"Miss Frost Star." Tolan's group was sheltering from the black rain in a fully enclosed house.

"Truth, can you contact Tallula?" Froststar put Isa down and asked.

Truth shook his head, and all the equipment was paralyzed and damaged in an instant.

Not only the four cities, but the whole of Casimir, and the borders of neighboring countries Usas, Colombia, and Victoria have also suffered varying degrees of losses.

The artificially made casting units have been destroyed, and those who are not infected can no longer release the Source Stone Technique.

"The supplies are being consumed rapidly, I don't think Kavaleliaki will last long, ahem... This smell is really unpleasant..." Truth pinched his nose and tried to stop breathing these things floating in the air.

"Through a rough analysis by researchers, the land infested by black rain will not be able to grow anything and give birth to new life for a long time."

"How strong the damage to the human body is still unknown, according to current statistics, ingesting black water or long-term exposure to black rain, the fatality rate is as high as 93%, and there is no means to curb it."

"Air quality, environment, etc. are gradually changing, and those involved propose that Casimir will become a veritable dead field if it lasts for a long time."

Truth reports a series of relevant information about Black Rain, which is a common analysis of all the top researchers in the four mobile cities.

"Rhode Island doesn't have any way to get in touch." Linguang took the filter mask off his face and entered the house.

"At present, all communications are paralyzed, including a series of medical equipment, the amount of losses is not mentioned, and the casualties are huge... Alas. "

The state of the blood knight cannot be cured, and the use of the source stone technique spirit healing under the extremely rare natural transmission staff Water Lily (formerly known as Duma) has no effect, it can only relieve his spirit."

Linguang looked at Frost Star, "Integration movement... Is there a treatment for this? Frost

Star shook his head, the vast majority of the medical team of the integrated movement was in Chernoberg.

Moreover, how strong Isa's strength is, Frost Star does not know, but Tianshuo has reminded her that Isa is stronger than him.

Judging from the current strength that Frost Star has shown by Tianshuo, it is difficult to imagine what realm Isa, who is even stronger than him, has reached.

She was a little worried, the black rain spread throughout Casimir, and Tianshuo was still outside...

Flawed Light and the others hid in Martin's bar, and everyone seemed to return to the primitive era in an instant.

No SOS method could be effective, and Casimir fell into a brief period of anarchy.

"Cities are afraid, people are afraid." The Demon Knight stood at the window looking out at the gloomy sky.

Frost Star looked out and dyed the world black with rain.



The Colombian border

"dug a ravine here to prevent the inflow of black water..." Cannot is directing the Rust Hammer to transform the perimeter of their temporary camp.

"It's really not a good thing..." Cannott's flying machine has crashed, and the final destruction of the "Great Silence" simulated by Kaiji is an unprecedented extent.

Immediacy covers the entire Casimir, destroying all the technology and equipment of a country at once, and decades of evolution have made the power of "Great Silence" beyond everyone's imagination.

It wasn't for nothing that Agor didn't dare to use technology against Haiji.

"This is the power of the deep sea."

Cannot said to himself, "But why Casimir?" This

was what puzzled him the most, and he couldn't figure out why this group of things had come ashore, or in Casimir.

"Strange... The deep sea should be gradually born with the emergence of Roo-lee-ah, what attracted one of the members of the deep sea ashore? Cannot looked at the large black rain and thought.

Casimir is a waste... However, it has also awakened countries on land and given them a clearer understanding of themselves.

I wish they all could react

.... "Cannot, the Colombian army will reach the border in a few hours." A member of the Rusty Hammer reported.

"Can't help it so soon? So desperate to know Casimir's situation, so he set out early?

Cannot clapped his hands to focus everyone's attention, "Friends, move, those guys are coming."

"We only take the large electronic control equipment on top and give the rest to our friends."

A giant crab with a height of eight meters poked its head out and looked around, as if looking for its prey.

"Cannot, wouldn't one be too much? The military's firepower and personnel have increased a lot, and they have brought a lot of military-grade strategic weapons, and the purpose may not be purely to come to the border to see Casimir..." a member of the Rusty Hammer group reminded.

"Hmm... Gather a few more, ambush here, transfer a small number of drones, friends, let's fight a blitzkrieg..."

Cannot took out the map and planned tactics after the personnel of all parties took action.

Now there is no need to worry about the bounty hunters, they are all in trouble themselves, the leader Tolan is estimated to be trapped in Cavalellaki, if there is no change, Casimir's civilization will dissipate within a month.

"I remember that His Excellency Felin, who is not small, is also here in Casimir, maybe she can solve it." Cannott looked at the map in his hand, this level of natural disaster is no longer something he can solve.

Now it is time to consider how to send electronic control equipment to Victoria, and Casimir's encounter will completely bring Victoria to a complete stalemate, even if the internal friction of the border monitoring and defense will be greatly improved.

"Perhaps... You can contact the Duke of Normandy, and I hope that the old traitorous friend will not have any big problems. Cannott put the map away, and now that the sea has receded, there is no interference on land and communication equipment can be used.

It's a pity that all the equipment near Casimir is damaged, and I have to go to Colombia to get it.

"It's a lot of effort... The deep sea briefly patted the landing ground, and everyone who has seen the power of the deep sea knows how to be in awe?

Cannote followed the crowd to the ambush site, watching the many Colombian military forces driving in the distance.

"So many strategic weapons?" Cannot pondered, "Is this going to attack Casimir?" Or do you want to enter Casimir as reinforcements..."

It's really not a bunch of good things..."

Rushing in rashly, not to mention whether he can reach Casimir's mobile city, whether he can come out alive is unknown.

Cannot sighed, "Friends, get ready..."

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