Host Mobu: "It is now eight o'clock sharp, and it has experienced countless challenges and struggles, and has experienced countless victories and defeats. "

Casimir will be tonight, after three years! Crown another champion!

"At this moment, there are knight enthusiasts from Colombia, Victoria, Leitania, Usas and many other countries..."

"Doctor, Miss Frost Star doesn't seem to be in a good mood." Amia looked at the frost on the other side of the throne that had frosted.

"Maybe it's because there is one less person, the integration movement should have at least two tickets." The Doctor looked at the chilly momentum.

"That about the previous thing... What does the doctor think? Amia looked sideways at the person next to her whose computing power was terrifying to a realm.

"Me? Did they do anything out of the ordinary? No, Amia, Kelsey's words skew your cognition, and you subconsciously think that Isa is a threat. The

Doctor looked at the Flaming Knight and Blood Knight on the field.

"There is nothing wrong with Kelsey's words, because she may not have known the situation here when she sent this letter, so we have to judge for ourselves."

"Of course, it is also necessary to remain vigilant and make corresponding emergency plans for future problems."

"Think about it from many sides and look at the whole thing from multiple corners."

Amia lowered her head and pinched the ring on her hand, "Doctor, you have changed a lot, and your command and combat style has also changed.

"But I like the current PhD."

"People really... That's a lot. The nightingale's voice came from behind.

The Shining was holding the nightingale towards the Doctor.

"Are you all right, just now the flow of people washed us all apart." Amia and the Shining helped the nightingale to their seats.

"It's okay, there are Shining to protect me."

Moderator Mobu: "This is a duel that does not require information about the two sides of the battle!" However, allow me to waste a few minutes of my time out of regulations! "

Let's start by welcoming the reigning Grand Prime, the reigning Grand Champion of the Knights of Chizhan Order, 'Casimir's Blood Goblet', Blood Knights! Dikaio - Polis!

Blood-colored armor emerged from the shadows and stood under the gathering of many lights.

The hero doesn't have any fancy moves, he stands on the field, feeling the temperature of the dirt and the humidity of the air.

The breath of the earth made his mind much clearer, and the side effects of the source stone technique had been invading him.

The Blood Knight raised his head slightly, and from the center of the harsh light, he could barely see the night of Cavalellaki.

Dark and boundless, even the twin moons are obscured by black clouds.


"Blood Knight! Blood Knight! Blood Knight! The

shouts resounded throughout the final venue, and just standing here would give the infected an invisible sense of pride.

"Blood Knight, is this the Great Knight who created the Knight System of the Infected?" Amia looked at the one who was standing on the field, without any movement, and no one knew what the hero was thinking.

"I didn't expect it to be such a fighter." It was completely different from what Amiya saw on the archives.

Or it's completely different from what she thinks herself.

"Listen to this deafening cheer, the man called a hero." The Shining stands beside the Nightingale holding his weapon.

"Even if we know very little about him, I can't deny that he is a hero."

Frost Star leaned on the back of the chair and closed his eyes to listen to the cheers of everyone, his heartbeat gradually accelerating, "Why, there is such a feeling." Frost

Star opened her eyes, and her intuition told her that something was happening.

Host Mobu "And on the other side-

" "Young legend, the son of a hero, with countless legends, once reached the throne of champions, but was exiled in an instant! Become a regret in the hearts of countless people!

"But it doesn't matter! The youngest ever Grand Championship winner, who won the title of Grand Knight in the shortest time, once arrived on the throne as an independent knight.

"That legend that has been talked about to this day is now in front of us! Please radiant Pegasus, Yao Knight! Margaret - Lingguang! Linguang

and the Blood Knight looked at each other, and the shouts of the audience did not affect the two people in the arena in the slightest.

The Blood Knight took off his helmet and revealed his true face, "Yao Knight, I'm glad you have survived until now." "

Thank you."

"A lot of people don't understand your choice, but I do." The Blood Knight's gaze looked around the audience in the arena.

"You want to be a beacon, you know you can't destroy this era, and even if you can, it's pointless."

The spectators quieted down, and the Blood Knight's action of removing his helmet stopped them from shouting, which was supposed to be done after the game.

"So you hope that your own light will illuminate the path of others, so that those who are forced to kneel will straighten their backs, and those who are oppressed will choose their own destiny."

The Blood Knight watched the shooting stars in the sky streak by, one by one, "You want to show them the way." Venerable devotion, Yao Knight. "

One brilliant meteor after another makes it inevitable that the audience's eyes will be attracted away.

"Meteor..." The Shining looked up, the scene familiar to her.

The stars twinkle and kill.

"Xuan Tie pulled the bow." The Shining looked at the shooting stars that streaked through the night, this time six arrows....

Even the Shining herself did not dare to take these six arrows hard, and she would be seriously injured if she did not die.

Xuan Tie's target, who is it this time?


"Finally woke up, it's been so long, I thought you were dead." Tolan looked at the two Sakaz who were gradually awakening.

Withering Knight and Corrupt Knight.

"You, you're Sakaz?" The corrupt knight looked at the hornless Tolan.

"Uh-huh. Being able to communicate normally, it seems to be much better than your brother. Tolan pointed to the withered knight lying on the other bed.

"He..." "

Don't worry, not dead, alive and well, but the state may not be satisfactory." Tolan bottled the liquid stained from the armor of the Corrupt Knight and the Withering Knight and placed it in front of the two.

"The special liquid used in the armor repair technique, if people take it directly, will it become the appearance of the two of you?"

Tolan looked at the bottle of liquid and thought.

The principle is activation? So what was Casimir's armor made of?

Tolan looked at the corrupt knight's oozing breastplate, both people and armor could be activated...

What the hell is Casimir doing, is he experimenting with Sakaz?

"You... Are you an unrivaled alliance?

"Haha, saying that I am Wuxun Alliance is really lifting me, and Wuxun Alliance's annual income is three thousand times that of mine." Tolan snorted, pointing at the bottle of liquid.

"So, can you tell me who used this thing to use you as a test subject?"

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