Hatsuteng Mingli had a grateful look on her face, and she seemed to be really happy just to find a tutor for her daughter.

"And Aunt Mingli doesn't need to pay for anything."

He Feiyu was ready to help people to the end, because he was a kind person.

"Thank you, brother Feiyu."

"It's okay, but I can only come to help at night, and sometimes I may not be able to come."

"Twice a week is enough."

"Will it not affect sister Jingjiu's studies?"


Hatsuteng Mingli shook her head quickly, and her sagging breasts shook, almost shaking He Feiyu.

"That's it."

"Okay, goodbye to landlord Manzi, goodbye to brother Feiyu."

"Goodbye" ×2

Hatsuteng Mingli watched the two people close the door, and she also returned to her home and closed the door.

"Brother Feiyu~Brother Feiyu~"

She did not tell her daughter the good news immediately, but leaned against the door, kneading her chest with one hand, and reaching down with the other hand, making a seductive moan while murmuring.

Chapter 58: The Love of Gunjian Manzi

After the door was closed.

Just as He Feiyu was about to take off his shoes.

A mature, charming and breathtaking fragrance entered his nose, and then the soft jade-like body pressed against his chest.

"Inhale~ Inhale the breath of Yu-chan~"

He Feiyu looked down helplessly at Aunt Manzi who was rubbing against his chest and speaking childish words with unclear meanings.

Her hands were suspended in the air, not knowing whether to hold her down.

After waiting for a while, Gunjian Manzi did not feel He Feiyu's warm hands on her body. She raised her head, and her beautiful brown eyes were filled with spring and a little grievance.

"If Yu-chan doesn't like this, Auntie won't do it anymore in the future." He Feiyu saw her originally rosy cheeks suddenly turn pale, and her long eyelashes that were originally dancing like an elf began to tremble irregularly with her trembling eyelids. "How is it possible! I like Auntie Manzi like this the most. Every time I'm tired, being treated by Auntie Manzi is like soaking in a hot spring, and all the fatigue in my body is swept away." He Feiyu blurted out without hesitation, his heart tightened. "Really?" "Really!" As if he was afraid that Manzi Qiangjian didn't believe it, He Feiyu put his hands on her waist and turned her slowly. "Look" "Puff" Seeing his Auntie Manzi smiling again, he breathed a sigh of relief. Manzi Qiangjian pressed against He Feiyu's chest again, closed her eyes, and absorbed his unique masculine breath. A warm current called happiness rose from her body, as if she was in the clouds and relaxed lightly. ‘Aunt Manzi loves me, and I like Aunt Manzi too! ’

He Feiyu quietly felt the love of Qiangjian Manzi, and the look in his black and white eyes changed from complicated to firm.

He used his chin, which had not yet grown a beard, to slowly stroke her fair and plump forehead through her purple hair.

The ambiguous atmosphere did not last long, and a crisp and tender voice came with doubt.

“Oh, Kasang, Brother Feiyu hasn’t come back yet?”

“I’m back”

Hearing this, Qiangjian Manzi reluctantly left He Feiyu’s arms, then tiptoed to kiss his cheek, and finally gave him a clear hint when he left.

‘It seems that I have to leave the door open tonight...’

He felt the remaining warmth on his cheek with his hand, and thought with a warm heart.

When He Feiyu walked into the living room, he saw steaming food on the table, and Qiangjian Manzi also came out of the kitchen with a bowl of fragrant rice.

"Are you hungry, Yu-chan? You didn't even come back for lunch! Really!"

Listening to Gunma Manzi's words that seemed to blame but were actually concerned, his desire for home was once again satisfied. As an orphan in his previous life, he never expected that there would be a day when his family would care about him.


He Feiyu pushed the chair away and sat down, picked up the food on the table, and began to eat heartily.

Also sitting at the table were Gunma Liuli and Gunma Kurumi.

They put down their phones and looked at their mother Gunma Manzi at the same time, because they read feelings beyond family affection from her eyes when she looked at He Feiyu, and then the two of them looked at each other tacitly.

In fact, the two girls learned to cheat from their mother. Once, they saw with their own eyes that Gunjian Manzi sneaked out of He Feiyu's room, and there was still a white unknown mark on the corner of his mouth. Although Gunjian Manzi tried his best to cover it up, the two girls still knew what happened, because the smell of heather was too unique. Even if they had not experienced it, they knew a lot about it from the movies and the impulse of adolescence, so they naturally knew what was on the corner of their mother's mouth.

