The closer you get to the beautiful woman, the stronger her fragrance becomes.

It's still the fragrance of lavender, mixed with the fragrance of mature flesh.

Like a dose of strong medicine, He Feiyu's head was dizzy and he felt an inexplicable impulse in his heart.

After many days, I really don’t know what kind of enjoyment it will be when that taste enters my mouth again.

The appearance of the fantasy made the fire in his lower abdomen that was born from the girl's kiss burn even brighter.

"Come out and get some air"

Odagiri Naomi replied softly, and at the same time, her beautiful eyes glanced at He Feiyu, who was pretending to be serious and trying to get through, and the corners of her pretty mouth raised an imperceptible arc.

She originally had something to discuss with He Feiyu, so in order to wait for him, she stood here almost when he finished class. She waited for almost forty minutes, but she didn't expect to come across such an interesting thing about the little man.

"Is that girl the resident upstairs?"

Just when He Feiyu wanted to ask Odagiri Naomi about her novel, he didn't want her to say it again.

"Well, I just moved in a few days ago. Miss Shangmei probably doesn't know."

He Feiyu nodded.

"It's great. We've been apart for so long, so it's easy to see each other. Is my little brother hiding his beauty in the golden house~"

I heard Naomi Odagiri joke.

"Ahem...what's the matter?"

A hint of embarrassment appeared on He Feiyu's face, and he quickly faked a cough to resolve it.

The beauty hidden in the golden house?

Are you that extravagant?

Hiss~ It seems that there is really a little bit...


Although Aunt Mingli, Aunt Manzi and Miss Shangmei are all related to him, Aunt Kasumi has nothing to do with him.

So it’s not that excessive.

When he thought of Aunt Xiangcheng, a figure with a plump figure that was no less than that of Aunt Mingli appeared in his mind.

During the junior high school year, Aunt Xiangcheng didn't travel often on business, so it was easy to meet him and she cared about him, which made He Feiyu grateful.

It's just that a long time has passed since the last time we met, including her two daughters. I really don't know how long it will be before we see her again.

"Okay, let's not talk about these things. In fact, I showed up here today because I wanted you to do me a favor."

Naomi Odagiri

The voice interrupted He Feiyu's thoughts.

"Miss Shangmei, tell me, it's okay even if I go up to the sky to pick the stars for you!"

He Feiyu patted his chest and made a solid sound. His words were full of obligatory determination.


Odagiri Naomi was amused by He Feiyu, covered her mouth and chuckled, making a sweet sound like silver bells.

That voice was like the sound of nature, which made He Feiyu's heart flutter. He once again understood why some ancient emperors did not hesitate to spend tens of millions of money just to win the smile of the beauty in their arms.

"How could my sister let her little brother do such a thing?"

After laughing, the pretty woman's pretty face turned red, like a peach ripe for picking. She couldn't help but want to take a bite to see if it was really plump and juicy.

Of course He Feiyu was joking. If he really wanted to reach for the stars, he would probably only do it in a dream. Anyway, he was just trying to express his willingness to help.

"Sister, I have a new book launch party the day after tomorrow. I hope, little brother, you can accompany my sister there."

Speaking of business, Odagiri Naomi stopped smiling, turned sideways, and stared at He Feiyu's eyes with her beautiful eyes and said.

"Book launch?"

He Feiyu was surprised. He didn't expect Odagiri Naomi to be published so soon.

"no problem!"

He didn't know much about the specific matters, so he guessed that his duties would be similar to that of a security guard, and since he didn't have any plans for Saturday, he agreed immediately without even thinking about it.

Hearing this, Odagiri Naomi couldn't hide the joy in her eyes.

It was obvious that He Feiyu agreed to her request, which made her very happy.

Why did Naomi Odagiri invite He Feiyu to go with her?

On the one hand, it was because the novel she wrote was inspired by He Feiyu. She went there alone, and she always felt that something was missing. On the other hand, it was to take He Feiyu to broaden her horizons, so that the young man could increase his knowledge and understanding of the novel. Future development will be more or less helpful.

After so many months of getting along, Odagiri Naomi has already understood that He Feiyu is not just a thing in the pool, but has special talents and abilities. She hopes that he can show his talents and become a leader among people.

In this way, the woman behind him will also feel happy.

Odagiri Naomi is still a little bit disgusted by He Feiyu's relationship with others. After all, how can there be a woman in the world who is willing to be a minor for others? Even the concubines in ancient times under feudalism had the desire to become a head wife, let alone the modern one. , even in a chaotic world.

But Odagiri Naomi understands that she is already old. Although the little man has said that it is possible that she will stay young forever in the future, is it really that mysterious?

So Odagiri Naomi made preparations early, and in the next ten years, she would let the boy build a good network of people through her connections, and when she was old and beautiful, she would take the initiative to leave. This might leave her mark in the boy's heart forever. Location.

