Rhode Island main ship

"Kelsey ~" Warfarin buried her head and dragged her steps to the door of the medical room.

"Hey... Kelsey, didn't you give me all the information? Warfarin shook her dizzy head and knocked slowly on the door.

There was no movement for a long time.

"Ahhh!! Kelsey! What the hell are you... Uh? Warfarin jerked open the door and saw the empty room.

“...... What about people?

Warfarin scratched her already fried hair, she couldn't remember how long it had been since she left the lab.

"It's over, it's all over, Kelsey has run away..." Warfarin hung her head, white hair covering her face, like a madman.

"Ran away... What about my information?

Like a walking corpse, Warfarin returned to her lab, lying on the table and looking at the stack of information Kelsey had given her.

"That guy must have done it on purpose!" Warfarin suddenly slammed the table, and the accumulated dust on the table was scrambled by her throughout the room.

"It must be! ...... Ahem, why so much ash.

Warfarin raised her right hand and tried to sweep the dust away, then clasped her hands to her chest, sat on a chair, and looked at the stack of incomplete materials with a huff, "This is also too treacherous."

"How could that make me calm down and do research?"

Warfarin supported his head with his right hand, picked up the information and looked at it casually: "What about the Kelch?" It won't really run away. "

“...... Completely unable to calm down. Warfarin got up and walked out the door, outside the door of Kluhill.

"Koluhill! Do you know where Kelsey went? Warfarin padded her feet and stretched her neck to find Kluhill's figure in the mechanical pile.


A loud noise came from the mechanical pile, billowing smoke came to the face, triggering the fire extinguishing system, and the sprayed water wet Warfarin's whole body.

"Huh? What the? But Luhill poked his head out of it, revealing a somewhat stained face and looking at the dripping and soaked warfarin.

“...... I said, where did Kelsey go? Warfarin, who was suddenly flushed, found that his mind was much clearer, and he was twisting his already soaked clothes.

"Kelsey? Belch...... She went out for something and will come back after a while, you won't ask for money again. "

Forget it, alas..." Warfarin shook all the raindrops on his body, and Warfarin, who was walking halfway, said to himself, "It won't be a problem to do experiments with half of the data..."

Forget it, just blow it up, anyway, I don't want to pay. "


Casimir along the water's shore

: "Our suffering is forever." In an instant, it passed into the thoughts of each monster.

The barrier was broken, and the terrifying power condensed around Scati also dissipated as the barrier broke through.

The first speaker stood before everyone.

"Our suffering will always be there..." The

monsters that spread over the mountains began to stir, and the oracle had descended.

The first speaker felt the impact of Scati's huge amount of thoughts, and the process was only for a moment, and the silver spear was pierced at it.

Pinched by it with one hand, individual changes are affecting entire populations.

The changes brought about by Scati allow the speaker to be sufficiently stimulated, thus to evolve, to evolve with a clear purpose.

The scarlet liquid oozed from its body, not blood or anything the Silver Spear Pegasus had ever seen.


The first speaker crushed the silver spear Pegasus like an ordinary stone.

Silver Gun Pegasus looked at the monster in front of him and realized this thing again... It's terribly strong.

Kaiji no longer acts, the other side does not have the idea of attacking, then they will not either, meaningless.

“...... It's time for us to go back, the land is dry, we can't be on land for long. Scati's voice spread.

The first speaker came to Scati and looked with her inland, which was the direction in which his compatriots were trapped.

"This is not our territory, meaningless, brother."

"The interior of the continent is too far away, we need to evolve... Brother, evolution is fast.

Scati's eyes were a little evasive, and she knew the other she in Haiji's mouth.

Yes, she also sensed another her far away in the mainland hinterland.

“...... You're right, Ishar-mla, evolve to find another you, and a newly born sibling who is too far apart from us.

"Even if they are dead, they will go, their compatriots die inland, unable to provide for the group, and evolve quickly."

The monsters dragged the bodies curled up in a ball, and the bodies of their compatriots retreated into the water.

They are more agile and powerful in the water.

Scati and the speaker followed behind them, and when they were about to enter the water, Scati looked sideways at land.

"I'm in... What do you nostalgic for?

Scati closed her eyes, she was swimming, returning to the ocean, the deep sea surrounding her, providing for her.

Her hat slipped off her head and gently floated to the ground.

Scati slowly opened her eyes, and a pair of red eyes looked at the hat on the ground.

She stretched out her hand with sporadic scales and held her hat in her hand and watched.

Scati was silent, and after a long time put his hat back on his head.

"Should I wear it?"

"We don't understand, compatriots will learn, soon." The speaker swam with Scati and disappeared along the water's edge.


Casimir Kavalellaki:

"Our suffering is forever." Thoughts washed over Isa's brain, and countless fragments played out like slides in her dreams.

"Our suffering is forever." White gold stands there like a statue.

Her instinct told her that she needed predation... But she can't do that.

You can't kill for no reason.

Isa woke up from her sleep with some swelling pain in her brain, she had been through a lot in this sleep, and Shirogane sat beside her.

No one knows how long she got here or how she got here.

"Sister, you're awake." Shirogane looked at the girl on the bed, which was her compatriot.

The scales were attached to the platinum body, the right arm was completely covered, and the rest was just a little spot, which had been smoothed out and no longer gradually grew.

Isa looked at Shirogane sitting on the side, she knew it was her blood relative, and their thoughts were connected.

"Tianshuo is on the roof." Shirogane knew what she wanted to ask, as long as the other person wanted her to know.

"Thank you."

"Compatriots don't need to say thank you." Shirogane went out with Isa, causing everyone in Flametail to fall on guard instantly.

Shirogane's newly added sideways white cloak conceals her scaled right arm.

"I have no malice, I want to join you." Shirogane and Isha stood in front of everyone, and the two did not make any unnecessary movements.

"Sister... He...... Shah... Come with me to see Tianshuo. Everyone

looked at each other, and a question mark appeared above everyone's heads, "What is the situation?" "

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