Bucks Sheng is not an idiot, he knows that there is someone more brilliant than him.

So he followed everyone's gaze and saw He Feiyu who was purely performing.

The lively scene was a thousand times more beautiful than his previous movements that were neither a donkey nor a horse, which made him very unwilling, but he had no choice but to do so. The movements were indeed very entertaining to watch.

"Tch, it's nothing. He's just a little bit better than me. When I learn to play basketball in the future, I will show you what a genius is!"

Bucks Sheng whispered in a low voice, seeming to think that he would be like He Feiyu in basketball at this time, attracting everyone's attention, and looking forward to that day.

Then he couldn't help but look down at He Feiyu's body, staring at the occasionally protruding big roots. His already gloomy face darkened a bit. After secretly spitting, he looked away, but he accidentally saw the purple-haired girl also looking towards him. He Feiyu looked at it, and the dislike and hatred towards He Feiyu in his heart became even worse.

I have to say that Natsuha Murasaki no Miya is very similar to Stag Masaru.

Most people looked at He Feiyu to admire his skills. Only a few people accidentally caught a glimpse of the bulge, but they quickly diverted their attention.

When Xia Yedang of Zi Zhi Palace saw He Feiyu for the first time, he couldn't help but move his eyes downwards.

She blinked her beautiful eyes and stared at the bulge in her pants from time to time, with a pink glow on her face.

I thought she was shy when she looked away, but I didn't expect that Xia Ye of Purple Palace glanced around a few times as if she was guilty of a crime. She found that most people were like her and no one paid attention to her, so she stared at something naked again. .

My throat keeps rolling, I just don't know why this is happening.

"Cough...cough, classmate, can you stop for a moment? The teacher has something to ask you."

Haruhara Yumei walked to He Feiyu and accidentally saw something. Her mature face was stained pink, and she pretended to cough a few times in embarrassment to relieve her embarrassment.

But a question arose in her mind.

How well are today’s students developing?

Chapter 219: Potential Bucks Win

【Ding! It is detected that the host is executing justice: invisible pretense, the most deadly, inadvertently defeating the self-confidence of the yellow-haired buck Sheng again, letting him know what is a protagonist and what is a clown, the evaluation is C, and the reward is - 1000 points]

Hearing the mature female voice in front of him and the inexplicable system prompt sound in his head, He Feiyu, who was immersed in playing football, came back to his senses.

The football that was still on his heel was thrown in front of him in a perfect arc, then he lifted his knees to correct the direction of the football's bounce, and finally caught it firmly with the instep of his foot, immediately relieved his force, and stepped on the football under his feet in one go.

"Is there any problem? Mr. Haruhara?"

He Feiyu stretched out his hand to wipe the non-existent sweat on his forehead. He didn't pay attention to the sound of the system prompts, but asked Yumi Haruhara who was a few steps away in confusion.

"I don't know your name yet, classmate. Can you tell the teacher what your name is first?"

Haruhara Ikumi did not go straight to the topic, but wanted to get closer to the two of them by knowing He Feiyu's name. It would not be too late to ask about their wishes when the time came.

As a physical education teacher, I actually get to know the names of my students gradually. Even if they are called in every class, most of them cannot be remembered. Because I teach more than one class, I usually just get along with them and get to know some of them who are more active and impressive. Impressive student names.


"He Feiyu"

He Feiyu didn't know why Chun Yuan Yumi came to him and asked him his name, but as a student, he still told Chu Yuan Yumi.

"He Feiyu, that's a really good name."

"Feiyu's parents must hope that Feiyu can fly freely like a bird."

Haruhara Ikumi raised the corners of her lips when she heard this and nodded. She searched for He Feiyu's name on the page with the pen hanging next to the roll call and analyzed the meaning of praising his name.

"Ahem... maybe so"

He Feiyu was startled for a moment, but immediately returned to normal and replied indistinctly, haha.

Maybe the name really meant that, but it has nothing to do with his parents.

"I don't know where, Feiyu, you learned football. Have you joined a football club? If you want to participate in football-related competitions?"

Haruhara Ikumi didn't know He Feiyu's life experience. She used a red ballpoint pen to draw an eye-catching five-pointed star behind He Feiyu's name, raised her head and said with a smile.

