The journey that was supposed to take more than ten minutes was reduced to five or six minutes.

Looking at the familiar neighborhood, the scenes of his first meeting with the girl emerged in his mind.

Looking up, a few familiar crows were still guarding the girl's home like guards.

With a smile, He Feiyu tidied his clothes and rang the doorbell, guessing what the girl's expression would be when she saw him later, after all, he came quietly.


Tianhe Huacou put Huayu on her lower abdomen, gently stroking it with one hand, and flipping through the chat records with He Feiyu during this period with the other hand. After not seeing each other for a few days, even with Huayu accompanying her, she felt a little lonely in her heart, and wanted to meet the boy immediately and tell him her lovesickness.

But the boy also had his own things to do, and she couldn't waste his time because she missed him. If you like someone, you don't have to tie him tightly to your side, but learn to consider him, so Tianhe Huacou just chatted on the phone these days, and didn't ask He Feiyu to come to accompany her.


"Hua Yu, you said your master took a long time to come and see you"



She read through dozens of chat records again, recalling the sweet interaction between the two, with a bit of happiness on her face. She put her phone aside, raised Hua Yu who was resting on her belly with her hands, and murmured with questions.

"Coo coo coo"

How could a cat answer her question? Tianhe Huamou put Hua Yu's front feet on the high snow peak and stared at its face. After Hua Yu stood firm, she put her hands on Hua Yu's chin. The cat closed his eyes and made a sound of enjoyment, and his two front paws couldn't help but step on it.


As a result, the girl's chest was round and round, and the cat slipped accidentally and fell on the bed, then quickly stood up and shouted at the girl, as if complaining about why the girl's snow peak was so big and not convenient at all.


Tianhe Huacou seemed to understand the expression of the cat, and couldn't help laughing. Her eyes also looked at her chest. If she looked straight, she couldn't see what was behind her chest. If it was before, she would complain about the troubles caused by her big chest. But since being intimate with He Feiyu, he would hug her round and plump snow peaks and kiss them a few times, and then bury his head in them. This shows the boy's fascination with her snow peaks, so she also forgot about the troubles caused by her snow peaks.

As long as Yu Jun likes it~

"Could it be Yu Jun?"

Just when she was about to let the cat stand on it again, she heard the doorbell ringing at the door, her face was happy, and she guessed.

Usually, she didn't have many friends at school, and no one knew her home address.

Tianhe Huacou quickly put down Huayu, put on her furry slippers, and ran to the door. Just when she was about to turn the door handle, she suddenly thought of He Feiyu's usual teachings to her, and quickly stopped again, then looked at the cat's eyes, and the next second, she smiled.

Tianhe Huacou immediately opened the door, and then (/≧▽≦)/ threw herself into He Feiyu's arms.

"Do you miss me?"

With the soft jade in his arms, He Feiyu also hugged Tianhe Huacou tightly, one hand on the girl's slender waist, the other hand constantly stroking the girl's soft hair, smelling the girl's natural and light body fragrance, and whispering in the girl's ear.


"Me too"


He Feiyu took advantage of Tianhe Huacou's lack of reaction and directly picked her up by the waist. Amid the girl's exclamation, he carried her into the house and closed the door with a substitute.

After the door was closed, He Feiyu directly put the girl on the shoe cabinet in the entrance hall, and the girl sat on it just as high as him.

He Feiyu stared at Tianhe Huacou, and the affection in his eyes was as hot as the sun, without a trace of concealment.


Tianhe Huacou was watched by He Feiyu, and a blush rose on her face. Her body also became hot, and she couldn't help but let out an alluring moan.

She hadn't been nourished by the boy for a few days, and she was also longing for it.

Hearing Tianhe Huacou's tempting voice, he couldn't help but miss the girl tightly, and the girl's two huge watermelons were squeezed like dough, and then dissipated in the gap between their bodies.

His face slowly rubbed against the girl's fair and pretty face. This was He Feiyu's body language to show his love and attachment. He would only show it if he loved deeply.

Tianhe Huacou also hugged He Feiyu's head with both hands. Smelling the man's scent that intoxicated her, she seemed to feel He Feiyu's love and responded to him in the same way.



The two rubbed against each other like cats (*≧︶≦))(—▽—*)ゞfor a while, and then He Feiyu began to get naughty. First, he saw the girl's crystal-clear and full earlobes that looked like crystal grapes. He couldn't hold back his inner impulse and rolled them into his mouth and sucked them with his tongue. Hearing the girl's seductive sound, he let the whipped earlobes out, and then wandered along the girl's white and rosy ear texture, leaving a trail of wet marks, and finally took the girl's entire ear into his mouth, giving the girl's petite ear a water bath.

He Feiyu heard the girl's rapid breathing, and moved his head away from Tianhe Huacou's neck. His eyes were fixed on the girl's blushing cheeks again, and he saw the scarlet tongue hidden under the girl's pearly teeth in her pink lips, which was slightly undulating, and his mouth was dry.

