Fortunately, Nanao Akane was already far away from him, so she didn't notice his embarrassment, otherwise...

Just didn't expect it.

Before He Feiyu finished thinking, the girl suddenly hit him with a "bang" and returned to his arms again.

He was about to reach out to help Nanao Akane, but in her panic, the girl grabbed something she shouldn't have.

Feeling that his life gate was being controlled, He Feiyu froze there. In particular, he was pinched a few times, and there was endless embarrassment written on his face.

Nanao Akane was the same. She was almost up, but her hands suddenly lost strength.

He fell towards He Feiyu again, and his hand naturally slid downwards.

In a hurry, I grabbed something with my hands.

She didn't look, but it felt like a cane and a club.

I was wondering why the boy carried all these messy things with him.

A warm warmth spread through the fabric to her palm.

The girl felt as if she was holding a warm jade, so comfortable that she couldn't help but squeeze it a few times.

I just have doubts in my heart.

Is there such a big piece of jade?

It was still in the shape of a long strip, and I couldn't even hold it with one hand.


Why is it still beating?

Curious, the girl lowered her head and looked down.

Immediately, her already pretty face turned even redder, spreading to her snow-white jade neck and stopping under a pair of pointed little ears.

There was mist rising in his eyes again.

But this time it was not sad, but embarrassing.


"No...I'm sorry, my brother..."

After He Feiyu helped Qian Nanao up, the girl who was still shy and silent because she accidentally touched a place she shouldn't have finally raised her head and looked at him to apologize.

"'s not a big deal."

He Feiyu replied while sorting out the messy clothes, wanting to brush this matter off.


Nanao Akane naturally saw what He Feiyu was thinking, nodded, and also arranged her clothes.

But his eyes couldn't help but glance towards He Feiyu.


A different and more inexplicable emotion was born that was different from when getting along with Katase Shoya.

Seeing this junior student who took action twice to save him in danger, the little deer bumped into chaos.

Although the hero saves the beauty is cliché, it will never go out of style.

"Nanao-senpai, can you leave?"

Feeling that his chest was wet with tears and sticking to his body, it was not very comfortable. In addition, get out of class had already ended, and he thought that the two girls were still waiting at the school gate, especially since the warehouse was filled with an unpleasant smell of feces and urine, so He Feiyu asked To Akane Nanao.


Nanao Akane nodded.

"By the way, don't you care about that scumbag Dong Gang?"

Nanao Akane looked at He Feiyu worriedly and said. She also smelled the unpleasant smell. She turned around and saw the miserable look of Coach Dong Gang and asked worriedly.

It's not that she's worried about this scumbag, but that if Coach Dong Gang dies like this and is traced to the boy, he will inevitably get into a series of troubles.

If the boy went to jail for protecting herself, even...she wouldn't be able to get over the hurdle of her conscience.

"It doesn't matter, he won't die."

He Feiyu smiled confidently, Coach Dong Gang, blessed by strength, would not die so easily.


Nanao Akane didn't know what to say when she saw He Feiyu's confident look.

"Then let's go"

Nanao Akane staggered and walked toward the door unsteadily.

Watching the girl's hard work, he hesitated, then walked forward quickly and reached out to support her body.

Just when I was about to walk out the door.

A system prompt suddenly sounded in He Feiyu's ears.

【Ding! It is detected that the host’s righteous behavior just now was captured by the surveillance camera. Should I spend 200 points to erase the traces?]

"Sorry, junior, please wait a moment, I'm going to get something."

At the same time, a girl's voice also sounded.

He Feiyu watched Nanao Akane walk to the shelf and pick up a mobile phone, feeling confused.

‘Was it taken by the mobile phone in Nanao Akane’s hand? ’

He asked the system in his mind.

Got a negative answer from the system.

He Feiyu immediately looked vigilantly in all directions of the warehouse, and soon found a flashing red dot hidden in a corner.

He wanted to use violent means to destroy it directly, but suddenly thought that this kind of thing might be connected to the computer. Even if it was destroyed, the previous video would still be preserved. Although he was not afraid, but to avoid a series of troubles, he still spent 200 points to let the system Solve this matter.

200 points is not painful for He Feiyu.

His current points are so expensive that he can’t afford them, and they are so cheap that he has no idea. He can’t get them up or down, which is very embarrassing, so it’s not a bad thing to spend them.