"This...Mr. Chunyuan, why do you ask this?"

He Feiyu asked Chunhara Yumi in confusion.

"It seems that Feiyu-san doesn't know that your performance in playing football just caused a big sensation~"

Haruhara Ikumi stepped aside a little so that He Feiyu could see the crowd who were attracted to stop and watch behind her.

“So that’s how it is”

He Feiyu glanced at everyone and knew the reason. He also knew why the system had just issued a reward prompt.

I didn't expect that Huang Mao's defense could be broken by just kicking the ball. It seems that the Bucks are in a hurry to win, but don't worry yet, because he will be anxious later.

This Stag Sheng has a woolly constitution that is no less than that of Gao Bird Formation. He can cultivate it more in the future and wait until the value is completely squeezed out before providing him with a polite one-stop service.

"It seems that Mr. Feiyu knows how amazing your performance just now is. If you are trained by football professionals, I believe that Mr. Feiyu is very likely to be selected by our school team to participate in the comprehensive sports conference that is coming in the fall. If you get a good ranking in the football game, you may even be admitted to a good college in advance, and then you won’t have to worry so much about taking the college exam three years later.”

"Of course, how you choose depends on your own wishes, Feiyu."

Haruhara Ikumi said a lot in one breath, while He Feiyu just listened quietly.

Not far away from the two people, there were several figures who were listening with their ears pricked up, seeming to be very concerned about the conversation between the two.

One of them is Sono Yushin.

The girl didn't expect that He Feiyu could even play football so well. The emotion of admiration almost overflowed from her eyes, and the crescent moon shape in her eyes almost turned into a love heart.

But I felt a sense of loss and discomfort in my heart.

The better He Feiyu is, the more inferior Xiao Nizi feels, because compared to the two, she looks like Feiwu.

She was happy that He Feiyu could be appreciated, but also felt sad about the growing distance between the two.

If Mr. Feiyu chooses to join a sports club, the time the two of them spend together will be greatly reduced. There is no definite relationship in the first place, and the chance will be even slimmer.

And once He Feiyu was admitted to a well-known university, she didn't know if she would be able to get into the same university as He Feiyu based on her ability. It was easy to say that she would be admitted, but if she was not admitted, the two would probably have no relationship at all.

Until then.

don't want! Don't ever happen!

The pessimistic mood gradually spread in Sono Yui's heart. The girl tightly grasped her white thighs with her two small hands, regardless of the skin with deep red fingerprints, anxiously waiting for He Feiyu's reply to Haruhara Ikumi.

What Sono Yushin doesn't know is that there is someone else like her beside her. Although it is not as strong as her, it is not much inferior.

The cakes painted by Ikumi Haruhara are indeed very tempting, whether it is the careful guidance of professionals or the success of

Being selected into a college means you don’t have to study hard, which sounds very tempting.

And these things are completely certain for He Feiyu, and there will be no accidents like others. After all, with the system by his side, he is invincible.


"I'm sorry, Teacher Chunyuan, actually I have no plans in this regard."

He Feiyu, who pretended to be deep in thought, decisively chose to politely refuse after two and a half minutes.

Join a football club? Participate in the competition?

Wouldn't it be better to play music and dance next?

Wasting time doing these things would be better than spending time with his Aunt Manko and Hana Minato-chan.

If you are systematic, do you still need to rely on sports to get into college? It’s too much to look down on him!

Moreover, he only played football on a whim, wanting to see how quickly he could master the ball. After using it, it was just like that, not as much as the dopamine he secreted when he transformed into a Kamen Rider.


The smile on Chunyuan Yumei's face froze. She didn't expect He Feiyu to refuse.

"Student Feiyu, you have to think clearly. Your talent is very good, but without professional training, no matter how good your talent is, it will disappear. Student Feiyu should have learned about Shang Zhongyong in the ancient Dragon Kingdom, right?"

Haruhara Yumei, who didn't want to waste He Feiyu's talent, spoke out to persuade him.

"I'm really sorry, Teacher Chunyuan, thank you for your appreciation, but this is not my intention, so..."

