Odagiri Naomi is full of charm, and every word that comes out of her mouth hits He Feiyu's face with the accompanying fragrance.

"Miss Shangmei, your mouth, feet and..."

He Feiyu was so itchy that he mentioned the three most fragrant places about a beautiful woman without thinking.

"This is not okay~ My brother is too greedy. He can only like my sister for one thing."

After hearing this, Naomi Odagiri still did not let go of her hand but said.

Unless there are special circumstances, He Feiyu doesn't like to use strong methods on his women.

"So my brother will taste it later, and I must tell my sister which one you like best~"

Looking at He Feiyu who was suppressing his blush, the beautiful woman smiled seductively.

Chapter 244 Taste it all

Odagiri Naomi's seductive words shocked He Feiyu.

He could no longer bear the throbbing in his heart and directly pressed the beautiful woman beneath him.

Just like a warrior who is ready to go at the starting line, he goes all out the moment he hears the gunshot.

But before doing things, He Feiyu picked up the schoolbag that was originally placed on the sofa with his feet and threw it aside ruthlessly, leaving enough space for the hand-to-hand combat that the two of them were going to have in a while.

After finishing this matter.

He Feiyu lowered his head and kissed Naomi Odagiri with a charming face.

The large mouth completely covered her lavender-colored lips.

The moment they touched each other, he felt a honey-like taste filling his mouth.

Then his tongue crazily poured into the beautiful woman's sandalwood mouth, entangled and intertwined with her smooth and fragrant tongue, and vigorously sucked the sweet fluid.

His movements were completely different from the gentle way he kissed Yushin-chan before.

Comparing the two, it seems that the mature and charming Naomi Odagiri is more attractive to He Feiyu.

actually not.

The main thing is that He Feiyu knew that it was the first time for Yuexin-chan, so he was very considerate, and his desire at that time was not as inflated as it is now.

At this time, he was full of anger aroused by the beautiful woman and urgently needed to vent.

Odagiri Naomi felt He Feiyu's madness and enthusiasm, and her watery eyes stayed on his anxious face.

I couldn't help but feel happy and proud.

The beautiful woman is very satisfied with the greed of the little man at this moment, because it proves that her attractiveness cannot be reduced.

Even if he didn't have sex for a few days, he was still obsessed with and longing for her body.

This way he won't leave her for other women and can keep her by his side.

And Odagiri Naomi understood a truth through her own personal experience.

That is, men are sometimes cheap.

A wife is worse than a concubine, a concubine is worse than a prostitute, a prostitute is worse than a thief, and stealing is worse than not being able to steal.

The harder it is to get, the more he wants it.

If he is bitten at once, he will not know how to cherish it.

Therefore, women must learn to be tight and maintain a proper distance, so that they can create a sense of freshness and maintain the relationship.

Odagiri Naomi was also happy that He Feiyu waited several days to come to her.

Because every time he came, not only would he bring different stimulation to her, but the affection and desire unintentionally revealed in his eyes would not decrease but increase.

Besides, she can devote all her free time to imagining novels.

This arrangement is simply perfect.


The beautiful woman seemed to be able to do it with ease. She could still think about some things in her mind while replying to He Feiyu's kiss.

He Feiyu seemed to be aware of this, and felt slighted. He couldn't help but move his hands to attack at night, and the group six;

While kissing, the two hands kept kneading.

Especially the summit.

Even if he didn't see it with his own eyes, he could clearly feel the obvious changes and it had expanded a lot.

Under the double offensive, Naomi Odagiri had no time to think about anything else.

He threw himself wholeheartedly into the fight.

He kept intertwining with He Feiyu.

Occasionally, enchanting voices come from the two of them

It came from the gap that was accidentally exposed due to too fierce movements.

It adds a bit of fun to this hearty battle.

It took a long time to separate.

Both of them were blushing and gasping for air.

The lips were also coated with a silver-white film.

But Odagiri Naomi's appearance was more serious than that of He Feiyu. Her plump and delicate body seemed to be trembling due to being constantly rubbed.

When He Feiyu's hands grabbed the slings that slipped from the beautiful woman's shoulders to both sides of her arms.

But she opened her hand.

"Ha~ Does your sister have a sweet mouth?"

He Feiyu was stunned and heard the beautiful woman ask softly.


He Feiyu nodded.

"Where do you want to try a more fragrant place?~"

The beautiful woman licked her lips.

"Okay...what's the hurry? Sister hasn't finished speaking yet."

Odagiri Naomi held He Feiyu's head with both hands and stopped his movements.

He Feiyu was impatient, like an ant on a hot pot.

"I must tell my sister which one is the most fragrant later~"

Odagiri Naomi let go of her hand.

In this case, let’s taste them all.

He Feiyu adopts the principle of proximity.

He stuck out his tongue, which was full of body fluids, towards the beautiful woman's clean and tidy armpits.

Extremely rough licking back and forth.

He even sucked and pulled with his lips, and finally made a "pop" and "pop" sound.

After finishing in one place, he changed direction and stretched towards the other side.

Scored twice.

Wait until the salty taste subsides before getting up.

This time she said nothing as he took off Naomi Odagiri's dress.

He Feiyu finally took off the skirt completely and threw it aside.

His eyes admired the plump body boldly and nakedly.

Especially the roses blooming on the snowy peak.

Gorgeous and moving.

It makes people want to pick it and taste its fragrance.

Odagiri Naomi did not cover herself and let He Feiyu look at her.

She raised one hand and slowly slid it down from He Feiyu's chest, and finally climbed up his hand and clasped it tightly.

This action of the beautiful woman interrupted his plan.

He was going to look at her feet.

See what's going on with the toes.

But it's very inconvenient now.

He Feiyu didn't have the heart to break free of her hand, so he gave up the idea and decided to wait a while.

Leaned over again.

He looked at the peak meticulously.

Looking at the pink halo formed by the petals falling next to the rose.

It was too beautiful, and he couldn't help tasting it.

Use the tip of the tongue to flick it.

Slide one wet mark after another on the pink halo.

Finally, she put it in her mouth naturally.

A light warmth spread in her mouth, like eating soft candy, and a little milky.

Unfortunately, it was just an illusion.

It was not like Hatsufuji Mingli.

But it also had a different taste.

This time, He Feiyu stayed a little longer.

After all, this is one of the sweetest places of the beautiful woman.

Taste it carefully and leave after the taste is completely dispersed, otherwise it will be difficult to tell when comparing later.

At this moment, Odagiri Naomi no longer had the previous calmness.

Her charming face was red, and the lust in her eyes was about to overflow. She looked at He Feiyu with eyes that seemed to be able to pull out silk threads.

Her plump body was covered with granular sweat, as if she was experiencing a sauna.

Her eyes followed He Feiyu's movement.

She saw him moving down.

Her charming look became even more intense, and she was looking forward to it.

But soon, the beautiful woman felt a little disappointed, but then she let it go.

The little man really likes feet more.

He Feiyu's goal is very clear, even the panties with black lace can only make him stay for two and a half seconds.

He moved away after smelling the smell.

He moved towards the place he likes most.

Although white and black stockings are generally recognized as the best.

But other colors are not bad.

Even when worn by certain people, the visual impact brought by them is not less than that of black and white.

"So beautiful..."

He Feiyu stared at Naomi Odagiri's plump thighs wrapped in pink stockings, and couldn't help murmuring.

Hearing the little man's whisper, the beautiful woman also smiled.

Chapter 245 Familiar Road

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