"Xiaotian, are you okay." Frost Star took a torch and walked quickly towards Tianshuo.

"It's okay, but it's covered in hair, what is this, you know, I can't see it." Tianshuo was still patting the hair dregs on his body.

"You know you can't see?!!" Frost Star was so angry that Tianshuo's voice was a little higher.

"This is ... White bear? Frost Star looked at the white bear with a large pool of blood on the ground with a broken limb and a broken arm, and fell into deep thought.

"Xiao Tian."

Shouted by Frost Star's cold tone, Tianshuo goosebumps spread all over his body, "In... At! Frost

Star sighed, "Forget it, take the handle, this bear is dead, bring it back..." "

They are coming, put it here first, you let the snow monster squad come and carry it back to the camp in secret, and we will clean it up tomorrow after the fight."

"This... OK. Froststar turned and walked towards the torchlighted place.

"That, Snow Hare, I can't see..."

"Didn't you run pretty fast when you came?"

"I jumped on the trunk."

Frost Star took Tianshuo's hand and walked forward.

The extremely cold hand made Tianshuo tremble, this... It's not quite what I thought.

"Are you all right?" The first thing I saw was Tallula, who was running all the way.

"It's okay, it's a white bear." Froststar ordered the snow monsters to survey their surroundings.

"Let's go, go back and rest."


dawn in the morning, Frost Star, Tallula, and the warriors had already prepared and walked out of the forest with torches.

Tianshuo, who was lying on the bed, heard the sound of them walking away and walked out of the tent.

"Little brother Tianshuo?" Kondrasha, who stayed behind, saw Tianshuo coming out of the tent a little strange, and he should get up much more at night on weekdays than now, "Wait, where are you going?" "

Let him go." The voice of the patriot rang out behind Kondrasha.

"Big Daddy? But Tianshuo him. Kondrasha looked at Tianshuo, who was walking towards the troops.

The troops were walking much faster than before, and they had to leave the forest before dawn.

Tianshuo, who was trailing, was leisurely shuttling back and forth on the tree trunk, keeping a distance from the troops that he could hear.

"Abandoned mobile cities... It's just a pity that I can't see it, otherwise I really want to see this shit-like world. Tian touched his eyes and sighed, jumping again to keep up with the troops' movements.

A glimmer of light came from a distance, and it had reached the end of the forest.

"It's difficult, it's not an area I'm familiar with." Tianshuo scratched his head and jumped down from the trunk.

Space expands.

Strands of stereoscopic image data around were unfolded by Tianshuo's brain imagination.

"Hiss~ This feeling, every time I use these two abilities." His brain was tingling, and it seemed that the next moment his brain would explode directly, and countless voices were chanting words that he couldn't understand at all.

Endured great pain and began to expand the area, the larger the area, the heavier the load.

"Poof... Ahem. Tianshuo spewed out a mouthful of blood, his body had reached the limit, and the next moment the picture disappeared from Tianshuo's mind, but it just reached the edge of this mobile city.

"Wow, this feeling... Ahem, I really don't want to try again. "

There are troops stationed in cities, and there are also troops stationed in abandoned mobile cities? Or just passing by.

At this point, there should be no problem with Snow Rabbit and Sister Ta, Tianshuo sat on the ground and used the power of time to slowly adjust his time back to the peak state when he had not used space anymore.

Tianshuo, who got up from the ground, rubbed his head: "The body is restored, this mental destruction, to be honest, I really can't stand it." The

team in front also began to move, and Tianshuo followed suit.

The two sides had already begun to fight, and the sounds emitted by Frost Star and Tallula's Source Stone skills had been deeply remembered by Tianshuo.

"Hmm... Sounds like no big deal. Tianshuo stood at the highest point in the forest and listened to everything.

If you hang on the treetops more times, you will climb, well, it seems that it will end in a short time.

"It's snowing heavily?" Tianshuo heard the noisy sound of the wind and snow.

"No, no, it's not snow, what is it?"


"Who?" Tianshuo jumped down, and the surrounding area was surprisingly quiet.

"Hey, it's another fruitless return, the information network of these three cities should be uprooted, phew, an infected person."

Tianshuo turned to face the person who spoke, very strong, the coercion given by the other party came down under Tianshuo's feeling, only the patriot was much stronger than him, and Tallulah and Frost Star had no possibility of compare....

The other party's breath was very chaotic.

"Phew, surrender to the local garrison to the local, or I don't recommend cutting off and taking away your nose and mouth."

Tianshuo didn't speak, judging from the other party's words, it wouldn't be a friendly army, he had to be on guard at all times, and this floating snow-like thing was attenuating his actions, making him unable to exert his full strength.

"Shhhhh The sound of drawing the knife was only for a moment, and it was difficult for the wind and snow to capture the figure of the other party.

"So fast."

An abnormal wave of qi suddenly struck behind Tianshuo, and he pulled out the knife at his waist to accurately block the long knife that was cut.

The shrill sound of metal collision reached the ears of the two, and Tianshuo shook the knife and quickly opened the distance.

Tianshuo's right hand holding the dagger was trembling slightly, and the blow just now made his palm numb.

The other party did not give Tianshuo a chance to breathe, stepped forward again, and fell from the sky like a shooting star.


The long knife slashed at the dagger, Tianshuo countered and used the force to let the other party cut in the clearing, and the horizontal kick was blocked by the other party, and the two sides opened the distance and stalemated.

The dagger has already been cut through the gap, one or two more blows ....

"Whew, hiss."

"Unknown force, extremely high infection."

The three-dimensional image of the other party unfolded in

Tianshuo's mind, wearing a coat with a mask, many tube-like things were connected from the back of his head, and under the mask was connected to something that Tianshuo did not know.

Tianshuo couldn't hear the heartbeat that a creature should have, what kind of monster was this.

"The infected who can fight me, phew."

"Which organization did you belong to before you became infected?"

Sister Ta and Snow Rabbit are still ahead, and they can't let him pass, they have to be dragged down.

"Karanz." Tianshuo casually made up an organization.


"Looks like you're not telling the truth, hiss."


"Tallula! Tianshuo and the people fought in the forest. "The reconnaissance team came to report to Tallula.

"Xiaotian?" Tallula, who was cleaning up the mess, put down what she was doing: "Which direction, how is the situation?"

"I couldn't see their movements because there was still black snow in the sky, just over the forest, and I could see it in the past."

"Frost Star, you come to command, guerrilla, follow me. Black snow... Could it be that thing? "

The Emperor's Blade.

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