This beautiful counterpart is destined not to belong to it, but this is enough, for the sake of future generations! For future generations! It's all worth it.

"Are you tired? Hana Minato-chan"

"'s okay"

"As long as Mr. Yu likes it, I can do anything."

"Silly girl...."

He Feiyu held Tianhe Huamin in his arms, looked at her crimson cheeks, listened to her rapid breathing and the words that were still dominated by him in her mouth, the love in her heart surged and swept through her body.

"Go to sleep when you are tired. I will stay with you today."


He Feiyu felt the girl's gradually calming breathing. He picked up the girl, wiped her delicate body carefully with a bath towel, and then carried her back to her bedroom. He returned to the bathroom to clean the water in the bathtub.

He Feiyu looked at the blood stains and other things floating on the water and pulled out the bath plug. He understood that the girl was the person he had to protect with all his heart.

He put on the clothes that Amaga Minato brought, returned to the girl, held her delicate body in his arms, and covered her with a thin blanket.

He Feiyu opened the system and took a closer look. There was no change in the attributes of the body or the personal warehouse. He clicked on the system mall and swiped left and right. Except for Doraemon, Kamen Rider, and JOJO's Bizarre Adventure modules, Another module [Halo Amplification] also lit up.

It seemed that it was opened by the Minotaur after the invasion of the Gossamer Evil God. He Feiyu clicked on it out of curiosity.

After a while, he saw clearly what was there.

Protagonist halo, villain halo, wisdom halo, succubus halo, reverse halo, unlucky halo, lucky halo, etc.

He Feiyu roughly counted them, and there were twenty of them.

He clicked on a few that interested him.

[Protagonist Halo: A by-product of the Protagonist Law, do you also want to be the protagonist? Just buy it now!

The function is as follows: Seriously injured or near death, you can still fight (80% increase your basic attributes by 5 to 10 times) (Passive skill)

Be liked by all female characters unconditionally and for no reason (passive skill)

No matter how hard you hit, you won't die, and if you die, you will be resurrected (passive skill)

No matter how low the probability is, things can still cause miracles as you expect (passive skill)]

[Price: 50 Rule Power]

[Halo of wisdom: Are you afraid that your teammates will be stupid? Are you afraid that your enemy will be smart? Bought it to make everything stupid!

The function is as follows: After selecting a character, it reduces his intelligence (judged based on the difference in basic attributes with the halo owner) (active skill)]

[Price: Power of 3 Rules]

[Succubus Halo: Do ​​you dare to believe that it is related to succubi? Succubi also have pure love!

The function is as follows: After having sex, a woman will randomly generate a pink tattoo, which is immune to hypnosis, time-stop, etc. (passive skill)

: Conception: 100% pregnant. Infertility: 100% infertile and converted into nutrients (active skill)

: Women who have sex must not harm the same tattoo owner. (Passive skill)

: After the relationship, women share 20% of the basic attributes of the halo owner (passive skill)

: Women who have sex share the vitality of the halo owner (passive skill)]

[Price: 1 Rule of Power]

It took He Feiyu dozens of minutes to read them all, and found that now only [Succubus Halo] could be afforded. The price was only 1 point, and he happened to have a little. He suspected that this was a benefit given to him by the system. After all, he Now I lack the importance of protecting myself

It's a trick to get people, but I didn't expect that someone would give me a pillow just as I was about to fall asleep.

He Feiyu happily exchanged the [Succubus Halo].

He gently lifted the thin blanket on the girl, and a beautiful and alluring body appeared in front of him. He suppressed the throbbing and looked over the girl's body, but he didn't notice the appearance of pink tattoos, and he was a little confused.

He Feiyu put the blanket back on the girl's body, touched his chin and thought for a while, and finally came to the conclusion that it seemed that he wanted to have sex after purchasing the halo, and the previous ones should not be counted.

He couldn't wait to try it, but looking at the girl's soothing pretty face, he still wiped out his thoughts. After all, it was the girl's first time, so he had to wait until she had rested.

The white horse passes by, the stars move, the sun sets in the west, and dusk comes from afar, walking past the tall buildings leaning against the sky, and then puts its bright and generous cheeks against all the windows to eavesdrop.

Before I knew it, it was already seven o'clock.


Amaga Minato slowly opened her hazy eyes, and the warmth came from her naked body, making her moan happily.

"are you awake?"


When she heard the familiar voice, she couldn't help but arch her body, getting closer to him, and a look of satisfaction appeared on her pretty face.

"Still sleeping, be careful not to fall asleep at night"

"It's okay, as long as Yu-kun is with you~"

"Shh, don't make any noise, I'll make a call."

He Feiyu listened to the girl's words and patted the girl's head lovingly. Suddenly he remembered something. He immediately picked up the phone and looked at the incoming calls. He found that there were ten calls, of which Aunt Manzi accounted for nine, and the other one was from the warehouse. The call came from President Fu Lihua. He asked the girl not to speak, for fear that the jealous people at home would hear her.

Tianhehua Minato nodded obediently.

He Feiyu dialed Gunjian Manzi's mobile phone and was connected within a few seconds. Aunt Manzi's gentle voice came from the phone. He felt guilty and summarized what happened last night in a jerry-rigged way. Speaking of not going home tonight, he was prepared to accept the storm from Aunt Manzi, but unexpectedly, Aunt Manzi just told him to be careful and have enough food.

Although it was just a trivial matter, He Feiyu still felt the deep maternal love. Even though he was a foster mother, he was very moved and wished he could lie on Aunt Manzi's plump lap to tell the truth and then repent.

"Let's go, it's time to eat. How about letting me try Hana Minato-chan's cooking skills? Let's see if she can become a good wife."