It can be considered a different kind of being together all the time...

"Now that Miss Shangmei has finished writing the novel, I wonder if I will be the first person to read it."

He Feiyu said with a smile.

He already knew the general content of Odagiri Naomi's novel before, but why he said this now.

Hehe~ First find an excuse to go in, and then things will develop in other directions.

It had been a long time since he had seen Miss Monk Shangmei, and his heart was very throbbing.

How could Odagiri Naomi not know the meaning of He Feiyu's words? She was busy with other things these days, and without He Feiyu's nourishment, her heart felt itchy, so she nodded lightly and agreed.

The two of them walked into the house tacitly, one after the other.

Chapter 242: Attitude to Life

When He Feiyu changed his shoes and came to the living room.

Odagiri Naomi has already poured water and put it on the table.

She herself walked into the bedroom.

He Feiyu came to the sofa and sat down.

Looked around for a while.

Finally, I was attracted by the steaming glass of water.

It seems that he has been tricked too much. Now when He Feiyu goes to other people's homes, especially women who live alone, he will subconsciously observe first to avoid any inappropriate liquid again.

Looking closely, there are undulating red fruits floating on the water.


He leaned closer to see what exactly it was, and the corner of his mouth twitched.



Still don’t believe in myself! ?

He Feiyu thought about it carefully and felt something was wrong.

Because wolfberry can not only replenish yang deficiency but also yin deficiency.

I am definitely not false.

Then it's probably Miss Shangmei who needs it.

That's right, writing a novel is a very tiring task. Sometimes I just sit there for a whole day without inspiration. Not to mention that Miss Shangmei, a coding madman, has a normal backache.

Thinking of this, He Feiyu couldn't help but feel a little sorry for Odagiri Naomi.


Naomi Odagiri walked out of her bedroom.

She was still holding a laptop in her arms, probably wanting to show it to him. it time to read a novel now?

It is better to do things that are conducive to human inheritance.

"Miss Shangmei, do you need my help?"

Of course, He Feiyu just made a funny comment, thinking about the wolfberry water in front of him, so he asked thoughtfully.

"No, I'm not tired of this kind of thing."


Che Shangmei squatted down and prepared to plug in the power plug.

The fullness and roundness that already attracts the eye can no longer be hidden.

The perfect arc that was ready to come out reminded He Feiyu that women with big butts are lucky.

Her buttocks almost occupied his entire field of vision.

My mouth suddenly felt dry.

Noticed Odagiri Naomi getting ready to stand up.

He quickly shifted his gaze, and then subconsciously picked up the water glass in front of him and took a big sip.

He thought this would calm him down, but when the water entered his stomach, he realized something was wrong.

Because it increases without any use, and the head is as big as an ox.

Before Naomi Odagiri noticed his strangeness, she quickly hid it with her hands.

When Odagiri Naomi walked to He Feiyu and sat down.

He Feiyu looked calm, as if nothing had happened.

But Odagiri Naomi still noticed his change, and was confused in her heart. She didn't know why he acted so reserved. It was too strange, but she didn't know what happened, so she could only suppress the curiosity in her heart.

"I didn't expect you, little brother, to like drinking wolfberry water. My sister also wanted to make you a cup of coffee."

Naomi Odagiri, who was turning on the computer, accidentally caught a glimpse of most of the water disappearing in the water glass and said casually.


What was just casual chatting changed when it came to He Feiyu.

After all, when little brother and wolfberry appear at the same time, and it comes from a woman's mouth, the taste is wrong!

He Feiyu really wanted to say loudly, I have no problem! ! !

"Miss Shangmei... you should just call me brother from now on..."

But I felt that this was too high-level, so in the end I could only propose this.


Naomi Odagiri, who was playing with the computer, stopped what she was doing, turned around and asked He Feiyu in confusion.

Naomi Odagiri placed the computer in front of He Feiyu, who was already very close. With her movement, a soft snow peak pressed directly on his chest. What was even more terrible was the fragrance of the beautiful woman and the breath from her mouth. The fragrance comes to you.

The gun suddenly slid up from the bottom of his thigh. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and clamped his knees, otherwise it might have hit the beautiful woman's chest.

Staring at the noble and beautiful woman, especially the beautiful mole under the corner of her lavender-colored mouth that is the icing on the cake.

He Feiyu swallowed the fluid that was born in his mouth.

"Because my younger brother is more approachable, I like Miss Shangmei to call me younger brother."

Suppressing the urge to kiss the beautiful woman's lips and corners of her mouth now, He Feiyu explained.

Of course, he can't tell the beautiful woman. He sounds extremely uncomfortable as little brother. Even if Aunt Mingli calls him Feiyu little brother, he can bear it. Just calling him little brother is really not possible.

Men should be strong for no reason!

"Pfft, okay, my sister will call you brother from now on~"

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