent away by him, he had evil intentions and wanted to force the girl. He did not expect that the girl was strong and resisted all the time. The teacher was angry and slapped the girl. Dead on the wall”

"The bright red blood flowed down the girl's body, dyeing the love letter in her hand crimson and turning it into a blood letter."

"The teacher was afraid that the matter would be exposed, so he dragged the girl into an abandoned toilet in the school, brutally dismembered her with a knife, and buried her in the wall. After a long time, the stench was still difficult to hide, and she was finally discovered, and the teacher was arrested by the police."


"No...but what?"

Aonano swallowed hard and asked anxiously.

"However, the police found the love letter in the girl's hand. Even after a long time, it was still not decayed at all, and the blood stains on it did not disappear."

"And often when people pass by that toilet, they hear the scary voice of a girl inside, but when they go in, there is nothing but traces of filth. Some people even witnessed the love letter appearing in the school. It is said that Anyone who saw the love letter would be in bad luck for several days. This incident slowly spread and became a weird thing in our school. Some people called it Hanako in the toilet, while others called it the bloody pornographic book."

Chapter 191 White Flower

Tianhe Hua Minato finished roughly the rumors she had heard in one breath. Her mouth was dry, so she naturally picked up the water that belonged to He Feiyu on the table and drank it "dong dong".

Feeling the sweet water spread freely in the mouth and moistening it, he reluctantly put it down after being satisfied. He turned to look at Aangano Yu's heart-wrenching expression. He was frightened and satisfied. Then he lowered his head to look at He Feiyu and found that his brows were slightly wrinkled. , seemed to be thinking about something, and seemed not to be frightened by this strange story.

That's right, Yu Jun is in front of her

I have always been so reliable before, how could I be disturbed by a little horror story, but why am I so uncomfortable!

The girl thought about the first time she heard this strange story. She was alone at home and slept with the light on for several days. She felt unbalanced and began to rub the boy's face on her lap with her hands in a weird way.

Yujun's face is really delicate and smooth, and it feels really comfortable when RUA is applied. Why haven't I noticed this before? The sooner I discover it, the sooner I can enjoy it~

Tianhe Huamin decided to let He Feiyu rest on his knees more often, and then she could take the opportunity to show off.

Not long after the immersive enjoyment, Amaga Minato felt a slight pain in the little finger of one of her hands, and then a warm and moist thread wrapped around it, and she was sucked on it at the same time. When the girl looked at it, her pretty face suddenly turned red, and her heartbeat stopped. While speeding up, the rubbing action stopped.

He Feiyu was searching in his mind for stories related to what he had seen in his previous life based on the stories told by Tianhe Hua Min. He believed that even if there were supernatural events in this world, they would be consistent with the other world, that is, they would be based on the theme of Se Se. Maybe it's just pure supernatural horror.

The related memories became clearer and clearer, and the constant rubbing on his face interrupted his thinking, so he took one of the girl's fingers into his mouth and sucked it angrily to stop her.

At this point, the girl really stopped moving, and he also thought of the related episode.

Two figures, one red and one white, appeared in his mind.

The girl with the red figure is perverse and fierce, while the girl with the white figure is naughty and cute.

Judging from what just happened, it is obvious that red does not fit. If it were red, the three of them would not finish the meal safely.

According to the plot and what Hana Minato said, the white girl is roughly the same. Although there are subtle differences, the girl in the previous series was raped to death by the scumbag teacher, which is different from what Hana Minato said.

However, He Feiyu didn't care very much. For some time, he had begun to deliberately forget about the episodes he had seen in his previous life.

Because he found that they are now flesh and blood, living people, instead of the characters who were wantonly raped in the previous life. His existence is to rewrite the tragic fate of the girls. As long as he is around, those disgusting tauren will no longer If they continue to do the same thing again, the only outcome waiting for them is to be squeezed to death.

Now, now that it was confirmed that it was the white flower, He Feiyu no longer worried about any trouble. At most, he would be teased by a naughty girl. He just regarded it as playing with the little girl.

Sono Yushin was still immersed in the horror stories told by Amagawa Hana Minato. Girls are timid to begin with, and the Hanako in the toilet and the terrifying bloody pornographic books made her frightened.

Only the warmth of the boy's legs held in his hands was better.

She finally regained her composure and was about to propose leaving this deadly classroom. Just as she raised her eyes and glanced over the dilapidated podium, she discovered that there seemed to be red traces on the podium.

Did this thing exist from the beginning?

