Rhode Island main ship

"Dr. Warfarin, you're awake." Amiya greeted Warfarin as she looked at Warfarin, who slowly opened her eyes on her lap.

Warfarin rubbed her head and got up from Amia, "Uh... Amia, how long did I sleep?

"Less than five minutes, Dr. Warfarin."

"Shhhh My head hurts. Warfarin covered her forehead and leaned on, "Uh..." Amia

got up and held the shaky Warfarin up.

"Amia... Trouble helped me into my lab... Belch.

"You should rest Dr. Warfarin!"

"No, not what you think. Xiaotian's blood... Ability to influence surroundings. Warfarin supported the wall and walked towards the lab.

"I can go so long without sleep because of the blood..."

"Warfarin, it's time for you to rest, you're not a machine." The Doctor prevented warfarin from continuing to the lab.

"If it's really what you say, then you should stay further away from the lab, you are relying on there."

“...... Uh, well, since the Doctor said so. Warfarin was picked up by Amia and walked towards the rest pod.

"Hong, can you accompany me to the lab?" The Doctor looked at the frail warfarin, the lab he should visit.

"Red can."

"The control room will be handed over to you, but Luhill." After explaining, the doctor took the light source and left the control room with Red.


"Doctor, stand behind Red." Red guarded the Doctor behind her, and her terrifying premonition was to tell how manic the energy of the lab behind the door was.

Red slowly reached for the doorknob and pulled it away, and a terrifying suction force locked the door tightly.

“...... Doctor, Red can't open this door. Red spoke after a few attempts.

She couldn't even pull a slit out.

"Doctor? What are you doing here? Askalun's figure appeared in the shadow behind the Doctor.

"Red can't open this door, the doctor wants to go in."

"Can't open it?" Askalen wondered and reached for the handle.

“...... This. The immovable door

Askalon took a step back, his right hand frantically gathering shadows, "You guys go farther."

Askalun's hand instantly disappeared into the door, and the shadow rushed throughout the corridor like an entity.

"This is ... Water?! Wrong! Askalen withdrew his hand and stepped back to the Doctor and Red.

The energy fluctuations inside were stronger than anything Askalon had seen so far.

"Doctor, get out of here, and together with Hongye, tell Koluhir to notify all operators in this area to evacuate as soon as the broadcasting system is restored."

Askalen stared at that door, there was definitely something inside.


Outside Victoria Craton

, "ahem... What kind of natural disaster is this? Red poked his head out of the bunker.

The body is already covered with damp grains of sand.

"What is that big piece of water falling from the sky?" Red patted the damp grains of sand on his body.

"Ahem..." Tianshuo lay flat in the huge pothole, his chest heaving.

"Survived..." Tianshuo turned over and struggled to get up from the ground and take off the ice ring that tied his hair, he was afraid that something would happen again, and he would break the ice ring before he could react.

Sitting weakly on the ground, his brain swollen and painful, he couldn't think about anything.

"That behemoth... I don't know where I was thrown, ahem... Fortunately, there is a systematic defense, otherwise I would probably be directly shattered in space.

Red cautiously approached the exaggerated pothole with the blade on his back.

"This is..." Red looked out of the pothole, and the man in tattered clothes was sitting on the ground.

"Hiss... Accompanied by natural disasters? Wrong...... That thing is a little familiar. Red looked at the tattered armband on Tianshuo's armband.

"This is an armband?" Red shouted suspiciously, "Commander? "

Hmm... Here, let me sit for a while..." Tianshuo heard Red's movement from the moment he rolled over.

At first, he didn't know that the other party was a person who integrated sports, after all, he didn't wear an armband.

However, from the other party's tattered armband, you can also recognize yourself, that should be your own person.

"Are you... Tianshuo command? How do you start from uh... A natural disaster has struck inside. Red slid down the side of the pothole until he saw the hollow eye socket of the other party.

"It's a long story, where is this? You are...... Reed? Tianshuo rubbed his head and got up with Red's help, he remembered the other party.

"Outside Victoria Calaton, Red, deputy captain of the first offensive team of the integration movement, codenamed Red Knives, reported."

"Clams? How I ran Victoria came. "Tianshuo thought that he would fall near Iberia at most, and the Integration Movement also had a branch in Iberia.

Directly teleported half a Terra?

"I may have to ask the commander about this."

"Hiss..." A tingling pain in his brain pulled Tianshuo back from his thoughts to reality.

"I'll sort it out later, Red, maybe I'll have to trouble you to find a place for me to lie down for a while." Tianshuo covered his forehead, now his state is very bad.

"No problem, wrap it around me, but Commander, you have changed a lot." Red put Tianshuo's arm on his shoulder, and the two walked towards Calaton.

The desert is not safe, no one knows whether the natural disaster will sweep again, everything needs to be notified by Xia Li and others to be clear.

"To be honest, at first glance I thought I saw some girl who fell into the water..."

Is it so similar? "This is the second person to say that she looks like a woman.

Red didn't speak, but the answer was obvious.

Victoria...... Tianshuo remembers that Frost Star said that Tallulah would act in Victoria.

"Is Sister Ta in Victoria?"

"O leader, the leader has not yet arrived, and the commander is the first commander to arrive."


two entered Calaton City through the passage of the structural level, stopping in a room where the integration movement temporarily gathered on the ground.

Generally don't come here.

"Do you need to be notified of some of the people who integrate the Clayton movement?" Red asked after giving Tianshuo a glass of pure water.

"No... No, what do you do. "Tianshuo doesn't want to disrupt Tallula's plans because of his early arrival.

Tianshuo discovered a stunt, the teleportation of the power of space, and he seemed to have discovered how to connect two spaces under this series of strange operations.

He had this idea a year ago, but unfortunately it ended in failure.

"The conductor means to hide your arrival?" Red touched his chin and thought, the commander has the consideration of the command, but to hide a person....

Red looked at Tianshuo's long black hair, graceful posture and thin waist, and suddenly an idea came up.

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