The girl lay in He Feiyu's arms, curling up her young body like a cat, feeling the warmth coming from underneath her body. Hanako couldn't help but rub her little face against He Feiyu's chest and murmured.

After saying that, the girl's face suddenly turned red, and she suddenly floated out of He Feiyu's arms.

'what happened! I would actually praise the playboy who has two legs! ’

Hua Zi blushed and stared at He Feiyu with shy eyes.

I don’t know if the girl died while preparing to confess, but an obsession called pure love grew in her heart when she became a ghost.

Although she was very grateful to He Feiyu for allowing her to possess him and taste the delicious food, when she saw that he was having an affair with two beautiful girls and had even developed into an inappropriate relationship, the girl felt angry and itched her teeth.

If she and He Feiyu didn't have the relationship they have now, Huazi would definitely pretend to be a ghost to scare this playboy.

The girl made observations during lunch these past few days.

I got a general understanding of these two girls.

First of all, there is a girl named Amagawa Minato lying on the legs with a big carrot head.

Beautiful, gentle, considerate, with a curvy figure, excellent cooking extremely perfect girl.

She is exactly the type that most boys like, and almost all the lunches I eat these days are made by her.

For such a nearly flawless girl, Hanako couldn't figure out why she liked He Feiyu so much. Every time she ate

During the meal, the girl would feed He Feiyu three or four after eating one or two mouthfuls. This was due to He Feiyu's refusal. If he had not refused, looking at the girl's behavior, he would have wished he had not eaten, and would have fed He Feiyu first. full.

I love you too much, even crazy.

Although another girl named Sono Yushin is not as crazy as Amaga Minato, Hanako can tell that she actually likes He Feiyu. If Amaga Minato hadn't appeared, this girl's behavior towards He Feiyu would probably have been different. Not to mention more concessions.

The love between the two top beauties for He Feiyu directly affects the heart of the pure love girl Hanako.

Leaving her confused and stunned.

I can't imagine why they like He Feiyu so much.

‘Isn’t it just a little bit more handsome than ordinary people~’

Hanako floated directly above He Feiyu, looking at He Feiyu with a pair of big eyes. She wanted to find out why the two girls liked him so much. Since she didn't have a deep understanding, the girl could only superficially complain about it.

He Feiyu didn't know that Huazi had severely criticized him in just a few minutes.

If it becomes clear, He Feiyu will definitely come back with revenge.

Not only will the girl not be able to eat sushi at noon next Monday, she will also not be able to taste her favorite tempura. In serious cases, she will add a little coriander to all the dishes.

Of course, He Feiyu didn't know what Hua Zi was thinking.

Every time he came into contact with Hanako, he would identify the girl's presence by feeling the surrounding temperature.

Because every time Hanako came to his side, the temperature would get a little colder, especially when she was leaned over, the cooling feeling was particularly obvious.

Just like just now.

He Feiyu knew that the girl had left him, because the temperature of his own body had warmed up a lot.

As for where Hanako went, he didn't know.

The girl was so elusive that she probably went back to rest after eating.

He Feiyu lay on his soft thighs and stared at the sky in a daze, enjoying the delicateness of the warm palm caressing his face.

In fact, sometimes, He Feiyu would be confused because of Hua Minato-chan's gentle treatment.

I am confused as to how I can be accompanied by such a considerate and gentle girl.

There will always be a feeling that everything is like a dream.

Or maybe they guessed whether they might be the male protagonist in some cool novel.

Just when He Feiyu was about to fall into deep thought again.

The warmth of the girl's fingertips and the intoxicating aroma of her body brought him back to reality.

He Feiyu looked away from the vast blue sky.

It fell on Hana Minato-chan's gentle and pretty face.

Only then did he realize that the girl was lowering her head slightly and looking at him.

Those beautiful violet eyes revealed a deep emotion that could melt him.

He Feiyu's heart trembled suddenly.

The exhalation becomes heavy.

His eyes looking at the girl were as gentle as water.

If it is a dream, He Feiyu hopes to let this dream last forever.

If it were a novel, he hoped that the story with him as the protagonist would end happily, and not be like some discontinuous novels he read in his previous life.

I especially hope that the author does not have the habit of buying lottery tickets, otherwise he is really afraid that he will end up farting and then smoke himself to death. How bad would that be...

"Go to sleep, Yu-kun. As long as you fall asleep, it will be fine. Hua Minato will stay with you."

Tianhe Huamin seemed to be aware of He Feiyu's turbulent emotions. She gently stroked He Feiyu's head with one hand, and slowly followed He Feiyu's chest with her other hand. A soft voice came from the girl Tan's mouth.

Listening to that pleasant voice, He Feiyu felt as if he was wrapped in a sweet and comfortable cloud. Soon, sleepiness came to him, and at the same time, the exciting emotions disappeared.

Regardless of whether it is just as I guessed, it may be a dream or a novel.

He only knew that the tenderness and warmth of the girl at this moment were real!

'It must be because I haven't had much fun hunting cattle recently that I'm like this...'

The last thought before He Feiyu lost consciousness was that he had not been able to kill the Minotaur recently, which caused all this.

There was no way. If it was not for the ultimate bullshit rule power, he would have wanted to crush the Minotaur to ashes the first time he saw him.