Sono Yui thought that the erotic books were also red, could it be...

"Fei...Feiyu-kun, you...look...see if the red thing on the podium is..."

The girl's uneasy heart was beating faster and faster, as if it would leave her chest at any time. She swallowed her saliva, slowly turned her head, and murmured uneasily to the two tired people with a trembling voice.

When Amaga Minato heard this, she thought it was Sono Yushin who was frightened by the story she told. He wanted to comfort the girl and tell her not to think so much. They were all stories that were circulated. Almost every school has a strange story. , it took her a while to figure it out, so she felt the same way.

"How can it be..."

But by some mistake, Amaga Minato also took a look at the podium and found that there was indeed a trace of red on the white podium. When she entered the classroom, there was nothing on it.

He Feiyu, who thought nothing serious had happened, heard the trembling voices of the two girls and quickly got up from them. He followed their gazes and indeed found something like an envelope.

It seems that Hanako is planning to scare them.

"It's okay, Yuxin didn't see anything, didn't see anything..."

He Feiyu quickly reached out and covered the eyes of the frightened Canono Yuxin, and spoke softly.

After hearing this, Sono Yushin's originally panicked expression gradually became calm and peaceful.

He Feiyu activated hypnosis and put the girl into a light sleep to prevent her from being too scared and being really frightened. If you know that people in extreme panic may be frightened to death.

Amagawa Minato is much better than Sono Yushin. Although she is scared, it is not to that point.

"Hanamato-chan, keep an eye on Yushin-chan for me. I'll go see what's going on."

He Feiyu picked up Cang Nao Yuexin, then placed him next to Tianhe Hana Minato, and told the girl.


Tianhehua Minato nodded heavily. She was more worried about not being able to complete the instructions given to her by He Feiyu than Kaitan.

Because Amano Kaminato has a succubus aura, as long as she is maliciously attacked by others, she will open a barrier that is immune to all attacks within a certain range. That's why He Feiyu dared to leave Aono Yushin to her care with confidence.

Walking slowly to the podium, there was indeed an abnormally bright red envelope on it.

He Feiyu stretched out his hand to see if it was some kind of illusion similar to a ghost breaking a wall, but when he touched the envelope, something real happened.

A real touch came.

The envelope was held in He Feiyu's hand. He subconsciously put it under his nose and smelled it. A pungent smell of blood poured into his nasal cavity, but it was not that unpleasant. There was actually a hint of sweetness in it.

It's definitely not that he awakened some vampire bloodline, but it does have some girl's body fragrance. He has experienced so much, there is no way he can smell it wrong.

He Feiyu opened the envelope curiously. After knowing that it was Bai Huazi, his fear was much lessened. If the girl's character did not change much from the one in the series, there was a high probability that it was a prank by the girl.

Looking at the beautiful, delicate and smart handwriting on it, one stroke after another, like a playful elf, the already non-terrifying atmosphere became much lighter.

He Feiyu read the content. It was roughly a shy confession of a teenage girl to a boy she likes. He could tell from between the lines that Hanako really liked boys.

Just thinking about the girl's tragic ending, He Feiyu couldn't help but feel sorry for her, and at the same time he hated the scum of this world even more.

"Hanako, come out and let's talk."

He Feiyu put the letter back into the envelope, put it on the podium, thought for a while, and spoke to the air.

He smelled a profit from this matter, and guessed that if he helped Hanako pass away, he would be rewarded by the system. On the other hand, it was also his pity for Hanako.

"Huh!? You are really different from others. You are not afraid of me. Hehe, tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?"

As expected, the girl's clear voice appeared in his ears, but she still could not be seen.

Chapter 192: Two Conditions for Assistance in Reincarnation

"Yu...Yu-kun, you...who are you talking to...is it...Hanako?"

Tianhe Hana Minato was holding the unconscious Sono Yushin and heard He Feiyu talking to the air, and said in surprise.



"Will she hurt us?"

Tianhe Hana Minato couldn't believe it. She just looked at the messy graffiti on the blackboard and suddenly thought of the strange stories circulating in the school. It was just a whim. How come she was chatting with Hanako when she arrived at Yujun's place.

But out of her trust in He Feiyu, she did not suspect that the boy was cheating on her.

"She won't"

He Feiyu shook his head.

"How do you know I don't know how to do it? I'm the legendary scary ghost."

Hanako was floating in the air comfortably in a red and white dress. When she heard He Feiyu's answer to her, curiosity could not help but appear on her small face.