"Hey~ Okay, I respect your wishes, Mr. Feiyu, but I still hope that Mr. Feiyu will think carefully about it after you go down, and bring your talents to the school team, and possibly the national team in the future, to win glory for the country."

Seeing He Feiyu's resolute attitude, Haruhara Yumei had no choice but to give up, but she added a few words without giving up.

But now it's better. When He Feiyu heard about winning glory for the country, He Feiyu completely lost his mind.


On the side, Canono Yuexin heard He Feiyu's rejection. The girl couldn't hold back the joy in her heart and shouted happily.

Seeing everyone looking at her with strange eyes, Aoi's pretty fair face turned red and she lowered her head in embarrassment.

Chapter 220: Passionate Four Yuan Ryoka

Ikumi Haruhara was a little disappointed. She originally wanted He Feiyu to bring his talent to the team, but unfortunately he didn't have this idea. However, there was still a long time to go. Maybe he would come to her when he found it difficult to study, and by then he would not Late.

'call out! ’

"Okay, students, today's physical education class is here. Put the football back in the car and you can arrange your activities freely. There is no need to gather for a while."

Seeing everyone watching, Ikumi Haruhara estimated the time and felt it was almost time. Then she blew the whistle hanging on her chest and shouted warmly.

"Hey, think about it again, Feiyu-san"

Before leaving, Haruhara Ikumi left a message to He Feiyu.

"Lyoxiang-chan, I'll work harder on you."

Then he asked Shigen Ryoka, who was also watching curiously, please.

She planned to use this time to go back to the office to learn more about He Feiyu's situation and see if she could start from other aspects. She really didn't want him to waste his talent.

"It's a small thing, Teacher Ikumi"

Ryoka Shigen smiled and returned to Ikumi Haruhara.

When Haruhara Ikumi left, her eyes instantly focused on He Feiyu, with curiosity and appreciation in her eyes.

Although she didn't know much about football, she was really surprised by He Feiyu's elegant figure as he hit the ball just now. It was as graceful as a dance, but he also had the cool and unrestrained fortitude of a man.

When Sono Yushin saw Haruhara Ikumi leaving, she was about to get close to He Feiyu. She had heard earlier that there were many nymphos there who were ready to make a move.

The girl plans to declare her sovereignty and let those people know that He Feiyu has a master.

Of course, all this is for Sister Hua Minato, not what I want to do!

Unexpectedly, before taking a step forward, a beautiful figure was already walking towards He Feiyu, leaving Sono Yui wondering what to do.

He stood hesitantly, blinking his eyes and looking at the two people.

"I didn't expect that Feiyu was not only a just man, but also so good at playing football."

Shigen Ryoka walked up to He Feiyu and praised him in a friendly manner.

He didn't care at all that the two of them had only known each other for a short time, and maybe they weren't even friends.

"Haha, okay?"

He Feiyu was not an acquaintance. Hearing Siyuan Liangxiang praise him like this, he raised his hand and touched his nose with some embarrassment.

"Sure enough, I did not misjudge you, Mr. Feiyu."

Shigen Ryoka was satisfied with Feiyu's humility and took a step forward with certainty.

The girl is not the kind of person who likes to play football. The teacher asked her to practice playing football, so she kept practicing until she was attracted by He Feiyu. There were many big beads of sweat on her forehead, neck and cheeks. fall.

Because the girl had unintentionally closed the distance just now, He Feiyu could clearly smell the scent of sweat on her body.

Fresh and comfortable.

He Feiyu's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up a bit.

You can still vaguely see the pink spots under the white sportswear that is tight to the body due to sweat.

Shigen Ryoka just chatted with He Feiyu, but mostly she was talking and He Feiyu was listening.

The girl always praised him intentionally or unintentionally, which made He Feiyu feel even more embarrassed.

After all, it was the skill given to him by the system, not the result of his hard training.

This girl! classmate! Stop, stop praising me, I'm really not as good as you think


Moreover, if you act like this, I will think that you have bad intentions towards me!

Of course, this was He Feiyu's inner complaint to relieve his embarrassment.

He could see the clear and bright look in the girl's eyes. There were no complicated emotions like Hana Minato-chan and Yushin-chan when they looked at him. Obviously, they didn't mean that.

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