It fits the saying that He Feiyu had in his previous life on the Internet: before masturbation, silver is like a demon, after masturbation, saint is like a Buddha.

Zizhigong Xia Ye was in this state at this time.

The Bruma mentioned was stuck at the girl's plump and white thigh.

The pearly teeth bit the pink lips.

A hesitant look appeared on her face.

Confusing, should I vent it.

Because she believed in pure dating, and when she was in junior high school, the school did not allow dating, so even as Zizhigong Xia Ye's childhood sweetheart, Yamano Yuta, who agreed to officially date after entering this high school, never touched her hand.

So she felt upset about He Feiyu touching her snow peak.

It was like dripping a drop of thick ink on a pure and perfect white paper, destroying the beauty, how could people not be annoyed.

Of course, when Zizhigong Xia Ye was alone in the rental house, she would occasionally feel lonely and could not help but open her mobile phone, enter the mysterious code, and then find an action movie that suits her appetite and watch it carefully.

But in the girl's heart, even if she watched it, it was for future study, not for her own desire to watch it.

During the viewing, she naturally had to raise her index finger, but Zizhigong Xia Ye could always find a suitable excuse to explain, anyway, she could get away with it.

"If He Feiyu hadn't dressed like that, I wouldn't have... So it's all his fault. Even if I vented, it's not my fault."

As expected, Zizhigong Xia Ye found the right words again.

The hands that were originally holding Bruma slowly loosened, and without the entanglement, the shorts slid down the girl's smooth thighs to her ankles.

She took a few steps back, and her delicate jade back leaned against the cold wall. Fortunately, there was a cover from the clothes, so there was no uncomfortable temperature.

Zizhigong Xia Ye slowly moved one hand upwards, letting her plump breasts clamped, and grabbed the shoulder of the other hand.

The other hand slowly moved downwards, and with every inch closer, the blush on Zizhigong Xia Ye's face became more gorgeous.

Until it was completely touched.

The warm fingertips felt cold, which made the confused Zizhigong Xia Ye regain her clarity.

Her rosy face hesitated.

After all, this was at school, not in her own rental house. Would it be disgraceful to do this...

However, the scenes of her and He Feiyu getting along emerged in her mind again. Of course, the upper body was directly mosaiced.

The fire from her lower abdomen and brain instantly evaporated the coldness.

At this time, the girl only thought of one thing, that is, drink wine today~

The warm fingers overcame the insignificant coldness.

The pleasure surged in her heart, making the girl couldn't help but let out a dreamy moan from her nose, mouth, or the depths of her soul.

It's a pity that no one can hear such a beautiful sound.

Even the male deer who followed Zizhigong Xia Ye.

He could only sigh at the door across a wall.

"Damn it! Why is there a door in the toilet? Who is it for? Is there someone who will steal shit? Ah!?"

Xiong Lusheng thought that God was helping him. He never thought that some toilets on the first floor were half-changed into storage rooms because they were rarely used. The school was afraid that naughty students would destroy and throw away cleaning utensils, so they added old-fashioned wooden doors. It can be said that the funds were used to the maximum extent, but it also pitted Xiong Lusheng, making him furious.

"Damn it"

I thought that if Zi Zhigong Xia Ye entered the toilet, he could just break in, force her to surrender with violence, and then use skills to make her addicted. Oh, I didn't expect that a door would ruin the good thing!

Xiong Lusheng tried several more times without giving up, but he couldn't open the door.

And he didn't dare to smash the door too blatantly. If Zi Zhigong Xia Ye became alert, it would be difficult to deal with.

"Forget it, I don't believe she won't come out. As long as she opens the door, won't the opportunity come?"

Xiong Lusheng finally chose to wait strategically. He made up his mind that when Zizhigong Xia Ye opened the door, he would rush up, cover her mouth with his hand, drag her back into the bathroom, and lock the door. The rest... hehehe~

Thinking of this, Xiong Lusheng was not so anxious. He simply leaned sideways and put his ear close to the wooden door to listen to any sound inside.

Unfortunately, the sound insulation

effect was very good. Although Xiong Lusheng was lying on the wall like a gecko, he didn't hear any movement.

The farthest distance in the world is that I am on this side and you are on the other side.

Xiong Lusheng left the wall and paced back and forth outside the door.


A burst of high-pitched moans accompanied by a beautiful figure trembling violently like an electric shock and stopped.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!"

The dazed Zizhigong Xia Ye's body softened, her back leaned against the wall, she breathed heavily, and could still hear the sound of "tick-tick" and "tick-tick" in her ears.

She rested for a while.

The "tick-tick" sound also disappeared, and she regained some strength.

Zizhigong Xia Ye was still panting lightly, she slowly raised her hand, and at the same time looked down, blinking her watery red eyes, looking at her crystal clear palms stained with water stains.

A sense of shame and guilt after release surged into her heart.

I didn't expect that I was still in school...


Zizhigong Xia Ye sighed lightly.

"It's all He's fault..."

Another instinctive evasion.

After feeling at ease, she picked up the tissue and wiped the two places well.

Then she bent down, picked up Bruma, and put on her shorts.

Fortunately, she was bending over and deliberately guiding the flow of water, so that her lower body clothes were not wet. Otherwise, she would not be able to leave the toilet for half an hour.

Although the toilet is safe, she does not know if someone will knock on the door suddenly, so it is better not to occupy it for too long.

Thinking of this, Zi Zhigong Xia Ye walked to the sink, washed her hands, and then looked at the figure reflected in the dressing mirror.

Zi Zhigong Xia Ye looked at each other for a moment, and then looked away.

The self in the mirror was too gorgeous, like a delicate flower, which made her recall what had just happened, and she felt a little embarrassed.

But this was not her intention, it was all...