"No, I just won't"

If the Hanako in front of him was the Hanako in the horror world, He Feiyu directly picked up the two girls and ran away. Unfortunately, they were from the other world. If he was still scared, it would be useless.

Hua Zi blinked her big black eyes. She was obviously not satisfied with He Feiyu's answer. You know, in the past, when someone heard her nickname, their expressions would change. If they happened to see her figure, they would run away in confusion. How can it be like this? He was the same. Not only was he not afraid, he also dared to open her scary love letter. This was the first time since she wrote it that it had been opened by someone else.

"Are you really~ not scared~?"

Hanako rolled her eyes, and then her body began to float back and forth in the classroom. Suddenly, there were gusts of sinister wind blowing, accompanied by her horrifying whispers in a deliberately long tone.

"Cold... so cold..."


The cold wind made Sono Yusuke shivering in his sleep. The girl opened her mouth and murmured unconsciously. Seeing Sono Yushin doing this, Tianhe Hana quickly covered the girl's whole body and used her own body temperature to protect the girl. It was warm, but the effect was not too great. She called He Feiyu anxiously.

"Hanako, you must be very lonely after living alone as a ghost for so many years. How about I find a way to make you die?"


When Hanako heard this, she showed an interested look, then she stopped moving and her whole body hung upside down in the air.

It's also strange. Hanako's short purple hair hangs down naturally, but the girl's skirt violates Newton's theorem and covers her fair thighs.

"Hmph! A pervert, a philanderer, a man with two legs, and he still has thoughts about me, a ghost! Pervert!"

Hanako suddenly remembered something, a blush appeared on her pale and pretty face, and she spat loudly.

He Feiyu was confused now.

What do you mean? Why did you start cursing people? Could it be that something went wrong and Hanako didn't want to die? ?


He Feiyu recalled the plot and combined it with what the girl had just said. He coughed a few times in embarrassment and then remembered that the condition for Hanako's death was to have sex with the person he liked before he could die. No wonder the girl would be angry, just like you walking on the road, Tell others, let's reproduce and survive. If you don't get beaten to death, it's the harmonious society that saved you.

"what are you saying?"

He Feiyu pretended to be stupid and said, Hua Zi didn't know that he knew anyway, if he pretended not to know, then Hua Zi wouldn't know that he knew, and then Hua Zi wouldn't know, perfect.

Sure enough, when Huazi saw He Feiyu's puzzled expression, she realized that he didn't know where she was going.

What are the conditions for giving birth? I feel a little embarrassed, but the first few words I said are always true. I am so close to the two girls, what is it if I am not a big carrot?

What she hates the most is scumbags who have nothing to do with others.

The girl still remembers that when she first opened her eyes after her own death, her eyes were completely dark.

She thought she was in hell, but the silent environment made her, a ghost, feel scared. She finally saw a bit of light, so she moved her stiff body and floated towards the light source, but what she saw was not the hideous and terrifying monsters in hell. , but a familiar campus environment.

She subconsciously wanted to see what was going on, but a force restrained her. It was only at dawn that she saw clearly that she was in the abandoned toilet of the school.

She had suffered such a dirty and stinky environment during her lifetime, and she wanted to leave this place, even if it was just a small room, she was willing to stay.

But every time she reached a certain area, she felt something was stopping her. After trying countless times, she gave up and could only stay in this unattended toilet in confusion.

It wasn't until one day that a group of people wearing masks and doctor uniforms pressed the teacher who killed her into the toilet. Her lifeless eyes regained some vitality, and she watched indifferently as they dug out a piece of meat under the guidance of the scumbag teacher. She remembered the corpse and the familiar clothes.

It turned out to be herself...

The deal is done, or maybe time has smoothed away the hatred, and she can no longer make waves, but she is looking forward to it in her heart. If her body is exhumed and then cremated, will she be able to pass away and no longer have to stay in this filthy place? in the toilet.

It's a pity that fantasy is beautiful, but reality is always cruel. After an unknown amount of time, she was still lingering in the toilet, without any sign of passing away.

The last bit of hope was dashed.

Time has no meaning to her.

Until a few exploration students came to explore the place where the corpses had been buried. Out of boredom, she teased them a little, but she was scared away immediately.

She regretted that at least they could stay with her for a while, but now they all ran away and she was the only one left.

But for some reason, she suddenly felt much stronger.

On a whim, she wanted to leave the toilet again. Although the result was the same, what was exciting was that this time she was able to walk a few more steps!

What an exciting thing for a young girl who has been stuck in the toilet.

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