As soon as she raised her head, she saw a boy with long hair and blind eyes staggering out of another office in embarrassment.

"Morishita, remember, next time if you don't hand in your homework and have a bad attitude, be prepared to suspend school!"

Then he heard the angry voice yelling.

After hearing this, Morishita, who had not run very far, staggered and fell to the ground in embarrassment due to his unsteady center of gravity. Then he quickly propped himself up with his hands and disappeared in front of the female teachers in embarrassment like a stray dog.

Suddenly the female teachers in the office started discussing this.

"Teacher Xiangzi is still as strict as ever!"

"Isn't this a little too...over the top?"

"We should be as strict as Mr. Tsukishima when dealing with bad students who refuse to change despite repeated admonishment."

"Actually, Teacher Xiangzi, there is no need to be so angry. Just fulfill your responsibility as a teacher~"


A group of female teachers talked a lot and expressed their opinions.

It wasn't until they saw Kyoko Tsukishima walking out of another office wearing a blue business skirt that covered her hips that they became quiet.

"This bastard Morishita! He talks all the time and doesn't tell the truth. I'm really pissed off!"

The plump and tall Tsukishima Kyoko was obviously very angry. Her majestic breasts were still rising and falling violently, revealing the milky white ravine between the snowy peaks.

"Tsukishima-sensei, don't be so angry. It will be bad for your health if you are angry."

A female teacher saw this and comforted her.


After hearing this, Tsukishima Kyouko took several deep breaths before the towering snow peaks stabilized.

"Oh, you don't know how much that bastard is!"

She couldn't help but sigh, and then said sadly.

"I asked him why he didn't do his homework. Do you know what the bastard said?"

Everyone was at a loss.

"He said that his grandfather died suddenly last night, and then he forgot to write it while he was busy."

Tsukishima Kyouko said speechlessly.

"Originally, I sympathized with this bastard. After all, the old man at home was gone, so he could be forgiven even if he didn't do his homework, so I asked about his parents with concern."

"In the end, that bastard thought I was going to invite his parents, saying that his parents were too sad and died because of his grandfather's death."

He continued to add.

"Aren't you treating me like an idiot?"

Tsukishima Kyoko's speechlessness was immediately replaced by anger.

Who told her that she believed it at first and felt compassion?

Can you be less angry? ?

After hearing this, the female teachers all showed shock on their faces. They did not expect that Morishita would make excuses by saying that all his family members were dead.

It's a werewolf!

Even Shirakami, who had just spoken for Morishita, and her gentle face were in disbelief.

She had just become a teacher, and she never imagined that she would meet such a strange student.

After hearing this, Himuro Zuo couldn't help feeling disgusted with this student named Morishita.

What a bastard for lying about your family's death to get away with it...

Such a comparison.

That little bastard He Feiyu doesn't seem so bad anymore.

Apart from bullying himself, his attitude of daring to admit his mistakes is quite good.

'wrong! How could I speak for this little bastard! ’

After realizing that she had actually given birth to a little bastard, Himuro Kanade immediately shook her head and thought fiercely.

The cold and sticky feeling on her feet didn't go away even now.

It can be seen that He Feiyu left a lot of saliva on it.

And she couldn't clean it up now.

The lunch break at noon is also short, no one at all

I can't go home and change my clothes.

In other words, she had to walk all day wearing stockings full of He Feiyu's saliva.

'Damn perverted perverted little bastard! ’

the other side.

He Feiyu quickly ran to the door of the art classroom.

He looked through the glass at the back door and saw his classmates drawing on drawing boards.

He also found a person sitting in the crowd in the back row, Yushin-chan, and there was an empty seat next to her.

It should be the position that the girl took for him.

He Feiyu hesitated.

I gave up the idea of ​​sneaking in through the back door and walked to the front door.

After knocking on the door, he opened the door.

The art teacher who happened to be sitting on the podium and drawing heard the knock on the door and stopped what he was doing and turned to look at the door.

The moment their eyes met.

He Feiyu's pupils dilated slightly.

What caught my eye was a PoRo face.

Chapter 270 Referring to a chicken as a bird

Since he woke up, He Feiyu has become accustomed to the existence of Aunt Manzi's family, the enthusiastic Aunt Mingli, and the gentle Hua Minato.

He tried hard to forget that they were not characters in the previous series but real people.

Flesh and blood.

They have their own independent emotions and consciousness.

Treat the world as if it were real.

Rather than Nan Ke Yimeng.

So he tried his best to forget all the movies he had watched in his previous life.

I want to know and understand them through reality.

In short, He Feiyu plans to forget them in the past life and get to know them today.

As for not being able to use the advantages in memory to protect yourself in advance, it's not that important.

Because this school is full of his eyes.

It's still that kind of "reconnaissance plane".

Under his active forgetfulness, almost all the heroines in the series he had watched were blurred.

But until now, there was only one type of heroine that he couldn't forget at all.

Those are the heroines with PoRo faces.

It's so classic.

Unless he can delete the PoRo face from his memory.

He Feiyu was absent-minded and kept his eyes on the face of the female teacher with a PoRo face.

His straight gaze made the female teacher feel shy.

Her cheeks, which were childish and somewhat mature, were flushed.

"Classmate... classmate, aren't you coming in yet?"

She seemed very shy and said in a greasy voice.

That pleasant voice immediately brought He Feiyu back to reality.

He knew he had just been rude.

But there was no way.

Who told the female teacher opposite to be too similar to Shiori-chan, Yui-chan and Aunt Mao.

Change the hair color, then make the breasts smaller, and don't talk.

It's completely carved out of the same mold.

The painting style is unique in this world.

I couldn't help but stare blankly.

"Sorry, teacher"

He Feiyu apologized for his behavior just now.

He didn't have any other ideas.

I just didn't expect to see a PoRo face again in this school.

After all, during the summer vacation, he had never seen any other PoRo faces except Fuyutsuki Shiori and Nakaizumi Mao.


The focus is not on the PoRo face.

But on the Minotaur.

Since the PoRo face has appeared.

Then how far can the Minotaur be?

He Feiyu immediately turned on the divination eyes and looked at the top of her head, but found that the black color on the head of the female teacher with a PoRo face, which symbolizes misfortune, has not appeared recently, but tragedy will occur soon.

It seems that the "reconnaissance plane" will be sent out again to monitor.

"Hehe, it's okay, classmate, go find a seat and sit down, and then ask the students around you what to do today."

The female teacher heard He Feiyu's apology and smiled sweetly.

In fact, she has become accustomed to the shock in others' eyes when they see her for the first time.

There is no way, who told her that she is almost thirty years old and still has a face like a loli.

She has also been treated as a child by others because of her appearance.

She guessed that He Feiyu was probably the same.

I didn't feel angry.

"Okay, thank you teacher"

He Feiyu nodded, and then walked to where Aono Yushin was.

"Feiyu-kun, you're finally here!"

He Feiyu had just sat down when Yushin-chan leaned over, blinking her beautiful eyes, and said with a smile on her cute face.

"Teacher Himuro Kanade must be very angry, otherwise Yu-kun wouldn't have come just now. It's all my fault..."

Before he could reply, the girl continued to speak, with a tone of worry and self-blame.

This girl...

"Didn't I say it has nothing to do with Yushin-chan! You're still blaming yourself!"

Hearing this, He Feiyu stretched out his hand and pinched the cute face close at hand.

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