"Obtaining a legal status and getting in touch with the new nobility." Tianshuo was leaning against the wall, and the noisy sounds in the city were not enough to interfere with Tianshuo's hearing.

"Hey... I really can't do this kind of thing, so I should draw the structure of the whole city and the streets and leave it to them. "Tianshuo made up his mind" Professional things should be left to professionals. "

Space unfolding

" Well, there are quite a few things, fortunately, after withstanding the destruction of the source stone worm, these are nothing."

"Penguins? There is a woman next to her with a halo on her head, this is an angel? Or what race? "Tianshuo saw something strange" This world is really amazing. "

Let's go to the underground clinic Azazel that the old man said." Tianshuo began to move.

Hurried footsteps, who someone is chasing.

"Get out of the way!" A woman's voice came into Tianshuo's ears from the front.

Tianshuo dodged sideways and gave way to a path wide enough for the pursuers to pass. The chase and killing was really staged all the time, and I thought that after entering the city, it would not be like the tundra, and the result was similar.

But it sounds like a child.

Well...... And that direction is a dead end. Tianshuo stopped, "Ah, annoyance." "

Turn around and walk towards that cul-de-sac.


Tianshuo pretended to be blind with a disability without threat, accidentally lost his crutches, and accidentally walked here.

"Hey boss, this cripple?"

"The old way, kill and churn, throw into the excretion system, no one knows." The leader Sakaz said cruelly.

"Wait! I don't know him at all, he is innocent, let him go, I swear by the honor of the Rostov family, I will go with you. "

Hey, girl, your legs are still shaking, but it's not bad, it's a pity that the other party doesn't eat this set."

"Poof... Hahahahaha. "The gangsters seem to have heard some big joke," I said, did you not understand the situation at all? Do you think your aristocratic 'family honor oath' will work for us?" Hahaha..." They

laughed and mocked the young lady who did not eat human fireworks, and a sakaz with a machete came to Tianshuo.

Or an aristocrat? This is even more manageable, after all, the task is to contact the nobility.

"Let me tell you chick, we'll cut off his head and look at you, and then tear your clothes..."

A head fell to the ground while his body was still standing.

The blood blade in Tianshuo's hand sucked away the blood stained on it and became sharper.

"Are you finished?" Tianshuo said to the head that rolled to the ground, "It seems that you are finished, sir." "

The gangsters saw that the situation was wrong, and they slashed directly with knives, but unfortunately they were cut their throats before they saw Tianshuo's movements.

Coming out of the corner, a Sakaz clapped his hands: "Yes, you are a bodyguard hired by the Rostovs?" "

It's not counted..." Before Tianshuo finished speaking, he heard the footsteps of the other party's actions, playing yin, it turns out that those shit plots are all deceptive, who will give you a bunch of time to talk.

Tianshuo sideways dodged the huge slashing knife and landed on the ground, and the ground was cut apart.

Unfortunately, the other party did not see how Tianshuo inserted the knife into the back of his head, and there was no longer any movement.

Tianshuo waited for the blood blade to suck the blood and put it back in the scabbard that Alina had sewn for him.

Tianshuo stood in front of the noble lady for a while, turned around and prepared to leave, "Sure enough, I still don't want to socialize with people..."

What was that? The knife that was put into the scabbard appeared in Tianshuo's hand again.

Space expands

"? Tianshuo was stunned: "Cockroach, cockroach, cockroach????

"It's rude for you to talk to people like this, although they are idiots, but they were killed so quickly, how can I say that I will also be very faceless." W came out from around the corner, "How about killing you guys?" "

Di Di

The voice was very quiet, but Tianshuo definitely didn't hear it wrong, what was it? Bomb?

Tianshuo left his original position and came to the girl in an instant.


"Huh!? It was unbelievable to dodge. "

This (foul) bomb is coming, when was it planted?? Tianshuo's brain was racing rapidly, and countless dripping sounds sounded around him at the same time.

"So little brother, how many more times can you dodge? Hahaha..."

Tianshuo picked up the girl and jumped, and a big hole was blown up in the soles of her feet, "WDNMD!"

While escaping, Tianshuo asked the girl, "Who the hell are you?" When it was over, Lu Jianping pulled out a knife to help and cut a bomb maniac.

"Hey! Little brother, one more shot! "


Blown up by this one and die, space forbidden!

The picture froze at this moment, and after Tianshuo instantly swept above the explosion range, the ban was lifted, and a trace of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

There was a loud explosion sound behind him, which was more powerful than all before.

Fled the scene under the cover of thick smoke.


In the uninhabited alley, a man is panting next to the girl.

That's right, it's Tianshuo.

"Ahem, ahem..." Tianshuo spat out a mouthful of blood, feeling much better.

"You... Are you okay. The girl wiped the blood from the corner of Tianshuo's mouth with her sleeve.

"It's just dying, it's not a big problem." Tianshuo stood up against the wall, "Who are you?" "

I am the eldest lady of the Rostov family, Natalia (early real name), they are supposed to be killers sent by the old nobility... Sorry for rolling you in. "

New noble?" Tianshuo ears captured useful information.

"Hmm... Are you? "

“...... As you can see, a disabled person, cough, is now dying. "Tianshuo's state was very chaotic after using the space ban, and after such a while, he finally eased up.

"Anyway, come to my house first to recuperate?" Hayashi asked tentatively, not quite sure if the other party wanted to.

"Let's go, if I don't go, I'll die."

"Don't curse yourself like that..." Zao Lu helped Tianshuo limp forward.


Big families, the new aristocracy is different, how many years have you not slept in such a soft bed? Tianshuo himself can't remember exactly.

In another room

, "Dad, that's how it happened..." Hayashi said everything that happened today.

The man was thinking about something "Hey, they're getting more radical, Natalia, I'm sorry.

Zao Lu shook her head and didn't say anything.

"Is he strong? Can you trust it? "

Very strong, credibility, to be honest I don't know... But in that case, there would be no fake, and if it weren't for him, my daughter would have died today. The

man touched his early head, "Okay, so be it, but it depends on whether he agrees or not." "

Father and daughter came to the room where Tianshuo was lying.

The man bowed to Tianshuo: "Thank you for saving my daughter, I am Andrei Vladivovich Rostov, the head of the Rostov family." "

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