If the Minotaur people in this world could sense He Feiyu's thoughts at this time, they would definitely curse, saying that everything was blamed on us, the old bull. It was obviously because you were full and had nothing to do that you thought about it. Can't you find a part-time job or join a club? Find something to keep busy, okay?

Tianhe Huacou smiled and looked at He Feiyu, who buried his head deep in her belly.

Jie Xinjiang on the side looked at the two of them enviously.

The girl didn't know how long it would take for her to join them.

"Sister Jie Xin, come here too, take a rest, I will call you when class starts"

Tianhe Huacou moved away from He Feiyu's face, looked at Jie Xinjiang who was staring at the two of them, and spoke softly.

After hearing this, Cang No Yuxin was stunned for a moment, then smiled like a flower, stood up and walked quickly to the side of Tianhe Hanamichi, and sat down slowly.

Then he happily rested his head on Tianhe Hanamichi's shoulder, his two hands entwined like vines, clamped one of Tianhe Hanamichi's hands between the snow peaks, and closed his eyes happily.

'It would be great if I could sleep with Sister Hanamichi one day~'


Smelling the smell of Tianhe Hanamichi made her a little intoxicated and obsessed.

Chapter 274 The first gathering of the three people

Hanako looked at the three people who were sticking together in the air.

Hesitated for a moment and sighed softly.

After all, it was the choice of the two women, and she could only respect it.

Of course, there were other factors involved. If someone else was playing two boats at the same time, Hanako would definitely scare that playboy.

The serious one would make him never dare to fall in love with a girl from now on, and the light one would make him be consistent with only one girl.

In the eyes of pure love girls, there is no room for playboys in the harem.

Hanako raised her hand and touched her shriveled belly. The pleasant meal time had passed, and the girl was considering whether she should go back to stay at home.

But when she thought of the cold and empty classroom, she immediately refused, and her heart was faintly repulsive.

Then the girl was confused again.

Why did she hate going back to the classroom now?

Hadn't she been used to it for a long time?

Hanako couldn't find the answer.

But her big eyes stayed on the three people below.

'Am I lonely? '

The girl muttered inexplicably, and at the same time subconsciously raised her hand to look, but her eyes penetrated her hand. If she didn't focus and condense the entity, she would be like a transparent person, and even she couldn't see herself clearly.

'Is it because of them? '

Hanako thought silently.

During the lunch these days, the girl seemed to have gotten used to the existence of the three people. Although they couldn't see her without her active appearance, Da Luobo and Tianhe Huacou knew her existence. Well, Tianhe Huacou knew that He Feiyu told her, but it was enough to make the girl happy.

Moreover, if she tells Daluo what she likes to eat or what she wants to eat next time, she will always find it in the next day's stool, which means that Daluo values ​​her very much.

Thinking of this, Hanako seemed to understand why the two girls liked Daluo...

'Hehe! I just want to digest it for a while before going back, not for any other reason! '

Hanako thought proudly, and then floated towards He Feiyu, hung beside the boy and looked at the moment, and finally hugged her petite body on his back.

Now He Feiyu is lying on his side, if the girl wants to lie in He Feiyu's arms, it looks very awkward, so the girl chose the posture she used when eating.

'So warm~ so fragrant~ so soft~ so comfortable~'

At the moment of overlap, Hanako experienced the beauty through He Feiyu's five senses sharing, especially the beauty from Ye Xi, Qun⑥;九四九三'⑥①'③五天河花民, Hanako couldn't help showing a comfortable expression like a cat when being stroked.

The idea that He Feiyu was unworthy, which had just faded away, rose again.

He Feiyu, immersed in the gentle land, shivered first, then felt cold. If it weren't for Hanako's body and hands being too warm, he would have almost woken up.

If he knew Hanako's thoughts, he would have yelled at the girl to get off his body. Damn, you borrowed my body and you still say I am, right! ?


Time passed quickly, and the afternoon passed without any major events. And somehow, all the classes on Friday afternoon were for fun. When the last bell rang, the class burst into cheers.

They walked out of the classroom in groups of three or two, carrying backpacks with few books.

He Feiyu vaguely heard them talking about game halls, KTVs, maid cafes, etc.


He Feiyu sat on the stool and chuckled a few times.

To be honest, he had never been to these things once.

He had seen and heard them in anime and novels in his previous life.

He didn't expect that he hadn't been there for more than a year after traveling through time.

But it doesn't matter. With the fragrant, soft and obedient Huacou baby here, who would go to a place where singles go to play!

"Feiyu Jun, let's go"

Just when He Feiyu was victorious, Yuxin Jiang in front of him stood up with a smile, patted the wrinkled hem and said.

"Have you packed?"


"Okay, let's go"

He Feiyu also stood up.

"See you next week, Yoshida~"

Aono Yushin said goodbye to Yoshida Saki who was still sitting in her seat with a smile.

"Well, see you next week, Yushin, and Feiyu..."

Yoshida Saki, who was packing, stopped what she was doing, raised her head and answered Aono Yushin, and then said to He Feiyu in front of her.

"Have a nice weekend~"

He Feiyu nodded and returned to the exquisitely dressed girl in front of him.

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