In Tianhe Huacou's confused eyes, He Feiyu stretched his head and kissed her lips. The soft touch stimulated his lust. He couldn't wait to invade the girl's city, break through the girl's city wall, and plunder her sweet saliva. His two hands began to rub on the buttons, slowly stripping off the outer clothes covering the snow peak.

Even if He Feiyu didn't see the fragrant and tender jade hidden under the clothes, he could feel its beauty with his hands. Finally, the box covering the snow-white treasure was opened, and two groups of white jades jumped out.

"Well, well"

One hand stroked the plumpness hidden under the short skirt, and the other hand covered the snow-white tenderness, slightly pinched it, and the snow-white dough overflowed from the fingers like liquid, as if it had found a new toy. The strength of one hand changed, and the size of the overflowing dough changed accordingly. Tianhe Huacou was blocked in the city and could not protect himself. He could only whimper helplessly to the snow peak that was being attacked.

He Feiyu was tired of playing with the balloon filled with water, so she climbed towards the bulge on the snow-white balloon, pinched the bulge with two fingers, and rubbed it carefully. Because of the water, the size of the earphones became the size of a cherry, hard and soft. As He Feiyu pinched and clamped, the girl trembled as if she was electrocuted. Fortunately, He Feiyu did not play with her for too long.


Tianhe Huacou gasped heavily, and her scarlet tongue was spit out of her mouth, and some saliva flowed down and fell to the floor.

He Feiyu shook his head secretly, saying that it was a pity. Although he had just eaten a lot, the sweet taste still made him excited, but it was time to get down to business. Everything just now was just an appetizer.

Before the girl could catch her breath, He Feiyu bent down again, captured the bulge in his mouth, whipped it with his tongue, bit it with his teeth, and sucked it with his mouth, making Tianhe Huacou gasp again.

With two hands, he unloaded the girl's skirt along her plump thighs, and groped his way to the natural moat that blocked the Peach Blossom Spring, wandering back and forth along the winding road of the Peach Blossom Spring.

Under He Feiyu's attack, the flood tilted for the first time. Even with the natural moat blocking it, his hands were soaked a lot. He took the flood-soaked fingers in front of the girl, and pulled out a silver thread in front of her, and put it into her mouth in her coquettish and confused state.


"(●''●) Hee"

He leaned down again, and only stayed on the bulge for a while, and then slid down along the delicate belly. He Feiyu's eyes couldn't help but stay on the girl's willow waist. I don't know if the nutrition has grown to the girl's chest. The girl's waist looks petite and slender, and two mermaid lines can be seen, which naturally attracted the "naughty boy" He Feiyu to leave his traces and swear his sovereignty, but the itchy feeling made the girl laugh out loud.

He Feiyu leaned close to the skin that was emitting a faint warmth, and then moved down, rubbing his face over the dense and dark thorns, and finally sucked on the peach blossom land through the pink natural moat, and the faint sweetness just now reappeared in his taste buds.

It didn't feel so good to be separated by the natural moat, so He Feiyu took off the natural moat, and the pink peach blossom land was completely exposed in front of He Feiyu. Because of the flood just now, the peach blossom land was still wriggling slightly, and water stains came out from time to time.

Staring at the peach blossom land that was emitting water without blinking, he felt a little pity, so he leaned close and swallowed all the water stains on it into his stomach, but he was not satisfied, so He Feiyu turned into a water drawer, trying hard to draw water. After a few minutes, the flood came again, making He Feiyu's mouth bulge, and even a lot of it leaked on his face.


With a sweet taste in his mouth, He Feiyu exhaled, and the sweet smell lingered in his nose for a long time. He wanted to see the girl's expression at this time, so he raised his head and saw the girl's face with an attractive blush.

Even if her eyes were narrowed, he could still see the lust spreading in her purple eyes.

So He Feiyu stood up and released the angry dragon that had been ready for action. The released angry dragon had a ferocious dragon head, and the protruding and winding veins on its body could be seen, which showed its horror.

He Feiyu couldn't bear to scare Tianhe Huacou, so he kissed her. The girl had been lost in the sea of ​​love for a long time, and could only respond instinctively, until something widened her narrow road and brought her some pain, which made her come back to her senses. As the thing kept playing tricks, it brought her unspeakable pleasure, and her plump thighs also tightly clamped the boy's waist, catering to it.

With the joint efforts of the two, they played a pleasant song on the cabinet in the entrance hall.

He Feiyu held Tianhe Huacou's hips, connected to each other, and moved to the entrance hall. He used a substitute to pick up two slippers and put them on the girl's weak knees. He couldn't bear to see the girl's knees injured.

After the girl was arranged, her hands were on the ground, and her two white legs were also kneeling on the slippers. He Feiyu controlled the balance of Tianhe Huacou with his hands in the posture of a cart, and a new movement began to be born in the beautiful singing voice and primitive percussion of the girl.

It was not until the girl sang a few songs that she was accompanied by a dragon roar.

He Feiyu wanted to play another song, but seeing that the girl was already weak and powerless, like a slime, he had no idea, so he carried Tianhe Huacou to the bed.


