Major Scene

"Margaret Linguang, Shine Knight Arrival!" Her opponent today is the elegant light from Leitania, the Candle Knight, Viviana Frost! "


Platinum looked

at the blemish light that gradually woke up from the coma, "What a trouble..."

Flawed Guang's brain was still dizzy, and he was tied up "You?

"As you think, Wu Meng, don't be so nervous." Shirogane sat in a clean place, "As long as you stay quiet, we won't treat you well." "

Platinum little hand supporting his face" After all, if you are injured, and the most precious little daughter of the Linguang family is injured, Yao Knight and Manna will not stand idly by. "

Report Platinum Major, Shine Knight and Candle Knight match has begun."

Bai Jin waved without spirit, "I know, hey, when is this kind of day a head..." The

two lapis gold gods were haunted, and the three Xuantie only heard their voices and did not see them.

All to myself, I really want to strike....

When will I be able to take a vacation....

"You want to force your sister to admit defeat?"

"Ang, almost, so you just stay here obediently and send you back after Yao Knight admits defeat, I don't want to do anything more trouble."

"You don't like to do this." Flawed looked at Shirogane with a numb face.

"Aang, do you like it?" Shirogane looked at the blemishes in front of him: "It's a pity that you can't join the Wuxun Alliance, and it's useless to like it." "

“...... Why not break away from the Invisible Alliance. "

Huh? Should I say that you are naïve or what? Last Platinum Major... Forget it, I shouldn't have told you that. Shirogane turned his head and patted the dust on his body with his hand and muttered.

"The clothes that were just washed are dirty again..."

"Sister, she won't admit defeat."

"Do you know about the rust copper incident? Now public opinion is sweeping the Federation. Shirogane remembered the previous information.

Although the result of her investigation was that the infected knight was not dead, the supervisory committee had already released the results, so that the Federation did not have time to react.

"Can you imagine what would happen if Yao Knight really won the championship in this situation?"

Flawed Guang lowered her head and did not speak, she understood this.

"As long as your sister obediently loses to the Candle Knight, then none of this will happen, and we will not face these problems, isn't it the most relaxed?"

Well...... When this major is over, I should have a sabbatical.

Shirogane fantasized in his head.

"Sister, she, will not admit defeat, she will win the game, she will definitely be steadfast."

"Maria Linguang, you know what? Casimir, like a tower, looks from the bottom floor to the spiraling staircase... There is no end to it. "


Martin's Bar

"Old Fer! Kovar! Martin! Zofia hurriedly pushed open the door of the bar, "Maria, she seems to have been by... Belch. The

person standing in front of her made her almost choke on saliva.

Manna stood at the counter, and the old knights stood beside him.

"You said Maria... What's wrong? "



" report! Platinum Major, we have informed the Knights Guild. But, but the game is still going on..."

"Aang... I hope the Knights Association moves faster, otherwise Yao Knight and her sister will suffer a little. Shirogane wiped his crossbow and didn't think about any other trivialities.

"I said, sister, she will not admit defeat."

"It's okay, when your sister sees your fingers neatly placed in front of Linguang's house, she won't think about the next game."

Shirogane looked up at the blemishes that had changed a little.

"Hmm... Defiant eyes, you and your sister are strange. Shirogane came over to the side of the blemish and sat down.

"Even if the Linguang family is a famous heroic family, how many minions does the Federation have in the Great Knight Domain? Yao Knight and Manna, how many killers can 'two people' kill? Hundreds? Thousands?

Shirogane scratched her silver hair, "Hmm... I really don't understand.

"I remember you're not a woman who talks a lot, and you're nervous?"

“...... Sort of. Shirogane lifted her improved crossbow.

"After all, before I just had to draw the bow, aim, let go, and everything was done. But recently, it has made me strike at the child, and it has made me wrench the wrist with Yao Knight, and now I have to risk being hunted down by Manna.

"Alas... I really don't want to work. Recently, has the Wuxun Alliance been a little down? Shirogane's face revealed exhaustion.

"Report! E7, E9 did not reply!

Shirogane got up from the ground and patted the dust, "Then what are you still stunned for, get ready to fight."

"All the personnel leave the room, ensure the A1, A2 commanding heights, do not let the target have a chance to escape, No. 3 and No. 4 cover me to fight."


A huge explosion shattered the wall, sending stones and smashing into the platinum crowd.

Drawing the bow and letting go, just for a moment, Shirogane had already completed a series of movements, and the arrow ejected and collided with the stone.


The rubble exploded in mid-air, and Shirogane watched the billowing smoke "Explode... I'm really not afraid of hurting the hostages. "

No, maybe the other party is not here to rescue the hostages.

"Didi Di Di Di!" The Righteous Knight burst out of the smoke with a loud dripping sound.

"What is it, delivery car?" Shirogane looked at the car, and a strong wind came from behind her, making her sense that a crisis was coming.

Throw the crossbow in the air, lower down to avoid the attack, kick the opponent's body with your right foot in sync, and jump in the air with both hands like bullets to catch the crossbow.

Twist and spin in the air and aim at the wild mane and pull the bow.


"So quick to react?" The wild mane saw the silver-white arrow that was fired, and raised his riding spear in front of his chest to resist.


Wildmane, who was repelled by the arrow explosion, looked at Shirogane, who had jumped to a high place, "Turn over and jump such a long distance... Well? Maria Linguang? Why are you here?

Shirogane looked at the wildmaned crowd who came to wreak havoc.

"Hey, Infected Knight? This group of haunted guys... Forget it, I'm not qualified to say that they are. Shirogane drew his bow at the crowd.

"This young lady, can you please let Maria go?" Tolan's voice came from behind Shirogane.

"Not good... In the back. "The arrows on the platinum crossbow have begun to tremble, and the manic energy attached to it has gradually become unstable.

While jumping and doing a backflip to avoid Tolan's attack, he briefly looked at the opponent above Tolan's head and aimed his crossbow at Tolan.


Following the gas wave created by the explosion, the platinum came to the other wall.

"How could so many people... Has the level of membership dropped so much this time? None of them stopped. "

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