During the night,

Tallullah's party evacuated the original camp and went to the next site that had already been surveyed.

"Dad, what did you see inside?"

"He was protected by his source stone skills, and the hole in his body was scabbed, his breathing was steady, and he should have passed out."

"Inner guard, how strong is it?"

The crowd built a bonfire in the makeshift camp to dispel the biting winds that followed nightfall, albeit only a little.

The patriots were silent.

"Dad, I need to know."

"Now you and your snow monster squad will be teased by the inner guard until they are completely destroyed."

"Plus Tallula..."

"Only you two can escape."


[Will resistance has reached level 3]

"Ahem... Cough. "

What it's like to keep spitting blood and then flow it back, I don't think anyone will wonder.

Tianshuo now has countless voices in his head.

At first there was only one, and then more and more, and finally formed a kind of cantata.

"Every syllable is pronounced... The brain is like blowing up once. Tianshuo slowly got up from the ground.

The pain is not as strong as before, is it because you are used to it? Don't let me know which shit thing is chanting.

Now Tianshuo still felt that the sky was spinning, and before he saw the end of this sea of flowers, a few stones began to appear.

The next thing is to get there and run with all your strength.


"Tallula, how many people did you leave to guard over there?" Froststar came to Tallullah's tent and sat down, taking off her large cloak.

"Three, what about you?"

"I left Kondrasha over there."

"Give me a candy." Tallulah put down the map in her hand and said to Frost Star.

"I didn't expect you to ask me for this thing." Frost Star took one out of his pocket and put it in the palm of Tallula's hand, "Tallula, in fact, father is right, you shouldn't let them go... At least the city should not be handed away.

Tallulah pointed to the abandoned mobile city on the map.

"You and I know that the city that lacks maintenance will be damaged in a few years, and it will serve humanity for far longer than it was designed to live." Then he ran his finger toward the vast ice field.

"Their ultimate goal is still to stop on the ice field, and in the end they still have to find a way out on their own, even if it is only for a few years, but this is the hope they have ignited for themselves, and I will not extinguish this hope."

Frost Star looked at the map and finally stared at Tallula, "But, you can't let them divide our team. "

They weren't on our team from the start."

"I don't say, like Mr. Patriot, 'A man can't fight because he's weak,' I just say, 'Some people don't understand what we think yet.'"

"We will have many of our fellow travelers, but not every single one of them will obey our goals. We are borrowing their power, not expropriating, which will only put them at odds with their goals..."

"You are indeed a man of integrity." From outside the tent came the voice of patriots.

Tallulah looked at Frost Star, who spread her hands.

The patriot lifted the tent and walked in: "The casualty count has come out, as you think, this battle that used us as bait happened, are you disappointed?" Tallula.

Tallulah shook her head, "No, because I know why they do it, and these exact reasons prevent me from expecting too much." "

“...... Informants should be put to death.

"That... How to find a traitor from this group of people who want to flee the scene?

"They betrayed their compatriots for a moment of respite, and their favor is a disservice to the warriors."

"They have never been 'loyal', Mr. Patriot, it is much easier to destroy a city than to build one, let them keep." If infected people can survive by all means, I would rather all of them work.

"Tallula, you can't imagine not making sacrifices."


Tianshuo, who was running wildly, didn't know how long he ran, there was only daylight here, and that damn sun wouldn't move at all.

The benefits of not getting tired are reflected, and you won't have any problems sprinting at the fastest speed.

A raised thing on the horizon came into Tianshuo's eyes: "Finally! It's finally here! "

Not long after, I came to the huge stone, and when I was about to move forward, I bumped into something unknown.


"Air Wall ???"

Tianshuo put his hand on the wall over there, what the hell...

"I ran this far with an air wall?" Tianshuo jumped up and tried to get his line of sight farther.

The other side seems to be a cliff, and when you jump up, you can see a trace of the outline of the top of the building.

Tianshuo almost went crazy: "Grass!

"You want to go out?"

A voice came from behind Tianshuo.

Tianshuo turned his head to look at the human figure composed of countless lines? Some of them are distorted, but you can see that they are individual shapes.

"You are?"

"Don't care about me, who is it, just ask, do you want to go out?"

"At what cost?"

"Hmm... I, haven't thought about it yet, in general, shouldn't it, hesitate and hesitate, right?

Tianshuo looked at the constantly distorted lines of the human form, "Then how do I believe you can send it out?"

"I said yes, I could."

"Then you should send me out to prove it, if you just say or do it, how do I know if you can do it."

"Hmm... You give it to me, tell me about the outside, what's up, say it, I'll let you leave.

"In a word?"

"In a word."

"I don't know." Tianshuo spread his hands.

“?" The lines form a question mark.

"Please, I'm blind, I still want to know what it's like outside, hey, I can say it, fulfill my promise and let me out."

"You... You're lying to me, but, you didn't, you were punished... Description, what you said... It's true. "The lines keep twisting and finally become a blob.


Tianshuo's eyes began to darken.


"Ahem..." Why is it so painful, Tianshuo woke up from the coma, and he would feel tearing when he moved.

Space Exhibition....

"Poof..." "The brain and body can't hold it, I want to die, I am so weak, and my breathing is so uncomfortable."

The last self-detonation... Am I blown up?

There is also the feeling of hands and feet, which is fine, although it is not good to move the feeling of tearing and blood flowing on the surface of Tianshuo's skin.

Sister Frost Star Tower should have retreated.

Slowly use the power of time to recover, in other words, how long have I been in a coma.

"Tianshuo, you are injured again." Alina's voice sounded in her ears.

"Ah... Beautiful...... Graceful? Cough...... Burst. "Throat, there are also wounds....

Wait, why is Alina here?

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