An hour later, Amagawa Minato woke up in a daze, and stretched out her little hand to the side. There was no unexpected touch, so she sat up and the quilt covering her body fell down, exposing the snow-white Yufeng again. came out, but she didn't pay attention. Her beautiful purple eyes scanned the room and found that there was no other figure except her.

The bitter feeling of worrying about gain and loss came to her heart. She naked and delicate, put on her shoes, and walked out of the bedroom in a daze, only to see the boy she had longed for sitting on the dining table peeling something off. The bitter feeling just now disappeared, and now Just deep love.

She walked forward curiously and saw that the young man had peeled lobsters in his hands, which seemed to be cooked. There were also boxes on the dining table, which must be takeaways. There were dozens of them stacked in the bowls on the side. Huayu on the side looked up at the cat. Head, looking pitifully at the freshly peeled lobster on He Feiyu's body, meowing, wanting to take a bite.

"Haha, this is not for you to eat."


After hearing He Feiyu's words, Hua Yu angrily got into his lap, then crossed her body, and then meowed a few times, as if she said, if you don't give me food, I will crush you, this stinky master, to death.

When Tianhe Huamin heard He Feiyu's words, warmth spread in her heart. She walked softly behind He Feiyu, held him in her arms across the chair, and rested her petite head on He Feiyu's neck.


Hua Yu twitched her ears and raised her head. When she saw this scene, she stood up obediently and found a good place to lie down after a few jumps.

This cat is a cat and does not eat dog food.

Tianhehua watched the cat walk away, then obediently got into He Feiyu's arms, hugged his neck, opened her big moist eyes, and stared at the young man's face lovingly.

"Are you hungry?"

He Feiyu stopped peeling shrimps on his hands and asked with concern.


Amaga Minato nodded obediently. Maintaining that posture before was really draining his energy.


He Feiyu placed the freshly peeled lobster on the girl's lips.


The girl moved her nose, first smelled the fragrance, then put the lobster roll in front of her into her mouth with her tongue, and then greedily took a few mouthfuls of the residual taste on the boy's hand.

Chapter 56: The Coming Shura Field

"Is it tasty?"

Seeing Tianhe Hua Minato looking like this, He Feiyu asked with a gentle tone.

"Yeah, delicious~"

After saying that, Amaga Minato rubbed his chest like a cat (*≧︶≦).

She didn't hide her love at all. The strong lovesickness she felt in the past few days was vented, and the faint emptiness was filled.

He Feiyu didn't speak anymore, but continued to pick up the peeled lobster from the bowl and feed it to the girl. Looking at her satisfied smile was enough.

Originally he wanted to feed them all to the girl, but later she saw that he had been giving one-sidedly, so she puffed up her face and looked angry. With her strong insistence, the last few went into his stomach. .

In fact, He Feiyu was not very hungry, because he had just drank a lot of peach juice, so his stomach was full, but if he said it in front of the girl, the girl would definitely blush again, and then give him a good lesson.

He picked up a tissue and wiped the girl's mouth first before cleaning himself up. The two did not speak for the next ten minutes, but silently leaned on each other and felt the warmth and beauty brought by the other's body.

"Hanamato-chan, would you be angry if I said that I am more than just a woman to you?"

He Feiyu looked at Tianhe Huamin's amethyst-like eyes and the happiness and indulgence on her face, which made his heart twitch. He decided to show off his cards to the girl. Since his relationship with Mitsuko Gunma, he has also thought about many issues. , as long as the system allows him to capture a girl whose favorability reaches 90 or above, he will first ask the girl if she will accept the existence of others. If she is not willing, he will not force it. As for why he has to reach 90 or above

Did you just tell me? Of course, it is to avoid being punished by the system. This is also the best way he can think of. After all, how can you have both worlds...

Anyway, it is based on completing the system tasks.

After listening to his words, the smile that had just appeared on the girl's face froze, and then her eyes slightly lowered, and her eyelids also lowered, as if she was deep in thought.

"No way~(^v^)"

Just when He Feiyu thought Tianhehua was angry and was about to scold him, the girl suddenly raised her head again, with a smile on her innocent and beautiful face, and her tone was free and serious.


Now it was He Feiyu's turn to be confused. Normally, if a boy told a girl that he had other girlfriends, he would be scolded, and more seriously, he would be talked to by his uncles. Could it be because of Li Jiyuan?

In fact, even if Tianhe Huamin disagrees with He Feiyu, he will not let her go. If there is no relationship and the girl rejects her, he will not force her. But after the relationship, he will never allow anyone to approach his woman.

Even if you use the most unique method in the dimension.

Pajamas! He did not hesitate to do so.

"There is no reason~"

"If I have to say the reason, it would be that I have fallen in love with Mr. Yu~"

"The body and heart belong to Mr. Yu~"

He Feiyu felt a little ashamed when he saw the true feelings shown on the girl's face, without any pretense.

"Thank you, Hana Minato-chan."

Thousands of words came to my mind for a while, but in the end they turned into a thank you.

"Well, as long as Yujun has me in his heart, that's enough"


He Feiyu didn't know what to say anymore, so he decided to express it in the most primitive way. He leaned over and kissed the girl's red lips, plundering her beauty and expressing his love for her through his lips and teeth.

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