Because Gunjian Manzi was caught by the two daughters, the panicked look he showed for a while was also guessed by the two girls that it was their mother who was cheating, so the physical desire of the two girls also made them learn this behavior.

Since then, they have not met their mother for several months of cheating, which made them a little strange. Therefore, after cheating once, the two girls waited for their mother, but they saw their mother appear after they finished cheating.

The two girls thought a lot afterwards, and probably knew that their mother was doing it for their own good. After all, eating first is not only hotter but also has a lower risk of exposure. Their mother did this to reduce their risk of exposure. The two were very moved, so the three of them kept silent and formed a stable balance.

Without He Feiyu knowing, the scene of a loving mother and a filial daughter was playing out, but the night raid, group six; ⑨④九三'⑥一'③五, only his injured world was achieved.

Just last night, after the two girls finished eating secretly, they knew that their mother was going to clean up. They thought it was the same as usual, but what was unexpected was that a voice like the heroine of a small movie came from He Feiyu's room. The two girls' small movies were naturally not watched in vain, and they knew what happened.

When they were envious, they originally planned to intervene, but thinking that Gunjian Manzi had raised them with hardship for more than ten years, even in the case of cheating, he had thought about them long ago, so the two endured it in their respective rooms and listened to their mother's voice to solve the problem.

Today, the two of them secretly communicated privately. Because the mother and He Feiyu have become more intimate, the two of them discussed that they could not fall behind, so they reached an alliance and prepared to find a time to push He Feiyu down, but they had to arouse his desire beforehand, so that He Feiyu would be more motivated.

The two of them made up their minds and decided to act tonight, so the two women sat at the dining table.

He Feiyu, who was enjoying the food, suddenly felt two warm and delicate touches on his feet. He raised his head and looked at the two women. If it was in the past, the two women would definitely avoid their heads tacitly, and then pretend to be something, but now that the mother has made the relationship with He Feiyu clear, they don’t plan to hide it anymore, so they responded to He Feiyu’s eyes without hesitation.

It seems to be said again.

No more pretending, show your cards, it was the two of us who did this kind of thing before! The first time you, He Feiyu, massaged your feet was not by your mother! It was us two sisters! !

He Feiyu saw the naked eyes of the two of them and felt scared. He didn't know why they were so bold all of a sudden, but he didn't care. He was naturally clear about the feelings of the two women for him. He had already regarded the two sisters with different personalities as his own forbidden food. Since they didn't hide it, he didn't bother to pretend.

He Feiyu's feet were more flexible than theirs. Even if he couldn't see the situation below, he could use his big feet to capture their mischievous little feet with his perception beyond ordinary people.

So on the floor, there was a situation of twenty toes interlocking. As a man, He Feiyu's feet must be much bigger than theirs. The two women's feet were not only small and exquisite, but also extremely tender, as if they were boneless, and they were easily clamped by him.

On the dining table, He Feiyu tasted the food slowly and leisurely.

Under the dining table, He Feiyu carefully felt the two women's jade feet with icy skin.

The two women saw He Feiyu's calm expression and felt unconvinced. How could he be so elegant even when he was a bitch? So the two women stretched out their other legs again.

For a moment, the six legs were entangled together, exchanging temperature with each other.

The meal that could have been finished in more than ten minutes was eaten by He Feiyu for nearly forty minutes.

The two women were defeated by two against one. Now their faces were flushed, and sweat appeared on their full and crystal foreheads from time to time. There was a pink silver in their blurred pupils, and their scarlet tongues stretched out of their mouths, with thick and sticky saliva on them.

He Feiyu was glad that he loosened his legs early, otherwise when the two of them entered Aunt Manzi's state, I'm afraid that if they were lucky, it would be 1v2 tonight, and if they were unlucky, it would be 1v3.

He hurriedly took the dishes after the meal into the kitchen to wash them, and returned to his bedroom while the two women were still resting on the table.

After the two girls took a nap for more than ten minutes, their bodies and consciousness recovered. If their mother hadn't been here, they would have gone to the plane without a crow. However, they could not escape the first day, and they must squeeze him tonight. They returned to their bedrooms at the same time and prepared to change into their battle clothes. They would be juicer girls tonight.

Gunjian Manzi watched these scenes with a smile on her face. No one knows her daughters better than her mother. She naturally knew that her two daughters had discovered her relationship with He Feiyu and were ready to sublimate their relationship.