After He Feiyu hung up the phone, he turned his head and saw Tianhe Huamin pulling the thin blanket under Qiong's nose, looking like a good baby. He pinched the girl's Qiong's nose in a funny way and joked.


Amaga Minato nodded heavily, with a serious expression on his face, and a small hand also made a cheering gesture.

Chapter 31 Don’t become a pile driver!

"Damn it, Brother Feiyu won't go home. I don't know that the vixen seduced his soul!!!"


"I'm furious!!!"

Qianjian Liuli has been listening to her cell phone. She subconsciously went to eat secretly last night. As soon as she lifted the quilt, she remembered that He Feiyu didn't go home. She suppressed her hunger and thirst and thought about blackmailing him tonight, but she didn't. When I heard the news that he wasn't coming back, I couldn't help but stamp my feet, but I felt that my breath was not flowing smoothly. I immediately took the pillow next to me and hit it hard with the speed of a Platinum Star. I didn't stop until I was exhausted. , muttered in his mouth.

"Vixen? Little wildcat!"

Gunma Kurumi, who was crossing her legs and playing with her mobile phone, curled her lips, thinking that she hadn't drank AD calcium milk for a week, and her stomach was empty, as if something was missing, so she couldn't help but echoed.

"Yujun has grown up and should have his own things to do. Please be more considerate."

There was not much expression on Mitsuko Gunma's dignified face, and he spoke thoughtful words, but a pink color flashed in his brown eyes.

‘I’ll come back tomorrow, but I have to make up for everything I’ve missed in the past few days~’



"Hanamato-chan's craftsmanship can only be said to be unparalleled in the world."

After He Feiyu finished the last bite of the food, he burped with satisfaction and began to praise the girl.

Of course, what he said was definitely false. The girl's craftsmanship was very good, but she was still a lot more immature than Aunt Manko, but he was discerning and was not an honest Asasi anime hero.



He Feiyu looked at the girl clasping her hands on her chest and looking at him expectantly. He Feiyu made the decision to go against his ancestors and said solemnly.

"Hanamato-chan, let's watch a movie, it's not even eight o'clock yet"


"Whatever Yujun likes to see, I have all kinds here~ But there is no astringent one!!!"

Hearing He Feiyu's words, the girl happily ran to the stacked discs, rummaged through them, and asked He Feiyu what he wanted to see, but there was no response. She turned her head and saw the ambiguous look on the young man's face. He seemed to have thought of something. Qiao His face turned red and he said angrily.

"I, He Feiyu, am an aboveboard, upright gentleman, and open-minded. How can I look at those filthy things?"

"Please, Hana Minato-chan, don't insult my saintly character."


"Ahem, well, let's just watch this."

He Feiyu looks

Seeing the almost convinced look on the girl's face, I coughed twice and hurriedly walked to her, started to look through the books, and finally found one suitable for watching at night.


"Really...really want to watch it?"

"It's just "The Ring", there's nothing to be afraid of"

"That...okay then"

He Feiyu saw that the girl's pretty face was a little pale and her body was trembling. He put the disc into the disc player and adjusted it, but it didn't play. He watched her drag the sofa far away, then hold the dry rice cat Huayu in her arms, and then click the play button.


"don't want!!"



As the movie story started to play, there was nothing before, but when Sadako slowly climbed out of the well on the TV, and then the distance got closer and closer as the screen flashed by, Amagawa Kaminato quickly raised Hana Yu in front of her, and then He buried his head in front of He Feiyu's chest, and when he heard the ordinary conversation, he carefully looked at the movie through the flowers in front of him. Unexpectedly, Sadako flashed across the TV the next moment, and the scared girl screamed out. Hua Yu couldn't bear the girl's surprise and quickly found a chance to escape. The girl could only hug He Feiyu tightly.

"Okay, okay, don't watch anymore"

"Don't worry. If Sadako does show up in the future, I'll just fuck her. Don't be afraid."

Seeing that the girl was so scared, He Feiyu finally pressed the pause button and changed to a comedy movie, but the girl was still a little scared. He held the girl in his arms and stroked her back to comfort her.



After He Feiyu's unremitting efforts, the girl was finally no longer afraid. She snuggled in her arms and watched funny movies, with laughter like silver bells coming from time to time.

"Well, why is it over so quickly?"

Two hours passed by in a flash, Tianhehua leaned into He Feiyu's arms and smacked her lips, looking regretful.

She always felt that time was slow when watching movies before, but today she felt that time was short. She cherished every minute and every second with the boy.

"It's okay, we'll watch it together next time. Now~"

"We should do something to grow up~"


Tianhe Huacou listened to He Feiyu's frivolous words, looked up at his fiery eyes as if to melt her, her body softened unconsciously, and she moaned.


Princess He Feiyu picked up Tianhe Huacou, activated the Platinum Star, closed the TV and the door, and put the girl on the bed. At this time, the girl was like a budding flower, waiting for him to pick it.


"I'll give you a gift"

At some point, the two of them were frank again. He lay on the delicate body, blew air into the girl's ear, and said mysteriously.

Without waiting for the girl to reply, he began to make love again, and tried to see how deep it was.

The creaking sound of the bed and the beautiful music from the girl's mouth formed a moving symphony, which made the moon blush and reluctant to poke out of the dark clouds.

Half an hour later, with the roar of a dragon, everything became quiet.

There were a few more crumpled tissues in the trash can beside.

"Let me see it quickly"

He Feiyu looked at the girl's delicate body, but still didn't find the existence of the tattoo. He was a little confused. Did the system make a mistake?

It can't be inside, right? He shook his head and thought it should be impossible.

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