There was trouble or any dispute in the store, it was Mr. Red who intervened, he was very handy, and in Caraton, Red gave people the feeling that the other party could hold the sky.

"Boss Red! And bitter root, how come you guys also have time to drink here today? Isn't it busy today? Jims looked at the two who came in, seemingly forgetting what had happened before.

It's very common, it's just a vignette between friends, it happens, but no one will dwell too much.

"Hmm... Not much going on today. Red sat down in one place with a long baggage.

Red always carried the baggage as long as everyone else's, and no one had ever seen what was inside.

"Fortunately, I have recently recruited a few employees, and there are a lot more people." Kugen and Red sat down together, the two had a good relationship, Kugen would consult Red about many things, and Rader did the same.

Cheng Shen gave the two a glass of fruit wine that everyone often drank, but if he didn't hate it, in his words, it should be paid for coming and sitting here.

"Huh? Then again, Is Rhode Island a good job? What about the salary? Jims took a sip of cider.

"How, interested?" Kugen looked at Jims and smiled.

"Forget it, forget it, I can't read... It's not funny. Jims waved his hand, indicating that he was just asking and didn't have that idea.

At first, people in the infected community did not trust them, and there were even rumors that they would take seriously ill infected people for experimentation.

But Rhode Island proved that they were really helping the infected.

There is also Red's help, so that everyone can treat everyone in Rhode Island calmly.

The diagnosis of ore disease, the treatment of acute attacks of ore disease, and even the treatment of ordinary work injuries can be helped as long as you go to the Rhode Island medical station.

Regardless of whether infected people or ordinary people, they are treated the same.

To this day, there are still many people who doubt Rhode Island's motives, and suddenly such a medical institution will be suspected by anyone.

But at least the customers in this little shop trust them.

"Speaking of which, Jims, I just saw your lady on the road." Bitter Root held the wine glass and looked at Jims with a smile.

The lady had a bad temper, and if it weren't for Red by his side, she would have been dragged by her to ask about Jimes' whereabouts.

"Huh? Yes?? Are you sure?? Oops...," Jims was drinking cider that choked him.


Well, you guys keep drinking,.... I suddenly remembered something, I went first! Jims patted himself on the chest to calm himself down, finished his cider and put the money on the table to get up.

"The 'head of the family' is leaving?" Ashi quipped as he looked at the somewhat embarrassed Jims.

"Gone and gone, continue next time." Jims straightened his clothes into the glass, made sure there were no major problems, and left in a hurry.

"Mr. Jims be careful on the road." Cheng Shang greeted Jims's back.

Unlike most people in the store, Mr. Jims is not infected, he is a normal Victorian.

In Clayton, non-infected people working in communities of infected people are not uncommon.

Since the implementation of the New Act on Infected Persons in Calaton, poor people who are not working have taken the risk of going to work in factories of infected people.

No one wants to work in such a risky place, it is just forced by life.

Most of them leave infected communities as soon as possible after work and avoid contact with infected people at work, not because they look down on them, but because infected people are a danger in themselves.

This is completely understandable, infected people have long been accustomed to this attitude, and no one will blame these non-infected workers for this.

Many times everyone understands each other, and there will be no such tragedies, but the truth is not satisfactory, but Calaton is more special.

Red took out the book and flipped through it, he liked to read in this environment.

It would make him think about when he was in the integration movement.

The captain asked him to come to Victoria to find out the news, and to unite as much as possible to protect the infected there.

In fact, he did, and did it perfectly.

The most recent order was to wait where the group arrived.

Red is in a good mood because Tallulah is coming to him, and the integration movement will eventually converge.

"You boy, something good must be going to happen, you rarely laugh like this." Kugen looked at the man in front of him, who had removed the black scarf that covered his face.

This is not to maintain a sense of mystery or deliberately conceal his identity, but simply because Red's source stone crystallizes on his face.

"Huh? Just saw something interesting in the book. Red concealed that, yes, he could do it in perfect disguise.

Kugen probes to look at the book that Red is reading, "Usas's book? You haven't finished reading it for so long, how many books have you brought with you?

"Good books are worth reading, but you, because of some conspiracy theories recently, more infected people may suffer."

Those guys who spread rumors so that the world would not be chaotic should really be cut by a thousand cuts.

If it weren't for the need to wait quietly for the arrival of the leader Tallula, Red might have solved the matter by his own means.

Although that would make Calaton a bit of a big turmoil.

"Hey, some mindless guys, Miss Montberan (Skyfire) has already gone to propose, I hope there is good news."

Kugen looked sad, he was not worried about whether things could be done, but worried about whether the heavenly fire would get emotional and burn the entire meeting at once.

That will really be chaotic, I hope Miss Kate (Kazemaru) can calm the other party.

"Is it really okay to let Miss Montbéran go?"

"How can those nobles listen to other people's opinions, their arrogant attitude is really unpleasant, and only the identity of Miss Montbellin can stabilize the head."

Red raised his eyebrows: "It's the same, those old masters can't listen to anyone's words, stupid people who insist on going their own way."

"Alas, the drinker is gone." Ashi sighed and looked at Bien, who was looking at the newspaper on the side.

"Come, Bien, stop being silly there, come and have a few drinks with me!"

"Don't bother, I'll read the newspaper."

"What's the news?" Ashi leaned over to look at the news in the newspaper.

"Big news these days! The whole city has been spread, you actually don't know? Bien's tone was somewhat incredible, something like this, no one should not know.

"It's about the new bill, it's really big news." The bitter root echoed on the side, and it is inconceivable that such a bill can be proposed for the current social situation.

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