"My friend, it's not good to look too far, let's do the moment first."


Cannot, there is a lot of water ahead, and the road has been flooded." The voice of the member of the Rusty Hammer organization who was driving came from the front.

After confirming the situation, Cannot beckoned to Tianshuo: "Friend, I need your help now."

"Before I want to ask a question, Cannott, what will you do if my Source Stone skill can't withstand this so-called black rain?" Tianshuo got up and moved his muscles, and sitting for a day in a row made his body a little stiff.

"There will always be a way, friend, if you can't resist, then I've earned a favor in the integration movement, haven't I?"

"And what I consume is to provide some information that the Casimir people know and the decision to leave Victoria in the first place."

"In any case, it is a good deal."

"A businessman through and through."

"Thank you for your appreciation, my friend."

"So what about the address? What about the appearance of the item? Don't tell me how to find it without telling me?

Cannot took out a small on-ear player from his pocket "Everything is in it, very detailed, to ensure that you won't get lost and don't rush on the road, friends."

Tianshuo took the thing, he hadn't used it for a long time.

"It's quite well prepared, how long have you been beating my mind?" Tianshuo plays things.

"It didn't take long, we were already old friends, more or less understanding, but unfortunately I didn't find you when I went to Casimir, I only found the beautiful Miss Frost Star."

"Don't misunderstand my friend, the purpose is just to contact you." Cannot sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere and quickly explained.

He had heard a little about the prison, and his informant in the prison had reported all the developments of the day.

Poor Jeston Williams, or... Death was actually quite lucky for him.

Beach umbrella companies will not go against Colombian officials for a failed top hitman, and at most maximize the value of the other party and share the benefits equally with the officials.

"Speaking of which, my friend, how long are you and that beautiful Miss Carters going to have a wedding?"

Cannot closed the door, and the air in this plot is now much higher than anywhere else.

If you are not careful and let the other party exploit the loophole, the end can be described as miserable.

“...... You're very talkative, Cannott.

"Haha, after all, the art of discourse is very important for us businessmen." Cannot signaled for the others to relax and rest, and if nothing else, they needed to stay here for a while.

"At that time, remember to invite me, an old friend, to go to the venue only on my own behalf." After all, the wind evaluation of the rust hammer organization outside is not very good, it can be said that it is very bad.

Bounty hunters are all better than their reviews, I don't know how many times.

"Hmm... Those are all luxuries for me, and I will solve them for now.

"You have to plan the way forward, otherwise when everything is settled, you will lose the way forward, and some promising planning for the future is beneficial to the current state."

Cannot said as he opened the can they were carrying, they brought a lot of food, but unfortunately, they also had to face a serious problem.

There is no more drinking water.

The canned food carries some soup enough for them to last for a while, and once the materials are consumed, they can only exit the field in embarrassment, and the wear and tear of the source stone protective clothing is also very serious.

And it is impossible to make a fire, and the low temperature that spreads from the north makes people shiver.

I hope that protective clothing can withstand the cold of the night, this is the common thought of all.

Tianshuo did not respond to Cannot, he was compiling the information Cannot gave him, which went down to every village.



"Shula, you lead the squad into Connorshire secretly, connect with the head of the integration movement there, and they will be responsible for picking you up, as fast as possible." Tallulah ordered after thinking for a long time.

"Deploy the Source Stone Sensor in the direction of Lentinium upon arrival in Connorshire..."

Beehunter jumped out of the car after listening to a series of instructions and returned to her original convoy, a small group separating from the original path.

"Alas... I knew it wasn't going to be a peaceful one. Talula shook her head, a little nervous despite all her preparations.

"Father's hometown..." Tallulah leaned on the edge of her car and looked at the land, from which her father, Edward Yatrias, had fled.

"What is it that the father fled Victoria and the daughter returned to Victoria?"

A figure flashed in front of Tallula's eyes.

“...... I don't know how my sister is doing now. Tallulah looked into the distance a little distracted.

"In the blink of an eye, all these years have passed..."

Tallulah patted her face to cheer her up.

"Pull the speed to the fastest and inform Red to prepare for the pick-up..."

Victoria Calton City

"Ha~" Red leaned in the bright shop looking at the books, now that everything is over, he has a rare leisure.

"Welcome." As always, Cheng Shan, greeted "Mr. Bitter Root? "

Miss Susie is early."

"It's already noon, Mr. Kugen, would you like some snacks?"

"Do you still sell dim sum here?"

"Specially made in-house, Sister Xia Li personally cooked it." Cheng Xin whispered to the bitter root.

"Ahem... If Xia Li agrees, I think I can get a copy. Bitterroot turned and walked toward Red's seat.

“?" Cheng Shan, who looked at the bitter root who left quickly, was a little puzzled.

"Xiao~Su~Qian~" Xia Li's voice came faintly from behind Cheng Xian.

"I knew you were here." Kugen sat in the seat in front of Red.

"How? Have time to hang out here today. Red looked at the somewhat tired bitter root, and there were many people who had recently gone for treatment, whether they were infected with ore disease or ordinary people.

Coupled with the fact that he had to prepare information about Calaton City for Logos and Ceylon, he was busy for a short time.

"It's over... It is really time to ask the ship for more personnel. Bitter Root leaned back in his chair and rested with his eyes closed.

"But Red, you really hide from me deeply, you are actually the person in charge of the integration movement here."

"Blame me." Red spread his hands, expressing helplessness.

"Eh, Red." Kugen suddenly brought Redra over and asked in a low voice.

"You really have a girlfriend?"

“? When, how did I not know? "

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