There are two kinds of source stone techniques in Ino, one is to mobilize the lives of two living beings, the premise is the existence of the unconscious, the other is control, and there is also a premise, weak consciousness.

Creatures that are mobilized will die immediately, while creatures that gain life will increase their original life.

[Poison resistance has reached level 2]

Looking at Tianshuo, whose face has improved.

"Great..." Ino smiled and fainted, falling into Sasha's arms.

"This child..." Tallulah looked at the two children, "Petrova, you take the children to rest and take care of them." "


Tianshuo, who had regained consciousness, woke up and heard steady breathing beside him.

I can't tell whose it is....

Still no strength, the power of time has little effect on the toxin, even if the body time is reversed back to the peak, the toxin is still there, and it cannot be eliminated.

This is not good, the weakness suddenly appears....

But now that the detoxification is done, there seems to be no means of detoxification in the camp.

Slowly stand up and sit up.

"Tianshuo? You're awake! Petrova's voice came into Tianshuo's ears.


Petrova hugged Tianshuo "It's all to blame on us, if not

..." Tianshuo patted Petrova and said weakly, "Okay, I'm hungry..."

"You mean that Inon, that kid saved me?"

"Well, Ino's Source Stone skill saved you, when Talula and Sister Frost Star almost quarreled..."

Tianshuo drank the soup.

"Well, went early in the morning."

"Poof!" The soup that I just drank in my mouth was all spit out, "Ahem."

"Are they stupid?!" Tianshuo couldn't believe how Tallulah could have made this decision.

"That... Big daddy and the guerrillas also went.

"There is no squad stationed in the camp now?"

"There are three squads left."

Not very good, if something invades now... My body has not fully recovered.

Space unfolds

"Petrova, you take people to patrol the forest, be careful, and report as soon as you find movement."


"The traces of someone stationed are not large, I hope something will happen."

"Old man, they will start this trip for at least five days. However, there should be no big problem with those two source stone devices, and the old man is there. "The energy contained in those two source stone devices is huge, and Tianshuo can hear a slight noise near the source stone device.

"Well, use the power of time to slowly restore my body."

"Come out, Inosasha."

"Found again, Sasha. Will your Source Stone skill not work for Brother Tianshuo? Ino whispered behind Sasha.

"It's possible."

Tianshuo beckoned, motioning for the two of them to sit beside him.

"Ino, what is your source stone technique?"

"Since Brother Tianshuo asked, I'll tell you reluctantly."



"Can you order the little bugs?"

"Yes, but only two." Ino lowered his head a little embarrassed.


"After you control, the other party is an unconscious creature who will only act except when you give orders, or is it conscious that it will act on its own."

"I don't know."

Tianshuo touched Inno's head: "It's okay, take your time, very useful source stone skills." With

his eyes closed, Innova seemed to enjoy Tianshuo's touching of his head.

"What about Sasha? It's stealth, right.

Sasha nodded, "It's okay, give stealth to others."

"Good, both are great."


As the day passed

, "the effects of toxins have diminished a lot." Tianshuo is now able to fight normally, but this poison is too fierce.

How about I try to apply poison to the knife too?

Tianshuo showed a dark smile, anyway, I have two knives, it doesn't matter if I paint one.

Just like that, go and steal some poison another day.

Lacking long-distance combat means, if Tianshuo had killed a few crossbowmen while fleeing at that time, he would definitely be able to retreat with his whole body.

He has thought about throwing knives, he has also practiced, and he feels good about himself, but the conditions do not allow him to squander, and he does not have that kind of craftsman to switch to needles.

"If only my spatial ability could also hold things, but unfortunately there is no space in it, hey, I can only tear ... Wait a minute. "


Tianshuo picked up a stone from the ground.

It's hard to tear and twist a creature, it's the same as time changing a creature.

But it's simple to have no goal out of thin air, so what if I tear two places at the same time to connect them?

Although there are hundreds of millions of difficulties.


After lengthy testing, Tianshuo can conclude that it works, but the connection is not very realistic.

Collapsed on the ground, although it was hard to relax, but it was too boring to stay in the camp.

It's hard to imagine how patriots managed to be here every day.

Unable to figure out his own source stone skills, he went to find Ino and Sasha.

A few days passed quickly, although it seemed like a few years for Tianshuo.

Some soldiers sent back the news that they had won a big victory and began to evacuate.

In the past few days, Tianshuo asked Sasha to form a team of phantom crossbowmen, and with Sasha's amazing talent and source stone skills, he quickly recognized the team members.

And Ino's control Tianshuo did not find a leader-level bug that could command the rest of the bugs to control Ino, so it could only be put aside.

After all, the large army has returned to the camp and will also begin to move the camp.

"Phantom Crossbowman?" Tianshuo explained the newly formed squad to Talula and agreed.

"It's just, let Sasha be the captain, isn't it..."

Tianshuo patted Tallulah on the back, "Did you find anything unusual when you came back?" I found traces of stationing around the camp the other day.

Tallulah shook her eyes after recalling, "By the way, the candidates for entering Chernoberg have already come out, and you will let Frost Star give you the list in a moment."

"Give it to me? What for me.

Tallulah punched Tianshuo in the head, "Escort them!" Still pretending to be a fool here, get ready to prepare, and leave tomorrow. "

So urgent?"

"Otherwise, what do you think we moved quickly to lay down the mine?"

"Then you have to wait for me too! Just laid down the mine and set off directly, it is not better. "

The news intercepted through the source stone device is that the third group of Usas will pass through there in half a month and will be stationed there."

"They are already preparing for the war, and once they are stationed, we will not have any chance to enter Chernoberg."

"Okay, good, I'm ready, I'm ready." Tianshuo waved his hand to show that he understood.

"I'll give you a ride tomorrow morning."

"Okay, then I'll go."

"Be careful, wait until you come back..."

"Come on, instead of talking about that, you might as well kiss me now." Tianshuo turned and lifted the tent, leaving a stunned Tallula.

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