You can't just use it for no reason. This is what you have earned hard.

It was wasted because of Dong Gang, a scumbag, and I always feel uncomfortable coming back without revenge.

"Nanao-senpai, please go out for a moment while I do something."

The next scene was not suitable for children and was too impactful. He Feiyu didn't want to tarnish the girl's eyes, so he said.

Nanao Akane didn't know what was going on, but she still obeyed. While watching the video captured on her phone, she moved towards the door.

After Nanao Akane completely walked out of the warehouse, He Feiyu walked up to Coach Dong Gang with a smile.

Looking at his miserable state, he shook his head.

As a kind person, he really couldn't bear the miserable look of coach Dong Gang.

Deciding to help him recover, he summoned Crazy Diamond.

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Dula doula doula doula doula doula doula doula"

In the darkness, Coach Dong Gang felt a warm current flowing through his body, and slowly, he opened his eyes.

Immersed in the warmth, he completely forgot what happened.

Until he saw the boy standing in front of him, he remembered everything.

Before he could say anything, he fainted again with a pain in his neck.

The last remaining feeling was an inexplicable itching in his crotch and forehead.

"Call it a day!"

He Feiyu looked at the current Coach Dong Gang with satisfaction and reluctance, and the corners of his mouth could not help twitching.

Through the power of Crazy Diamond, he created a modern unicorn.

Chapter 234 God rewards hard work, not rookies

Hearing the movement coming from inside, Qiqi Qi tilted her head curiously.

It was just that He Feiyu's tall figure blocked the transformed Coach Dong Gang.

The girl did not witness the disgusting scene that would definitely be mosaiced.

He Feiyu turned around after finishing the job, and didn't want to look at it again, fearing that he would have a strange nightmare when he went to bed at night.

His eyes just happened to see the curious look of the girl poking her head out, and her slightly swollen eyes made her look helpless and cute.

His heart beat faster.

There was no way, who said that beautiful girls are attractive, not to mention beautiful girls who just cried, which makes people pity them.

"Sister Nanao, let's go"

He Feiyu waved to attract the girl's attention and prevent her from seeing things she shouldn't see.

Nanao Akane naturally looked at He Feiyu, and subconsciously saw that her tears had wet a large area of ​​clothes that had not yet dried. She blushed, lowered her head, and fiddled with her clothes with her mobile phone.

'Oh my, this is too annoying! '

The shy look of the girl made He Feiyu swallow his saliva uncomfortably.

"Senior Nanao, didn't that scumbag have bad intentions towards you last time? Why do you still want to be alone with him?" Outside the warehouse, He Feiyu supported Nanao Akane and walked slowly towards the teaching building. Since he left the warehouse, the atmosphere between the two of them has been a little silent and awkward, so he wanted to find something to break this weird atmosphere. In fact, he already had the answer in his heart. It's nothing more than some old-fashioned plots of lowering intelligence. Because there are too many, He Feiyu couldn't guess which one it was, so he waited for the girl's explanation. Nanao Akane's heart skipped a beat when she heard it. Hesitation and entanglement. For some reason, she didn't want to tell He Feiyu that she took the initiative to invite Coach Dong Gang, that scumbag, to meet because of other boys. Especially that boy chose the future between the future and herself. He made her look like a clown idiot. But in the end, Nanao Akane still told He Feiyu. She didn't want to hide it from him, the boy who helped her twice. Two and a half minutes later. After listening to Nanao Akane's story, He Feiyu fell silent.

The reason why the girl was attacked again was because she cared too much about the boy named Katase Shoya.

Even if she was afraid, she had to go alone to the danger, just to record the true face of Coach Dong Gang.

And she could come up with a good idea, with wisdom that is even smarter than normal people.

It is worthy of praise in such a world, but it is a pity that the devil is always stronger than the good.

Or, no matter how smart these girls are, they will still lose to the minotaurs under force majeure and various coincidences.

In the end, they resisted and fell.

Let the minotaurs sneer.

Even if they try harder, the result is nothing but a mirage.


Thinking of this, He Feiyu couldn't help but sigh for these girls who were like chess pieces.

After Nanao Akane finished speaking, she kept observing He Feiyu's expression carefully.

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