But she not only had no idea of ​​stopping it, but was looking forward to it, looking forward to the scene of the four people's impartment, so that the relationship between the four people would reach the extreme.

But today, she had to interfere in their good things. Although she had sex with Yujiang yesterday, a short separation was better than a new marriage. Even if it had only been more than ten hours, she missed He Feiyu very much.

Of course, if the two daughters didn't mind, it would be okay tonight in front of her, and as a mother, she could also teach them some skills to make Yujiang happy.

He Feiyu was lying on the bed, chatting with Tianhe Huacou. When Huacou was too sleepy, they said good night to each other. He tossed and turned in the dark, wanting to sleep but unable to. The hint Aunt Manzi had given him earlier made him eager to go to sleep.

In the darkness, the passage of time had lost its meaning. He Feiyu didn't know how long it had been until

there was a slight twisting sound of the doorknob at the door, which startled him.

"Aunt Manzi~"

The delicate and tender body fell into his arms. He Feiyu confirmed the person and caressed her body involuntarily with his hands. He did not expect that Aunt Manzi was naked with most of her skin, and only a few key points were covered by sparse cloth. He said lovingly.

"Yu-chan, sniff~sniff"

"Aunt Manzi, I want~"


He groped and put aside the barrier covering the vermilion on the snow-capped peak. With the milky fragrance, he successfully held it in his mouth, tasting it carefully like a baby sucking a pacifier.

Gunjian Manzi put one hand on He Feiyu's waist and the other hand gently stroked the black hair on the back of his head. He could not help but hum a song slowly in his mouth.

"What's wrong, Yu-chan, why are you crying? Did Auntie do something wrong?"

In both his past and present lives, He Feiyu had never been enveloped by such a strong maternal glow as tonight. A few hot tears fell from his eyes unconsciously. Gunjian Manzi, who was taking good care of He Feiyu, naturally noticed something strange and said with worry and doubt.

"Well~ No, I just feel very happy"

"Hehe, Yu-chan feels happy, and Auntie is also happy"

Hearing He Feiyu's answer, Gunjian Manzi's hands moved more gently, and at the same time adjusted her body to a position that was better for He Feiyu to taste.

Chapter 59 Shura Field × Unrequited Love√

In the dark and silent room.

Gunjian Manzi's magnetic and charming voice made the hummed song melodious.

He Feiyu seemed to be in a soft cloud, and his previously messy thoughts were smoothed out.

The subtle breathing sounded in Gunjian Manzi's ears.

If it weren't for the wet and warm feeling on her chest, she would have thought He Feiyu was awake.

"What a greedy baby~"

"But it's okay this way"

The words of pampering and doting came out of Gunma Manzi's mouth.

She still maintained this action and did not leave because He Feiyu had fallen asleep.

She was almost forty years old, and she didn't expect that there would be another day when she would find a little man who was so attached to her. Even if there was no astringency tonight, this method could greatly vent the desire accumulated in her body.

The two people in the room got what each other wanted most.

The two women in battle clothes outside the room hesitated.

"Oh, Gasang is inside! Are you still going?"

Gunma Liuli leaned against the door, because Gunma Manzi's humming was not very loud, but she could still hear the intermittent sound. She asked Gunma Kurumi beside her with dissatisfaction and hesitation.

After thinking for a while, Gunma Kurumi decided to fight again tomorrow night, the last time, to give Ogasang and Feiyujun a chance to be alone together. They have been eager for a long time. Since Ogasang and He Feiyu have broken through their relationship, they can't fall behind.

"Hey! Let's talk about it tomorrow"

"Well, hey!"

Hearing her sister's answer, Gunma Liuli could only sigh. The most painful thing in the world is that Feiyu brother is on the other side of the door, but she can't sit on him and ride a horse.

The two subconsciously looked at their battle clothes. Although they couldn't see anything in the dark, they could also express the uncomfortable feeling of not being able to ride.

Two doors closed, and the two women returned to their rooms to "eight immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers" to spend this sleepless night with their own abilities.

In the morning of the second day, a ray of sunlight shone directly into the room, hitting He Feiyu's face without bias.

The golden light woke up He Feiyu who was sleeping.

He opened his sleepy eyes, unwilling to open them, and smacked his lips subconsciously. A soft, hard object like candy rolled in his mouth.

Thinking of something, He Feiyu suddenly woke up and quickly spit out the candy in his mouth.

Looking at the scarlet and slightly purple candy, his eyes were full of guilt.

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