[Mention] Only refer to the background world view of the setting system, the character will be different, and the original plot is only for reference.


It had been about 5 minutes since Tianshuo woke up, and there was no sound except for the [Pain Reduction Level 10] that sounded in his mind at the beginning, and the air was filled with a thick smell of blood.

The liquid flowing out of the eye socket made Tianshuo a little itchy, and it was a sunken hole that touched along the source of the itch, with a slightly viscous liquid, and a tingling pain made Tianshuo have to stop moving.

The eyeballs were gouged.

The previous sentence also appeared because of this?

After trying to move around, Tianshuo kept stepping on unknown objects or liquids and slipped because he had no vision, so he gave up this plan.



Tianshuo turned to the place where the sound came from, but there was no movement on the other side.

"Who's there." Tianshuo turned his head slightly and tilted his ears in the direction of the sound.

There was only a slight sound of calm breathing, and the other party seemed to have been here for a long time.

"That's it." The woman withdrew the long sword she was holding ready to fight.

The woman was dressed in an aristocratic military uniform, and a pair of dragon horns stood in her short light white hair.


Tianshuo's ears trembled slightly, catching the footsteps of a group of people.

"Tallula, what's going on..." The woman in a white coat, long snow-white hair and a pair of striking rabbit ears came with a cold wind.

"Gagging..." The few people who followed behind him did not hold back their gagging.

The ground is full of twisted flesh, the head and heels are squeezed together, some can no longer tell which part of the body, and the eyeballs can be seen everywhere.

The white and red liquid mixed together, and the surrounding area was overly embellished by the squeezing of the flesh that had exploded.

In the middle of the chaos stood a black-haired man with his body slightly tilted forward and his head slightly sideways, as if this would allow him to hear the voice more clearly, and the eyeball socket that was gouged out pulled out a sticky bloodshot in the air.

The rabbit-eared woman frowned and raised her hand to cover her nose.

"Frost Star, you take the snow monster squad to patrol the neighborhood to see if there are any survivors, I'll talk to him."

"Is it all right? This level cannot even be achieved by the ghosts of the legendary ice field.

"I think it's fine." Talullah hesitated and lengthened her voice.

After all, I have been observing here for a while.

"Frost Star?" Tianshuo heard a name that impressed him a little.

"Frost Star... Christmas? White rabbit? Ark of tomorrow? "Tianshuo has a brain.

It has been five years since he traveled here, to this strange world. There are infected people, injustice, and the mineral disease that is called an incurable disease.

And he also contracted ore disease a year ago.

If it weren't for the fact that the name Frost Star had been lucky enough to see in the group chat before he crossed over, he still wouldn't know where he was.

"This shit world." Tianshuo gritted his teeth and muttered, five years had smoothed out his confidence as a traverser.

To say that Goldfinger, there is, but does not know how to use it, just like a passive skill, can only wait for him to trigger himself.

"What are you muttering?" Tallulah asked, the smell of blood here was too strong, and some made her brain sick.

Seeing that Tianshuo ignored the two of them speaking in unison.

"What's going on here?"

"Tell me what happened before you fell into a coma."

"Our group of infected people came to this village to pray for some food, even if it was just to fill the bottom of our stomachs, we would exchange our physical strength for not taking it for nothing, and the village chief accepted our prayers. Took us to a huge warehouse... Ahem.

Tianshuo's mouth was extremely dry, only the viscous plasma remained, and he didn't know whether it was his own or someone else's, and a series of words made him feel sick and almost vomited.

"You go on to say, don't worry, it seems that your wound is only one eye and has scabbed over, if you don't continue to use your fingers to put it in and pour it upside down." Tallula's hand did not leave the long sword, and she stood straight and looked at the panting youth.

"We were locked up in warehouses, screaming and shouting in horror filling this huge, dark and cold, empty warehouse."

Tianshuo felt very tired and tried to find a less sticky spot on the ground to sit down.

The moment he made his move, he heard a slight whistle of drawing his sword, albeit small and brief, but he believed he had heard correctly.

I searched the ground with my hands, at least a meter in radius, and there was no slightly cleaner place.

Tianshuo grabbed a handful in his hand, and the plasma flowed from his fingers and dripped into a pool of blood.

"What is it?"


Concise and clear, Tallulah gently closed her sword, "You completely, well, can't you smell this pungent smell of blood?" Various internal organs and body parts are all squeezed into pulp.

"Maybe I also have a problem with my sense of smell, and what could be sadder than losing both eyes after falling into a coma."

He threw off the sticky substance on his hand, and although he couldn't smell it, Tianshuo almost vomited just by thinking about it.

"In just one day, those of us infected who were already hungry have basically stopped moving and shouting."

"The next day, my stomach was sickly empty, and there were many blood marks on the walls and floor, which were meaningless actions by people trying to escape, and the occasional sound of villagers talking outside the warehouse."

"On the third and fourth days, I was so hungry that I hallucinated, and others began to try to eat the dead flesh because of hunger."

"On the seventh day and the eighth day, I was thinking, why am I being treated like this?

And what did the infected do wrong and be treated like this ??

We are just a bunch of wretched desperate bugs who just want a little pathetic, a little something to eat.

I saw them eating their flesh, and they kept retching, and they vomited all their breath, and from time to time there were mocking sounds outside.

If there is a powerful force, can it change all this? Finally I passed out and collapsed in front of a six-year-old girl, dead, but with her eyes still open. "


"It's ridiculous, isn't it, infected, that's it... There is no choice, to depart in silence and die in silence.

"Join us, the infected, as we go south, with fields that are abundant, that have the right temperature, that change in the seasons, that have fresh food, resources, education, prospects... And the future.

"Huh... I'm just a cripple now, what can I do? I have nothing left, the only light is gone..."

"You're infected, aren't you?"

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