So it can be forgiven.

Regrouping, she opened the locked door again, and before she could breathe fresh air.

Suddenly, a person jumped out in front of her, scaring Zi Zhigong Xia Ye.

Looking at the arm reaching out to her, she instinctively used Aikido.

There was a muffled sound of "bang".

A perfect shoulder throw was born.

Chapter 223: Shameless Inequality

'It's bad'

As time went by, this was the only thought in Xiong Lusheng's mind.

Immediately, he felt his back hit the hard floor heavily.

There was a buzzing sound in his ears, as if bees were flying around him, and at the same time, his back was burning and irritating his nerves.


Xiong Lusheng lay on the ground in a mess, wriggling like a maggot, and couldn't help but grinning and wailing in pain.

Zi Zhigong Xia Ye reacted instinctively, and it took less than two and a half seconds from the time she attacked to the time she stopped.

"You...are you okay? You suddenly appeared and scared me, so you can't blame me!"

She looked down at Xiong Lusheng, who was screaming from time to time on the ground, and spoke hesitantly.

After she reacted completely, she shook off the wrist that had just been pinching Xiong Lusheng.

This action was not very harmful, but it was extremely insulting.

Xiong Lusheng wanted Zizhigong Xiaye to help him up, and then take advantage of the situation to collect some interest for the "unjust injustice" he suffered, but he didn't expect to be so despised.

However, he miscalculated. From the beginning of school to now, he thought he had seen through Zizhigong Xiaye, and even found out through investigation that she had a childhood sweetheart.

But he didn't expect that such a tall and beautiful girl with natural charm could actually know kung fu.

Zizhigong Xiaye stood there at a loss, not knowing whether she should help Xiong Lusheng up.

On the other hand, she also had doubts in her mind, why did Xiong Lusheng appear in front of the women's bathroom, and he looked like he was ready to do something bad...

After resting for two and a half minutes, Xiong Lusheng finally felt much better. Although he was still in pain, he could at least stand up.

It wouldn't affect his work later.

To be honest, even though he was dizzy with pain, the most thing that Xiong Lusheng thought about was the bitterness.

"Murasano-miya! Help me up!"

Xiu Lu Shengxiang pretended to be angry and shouted loudly. He wanted to make Murasano-miya Xia Ye feel guilty.

The girl who knows kung fu can no longer force her actions. She must use her wits.

"This...Xiu Lu Sheng, can you get up by yourself...?"

Murasano-miya Xia Ye knew the name of Xiong Lu Sheng. The incident of him standing in the conspicuous bag for contradicting the head teacher Hiroyuki Kanade on the first day was still circulating in the class. It was hard for people not to know him.

"What!? Don't you know who gave me this embarrassing look?"

Xiu Lu Sheng couldn't believe his ears. He thought he didn't hear clearly, but when he looked up at Murasano-miya Xia Ye, he saw the disgust on her face and couldn't help but shout angrily.

After that, the atmosphere became dull, but Murasano-miya Xia Ye still didn't want to help Xiong Lu Sheng up.

As a pure and innocent girl, how could she take the initiative to approach boys? Even her childhood sweetheart, Yamano Yuta, she had never taken the initiative to make physical contact, not to mention the embarrassed and ferocious Xiong Lusheng at her feet.

Of course, to be honest, there is another aspect, that is, Xiong Lusheng is too ugly.

His figure is tall, but only

tall. He looks like a big monkey. His face is really hard to describe. I seriously suspect that it is a product of genetic mutation or inbreeding.

Almost every beautiful girl has some mental cleanliness, not to mention Zi Zhigong Xia Ye, who is known as a jade girl. She doesn't want to contact the human-like Xiong Lusheng at all.

"Damn it!"

Xiong Lusheng has been observing Zi Zhigong Xia Ye's facial expression and noticed that her disgust is even worse. As a person who often picks up girls, he doesn't know what she means, and he said angrily.

Was he discriminated against? Damn appearance association! ! Zi Zhigong Xia Ye must pay the price for her rudeness! ! !

Xiong Lusheng thought viciously.

Little did he know that there were many girls in his junior high school. Although those girls were far inferior to Zi Zhigong Xia Ye, they were still considered beauties. He was obviously a member of the appearance association, but he couldn't stand being laughed at by others.

What a double standard.

Xiong Lusheng, who was a little overwhelmed by anger, stood up directly from the ground.

He clenched his hands tightly, intending to teach the face-obsessed Zi Zhigong Xia Ye a lesson, to let her know that living a big and good life is the most important thing, and appearance is nothing but clouds!

When the time comes, I must train her well, make her kneel! Beg and plead before giving it to her!

And pat her butt while asking her.

Are you still obsessed with face? Are you still discriminating!

Just when he was about to go up and commit atrocities, Xiong Lusheng noticed the posture of Zizhigong Xiaye, and his angry head calmed down immediately. He couldn't beat the seemingly weak beautiful girl in front of him.

"Hiss~ It hurts so much, I hope you didn't get internal injuries from the fall. This is not easy to deal with. If I go to the hospital, I'm afraid it won't be cured without spending 200,000 or 300,000 yen."

The originally angry expression changed instantly, and Xiong Lusheng's ugly face was replaced by pain. He pretended to shrink his body, showing that his body was in pain, and he was still talking to himself.

'230,000 yen? '

When Zizhigong Xiaye heard this, her beautiful eyes opened wide, with an incredible look, and then replaced by worry. Her monthly pocket money was only 80,000 yen, and after deducting the rent, there was only 20,000 yen left, and she couldn't take out 200,000 or 300,000 yen at all.

Her parents were just ordinary people. Although they could take out 200,000 or 300,000 yen, it was also a considerable expense. She didn't want her parents to worry about it.

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