"Is Lucille fixed?" Askalun's figure flickered in the shadows, making it impossible to figure out where the other party was.

There is a little light that illuminates the shadows, which is an absolute advantage for her environment.

One second she was in the control room, the next second she could be somewhere else in the fleet.

"In a few minutes, the source of interference is gone and PRTS is restarting." But Lucille has stopped the operation, and then it is up to PRTS itself.

"Can you find out the source of the interference?" The Doctor was watching it rain heavily.

"Probably not, we don't have any way to track it, even PRTS collapsed in an instant." But Lucier lay on the console, and it was hard to imagine how serious the damage to Rhode Island really was.

How many patients will be aggravated by equipment damage is an irreparable disaster.

"Hasn't Kelsey been able to get in touch too?"

"I can't get in touch for a long time, and I don't know how she is, according to the available instruments, the heavy rain outside is extremely damaging to the human body..." Red

appeared next to the doctor, responsible for controlling the safety of several people in the room.

No one knows what's going to happen, so it's always right to be cautious.

"Red, I'll leave it to you here, and Hamoline (scavenger) and I will be in charge of the other blocks." Saying that, Askalon completely dissipated in the control room.

Red can solve more than 80% of the enemies, and she is very relieved about Red Askalun, after all, it is a good boy that Kelsey himself told her.

The pouring rain outside made Askalon can't help but stop and watch, she was worried about someone.

She could leave Rhode Island alone and rush out to find the man.

"Protect what she wants to protect..." Askalon ran forward.


Warfarin lay on Amia with a look of dejection, as if she hadn't slept for a long time.

"Dr. Warfarin... How long have you not slept? Amia asked softly.

Warfarin didn't move, like a wooden man.

"Dr. Warfarin?"

"Huh? Sorry sorry, so tired... Amia, what did you just say? Warfarin dragged a tired look to get up from Amia.

It was as if he had exhausted all his strength to barely stabilize his body.

"Dr. Warfarin, your physical condition is clearly not right!" Amia grabbed Warfarin, and the other party seemed to fall at any moment.

"Hmm... Obviously everything was fine when I did the experiment.

"How long has it been since you closed your eyes?" Amiya rested Warfarin's head on her thigh.

"Ahhh... It's a difficult problem, I want to think... It seems that I haven't slept since the beginning of the experiment. Warfarin closed her eyes and her voice was weak.

"Obviously you won't be sleepy in that room... Haah~ I can hear my heartbeat anytime and anywhere now, I can't even see you clearly, I'm so tired... Amia... Let me... Lie down..." said Warfarin and slept over.

Amia gently stroked Warfarin's forehead, confirming that the other party had no other symptoms, and seemed to be really just too sleepy.

"Doctor, do you know how long Dr. Warfarin started his experiments?"

"A few months ago." The Doctor looked at Mr. Blood lying on Amia's thigh.

Several months of exhaustion crushed Warfarin in an instant, otherwise Sakaz's physical fitness would not have become so weak.

This is simply beyond all common sense, when did Warfarin still have such a source stone technique?

"Haven't slept in months?? This...... Doctor, can anyone really do it?

The Doctor shook his head to indicate that he didn't know either, and that the omniscient Kelsey wasn't in Rhode Island either.


Scati and the sea were silent as they looked at the black curtain in front of them, Scati she could force her way through, but the others couldn't.

Dire fish and other monsters can easily pass through, and this is only for the level of the sea barrier.

"Change the way..." Scati walked to the other side, that was the direction they had come from, this road would have been faster, but this shady block made them have to detour.

"The man who created this shady curtain... The strength is respectable. "

The dinosaurs passed through the shady curtain, and the sea heirs made a detour.


Kelshman's group took shelter from the black rain in an abandoned mobile city, and perhaps no one alive at this time would know better about the black rain than Kelsey.

"This is even more terrifying than a natural disaster..." said Silver Spear Tianmalem, standing behind Manna.

Manna had regained the strength to stand, and the continuous black rain soaked the earth, making it no longer able to give birth to everything on land.

"Doctor, your face is much better."

"The blessing of Tuo Tianshuo can still hold on." The golden halo on Kelsey's body surface traced Kelsey's physical condition endlessly.

At least until the golden halo disappears, Kelsey won't have any problems with the Blackwater.

"Do you mean the man who saved me? A reliable person indeed.

"Shouldn't this rain stop..." "

Will it be next few days, will you bring enough food?" Kelsey counted the supplies.

"There are also small children, women, probably only four days."

"Don't look at me like that." The Great Emperor leaned against the wall, "Even if it is, I can't walk in this black rain without armor."

"Maybe not..." Kelsey's gaze looked outside, and two looming dark shadows were coming towards them.

"Wow~ the big guy doesn't look very comfortable." The diminutive black shadow lifted the brim of his hat, "Introduce yourself." "

Famous Colombian investor, entrepreneur, master of 'Duck Power', Duck Lord."

"Stinky duck, you're really haunted." The voice of the Great Emperor stood out in the silence.

"Much better than you damn penguins." Duck Lord and Gopnik enter the house wearing armor.

"So it's time to get down to business, as you can see, I'm an investor, guys – do you need me to invest?" Duck Lord gestured for Gopnik to open the contents of the box.

A whole box of compressed food with clean drinking water.

"And, what kind of reward can you give me?"


Casimir Kavaleria's

battle with the lava giant lasted less than five seconds, leaving only a huge ice sculpture standing on the ground.

"Frost Star... Uh, does this strength still need my protection? Tianshuo is really a strange brother. "The battle was over as soon as Platinum and Isa landed.

Without suspense, a lava giant with only instinct was frozen into ice again.

"Mom." Isa threw herself into Froststar's arms, and an ice barrier appeared above the three to isolate the black water.

"Isha is awake." Froststar picked Isa up and walked towards Cavalellaki.

"Mom... Just now the eye in the sky was me. "

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