"That's one of the reasons I care so much about Rhode Island." Russell vacated a spot at the end of the corridor that would be where the statue would be hung after tomorrow's ceremony.

"Margaret, you have been wandering outside for many years, you have experienced a lot, and you have grown up."

"The two of you will rest here today, the Business Federation will not have time to take care of you tonight, and they will not be able to protect themselves."


Integration Movement, Knights of the Red Pine

"Ah... I'm exhausted. After returning to the community, the Flametail people fell directly on the bed and collapsed.

"Wuxun Alliance, is this a change of strategy? Switch to human sea tactics? I have never fought with so many people in my life. "

Ash wiped the weapon" Yes, although most of them are parallel goods, there are always one or two tricky people in that staggering number. Ash

Mo recalled that man, although it was not as good as the platinum and two blue gold positions they had seen before, but it was also quite tricky.

"I'm going to sleep... I'm so tired, but the Wuxian Alliance wants to outflank the Yao Knight, they also want to be beautiful, and the Demon Knight is also helping, that guy... It's not that difficult to get along with. Flametail lay on the bed with his eyes closed.

"It's just that you don't think it's difficult to get along with, but then what about Avona?" Ash hadn't seen her from the beginning after retreating.

"Huh? Avona, she went to find the Knight of Chasing and singled it out. Flame Tail's right hand was raised weakly and pointed in one direction.

"Naw, it's over there, it's time to fight."

"Sona!!" Far Tooth suddenly screamed, his voice harsh.

"How..." Ash and Flame Tail came to Yuanya's side with their weapons, and the two were stunned.

Shirogane was sitting motionless on the ground with her back against the wall, only her eyes were still moving, looking around, making everyone think she was still alive.

"Why is Shirogane here?"

The three of them had big doubts in their heads.

"Huh? Flametail you're back. "Eno came from outside eating bread," Shirogane was brought back by Brother Tianshuo, but he has been sitting like this since he came back. "

Tianshuo commanded... Good fellow, when we were fighting with the Wuxun Alliance, the commander had already captured the king. Flametail looked at Shirogane in front of him and thought.

"No wonder the Wuxun Alliance has always been in squad operations, and even there is friction between squads, it turns out that the commander is no longer there."

Isha got up from the bed and sat down, yawning, and looked sleepily at the few people in the room.

There are many blood relatives coming to Him, and He does not know whether this is good or bad, and He cannot contact those blood relatives.

"Isha is awake." Eno came over with bread and water and handed it to Isa, "Give, Eno bought it outside before, it's delicious."

Isa took it, looked at the bread in her hand and asked, "What about Daddy?" "

Hmm..." after Ino, swallowing the food in his mouth, "Brother Tianshuo said that he went out to run an errand, but he should be back soon."

The major tournament is over, Ino looked at the news in the urgent newspaper, suspected of a terrorist attack by the Invisible Alliance, this time affecting people from various countries, and strongly demanded an explanation from the organizer Casimir Business Federation.

"Wow, is the Wuxun Alliance so powerful? Dare to attack on the scene of the Major. Ino pouted to himself.

"It's Xuan Tie leading the team. After all, the platinum position is still here. Flametail stared at Shirogane, and he couldn't see anything famous.

"But I don't know why, Xuan Tie didn't have time to command the Wuxuan Alliance, resulting in a huge Wuxuan Alliance scattered."

"I want to... Go find Dad. Isha said, looking at the bread in her hand.

"Ah this... Then I'll ask the location of Sister Frost Star, Brother Tianshuo should be with her. Eno picked up the communication and dialed it.

Alas, brother Tianshuo is too, why don't you always remember to bring communication, otherwise it will break down halfway.

Communication is not easy, Eno sighed.

"Sister Frost Star? Where are you? Isa woke up and said she was looking for you. Downmarket..."

"Let's go." Enoch took Isa's hand, "The community is over to you."

Eno looked at Shirogane, what should this person do?

If the other party suddenly moves, the community should be very dangerous.

Ino looked outside as the chasing knight dragged the unconscious wildmane back.

"Like, don't worry so much."



Isha said to find you." Frost Star held some snacks from the night market in his hand.

"Also, count for yourself how many communication devices I gave you, all kinds of them, and in the end they all broke."

"Can you blame me then? I almost planted Xuan Tie's arrow myself..." Tianshuo pouted and muttered softly, each time the other party called the communication equipment first, as if he was afraid that he would call someone.

“...... Forget it, do you want to eat? Frost Star handed the skewer to Tianshuo.

"I'll forget it." Tianshuo didn't go to take it, anyway, it didn't taste: "I told them where to assemble... Wait a minute. "

What's wrong?"

"I found people wearing integrated sportswear, have any integration sports people come to Casimir recently?" Not far from the feedback of the space, there were two people dangling in integrated sports clothes.

"Hmm... There were two people, codenamed Winter and Truth, and I lacked an intelligence collector here, and Tallulah transferred one to me. Frost Star was eating a little slurred.

"Then the other one should be an escort, a little powerful, don't you dare to cross Usas and enter Casimir to Kavaleliaki, go and see?" Isha they are coming, I can tell. "


"Anna... Casimir is not extremely star-chasing? "Winter and Truth have come all the way, almost everyone is watching the game.

Sometimes cheering and shouting, before it was a blood knight, just now it was a yao knight, but now they are silent.

"Knight Country, the final just now is still very important to Casimir, and from all the intelligence, it is not just a duel between two great knights."

Truth pushed his glasses, "But... The gap between Casimir and the introduction he had seen in books before was still very large, and sure enough, the books were all beautified versions.

"It's the two of them." Tianshuo and Frost Star leaned against the corner of the wall and watched Winter and Truth wander around the street.

"Hmm... In fact, I have not seen the intelligence collectors that Tallulah said, but the other one I have the impression should be them, let's go. Frost Star looked at Winter, and although it was a little different from that time, he could still recognize it.


"The head of the fourth intelligence group of the integration movement, Anna Morozova, codename Truth, came to report."

"The vice captain of the third offensive team of the integration movement, Sonya, codenamed Rin Dong, came to report."

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